CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.46.0.


File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrix.java 260
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrix.java 260
DoubleVectorData.instantiate(getDiagonalSI(), getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit().getScale(), getStorageType());
        return instantiateVector(dvd, getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public S[] getRowScalars(final int row) throws ValueRuntimeException
        S[] array = (S[]) Array.newInstance(getScalarClass(), cols());
        for (int col = 0; col < cols(); col++)
            array[col] = get(row, col);
        return array;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public S[] getColumnScalars(final int col) throws ValueRuntimeException
        S[] array = (S[]) Array.newInstance(getScalarClass(), rows());
        for (int row = 0; row < rows(); row++)
            array[row] = get(row, col);
        return array;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public S[] getDiagonalScalars() throws ValueRuntimeException
        S[] array = (S[]) Array.newInstance(getScalarClass(), rows());
        for (int row = 0; row < rows(); row++)
            array[row] = get(row, row);
        return array;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public M toSparse()
        M result;
        if (getStorageType().equals(StorageType.SPARSE))
            result = (M) this;
            result = instantiateMatrix(this.data.toSparse(), getDisplayUnit());
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public M toDense()
        M result;
        if (getStorageType().equals(StorageType.DENSE))
            result = (M) this;
            result = instantiateMatrix(this.data.toDense(), getDisplayUnit());
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final M assign(final DoubleFunction doubleFunction)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/base/AbstractDoubleScalar.java 216
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/base/AbstractFloatScalar.java 216
double d = ValueUtil.expressAsUnit(getSI(), displayUnit);
        if (withUnit)
            buf.append(" "); // Insert one space as prescribed by SI writing conventions
        return buf.toString();

     * Format this AbstractDoubleScalar in SI unit using prefixes when possible. If the value is too small or too large,
     * e-notation and the plain SI unit are used.
     * @return String; formatted value of this AbstractDoubleScalar
    public String toStringSIPrefixed()
        return toStringSIPrefixed(-24, 26);

     * Format this AbstractDoubleScalar in SI unit using prefixes when possible and within the specified size range. If the
     * value is too small or too large, e-notation and the plain SI unit are used.
     * @param smallestPower int; the smallest exponent value that will be written using an SI prefix
     * @param biggestPower int; the largest exponent value that will be written using an SI prefix
     * @return String; formatted value of this AbstractDoubleScalar
    public String toStringSIPrefixed(final int smallestPower, final int biggestPower)
        // Override this method for weights, nonlinear units and DimensionLess.
        if (!Double.isFinite(this.si))
            return toString(getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());
        // PK: I can't think of an easier way to figure out what the exponent will be; rounding of the mantissa to the available
        // width makes this hard; This feels like an expensive way.
        String check = String.format(this.si >= 0 ? "%10.8E" : "%10.7E", this.si);
        int exponent = Integer.parseInt(check.substring(check.indexOf("E") + 1));
        if (exponent < -24 || exponent < smallestPower || exponent > 24 + 2 || exponent > biggestPower)
            // Out of SI prefix range; do not scale.
            return String.format(this.si >= 0 ? "%10.4E" : "%10.3E", this.si) + " "
                    + getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit().getId();
        Integer roundedExponent = (int) Math.ceil((exponent - 2.0) / 3) * 3;
        // System.out.print(String.format("exponent=%d; roundedExponent=%d ", exponent, roundedExponent));
        String key =
                SIPrefixes.FACTORS.get(roundedExponent).getDefaultTextualPrefix() + getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit().getId();
        U displayUnit = getDisplayUnit().getQuantity().getUnitByAbbreviation(key);
        return toString(displayUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toTextualString()
        return toTextualString(getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toTextualString(final U displayUnit)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrix.java 434
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrix.java 435
double d = ValueUtil.expressAsUnit(getSI(row, col), displayUnit);
                    buf.append(" " + Format.format(d));
                catch (ValueRuntimeException ve)
                    buf.append(" " + "********************".substring(0, Format.DEFAULTSIZE));
        if (withUnit)
        return buf.toString();

     * Check that provided row and column indices are valid.
     * @param row int; the row value to check
     * @param col int; the column value to check
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException when row or column is invalid
    protected final void checkIndex(final int row, final int col) throws ValueRuntimeException
        if (row < 0 || row >= rows() || col < 0 || col >= cols())
            throw new ValueRuntimeException("index out of range (valid range is 0.." + (rows() - 1) + ", 0.." + (cols() - 1)
                    + ", got " + row + ", " + col + ")");

     * Check that provided row index is valid.
     * @param row int; the row value to check
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException when row is invalid
    protected final void checkRowIndex(final int row) throws ValueRuntimeException
        if (row < 0 || row >= rows())
            throw new ValueRuntimeException("row index out of range (valid range is 0.." + (rows() - 1) + ", got " + row + ")");

     * Check that provided column index is valid.
     * @param col int; the column value to check
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException when row is invalid
    protected final void checkColumnIndex(final int col) throws ValueRuntimeException
        if (col < 0 || col >= cols())
            throw new ValueRuntimeException(
                    "column index out of range (valid range is 0.." + (cols() - 1) + ", got " + col + ")");

     * Check that the matrix is square.
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException when matrix is not square
    protected final void checkSquare() throws ValueRuntimeException
        Throw.when(rows() != cols(), ValueRuntimeException.class, "Matrix is not square, rows=%d, cols=%d", rows(), cols());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final double determinantSI() throws ValueRuntimeException
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/base/AbstractDoubleScalar.java 60
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/base/AbstractFloatScalar.java 60
return ValueUtil.expressAsUnit(getSI(), targetUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean lt(final S o)
        return this.getSI() < o.getSI();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean le(final S o)
        return this.getSI() <= o.getSI();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean gt(final S o)
        return this.getSI() > o.getSI();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean ge(final S o)
        return this.getSI() >= o.getSI();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean eq(final S o)
        return this.getSI() == o.getSI();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean ne(final S o)
        return this.getSI() != o.getSI();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean lt0()
        return this.getSI() < 0.0;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean le0()
        return this.getSI() <= 0.0;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean gt0()
        return this.getSI() > 0.0;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean ge0()
        return this.getSI() >= 0.0;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean eq0()
        return this.getSI() == 0.0;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final boolean ne0()
        return this.getSI() != 0.0;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final int compareTo(final S o)
        return Double.compare(this.getSI(), o.getSI());
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVector.java 168
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVector.java 166
setSI(index, ValueUtil.expressAsSIUnit(valueInUnit, valueUnit));

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void set(final int index, final S value) throws ValueRuntimeException
        setSI(index, value.si);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public S[] getScalars()
        S[] array = (S[]) Array.newInstance(getScalarClass(), size());
        for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
            array[i] = get(i);
        return array;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public V toSparse()
        V result;
        if (getStorageType().equals(StorageType.SPARSE))
            result = (V) this;
            result = instantiateVector(getData().toSparse(), getDisplayUnit());
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public V toDense()
        V result;
        if (getStorageType().equals(StorageType.DENSE))
            result = (V) this;
            result = instantiateVector(getData().toDense(), getDisplayUnit());
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final V assign(final DoubleFunction doubleFunction)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/base/Constants.java 23
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/base/FloatConstants.java 21
private Constants()
        // utility class

     * Number of constituent particles in a Mole; a.k.a. Avogadro's number. This value is exact since the 2019 redefinition of
     * the SI base units.
    public static final SIScalar AVOGADRO = SIScalar.of(6.02214076e23, "1/mol");

     * Boltzmann constant in Joule per Kelvin (this value is exact since the 2019 redefinition of SI base units). See
     * <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_constant">Wikipedia: Boltzmann constant</a>
    public static final SIScalar BOLTZMANN = SIScalar.of(1.380649e-23, "kgm2/s2K");

     * The Cesium 133 ground state hyperfine structure transition frequency. This value is exact since the 2006 redefinition of
     * the SI base units.
    public static final Frequency CESIUM133_FREQUENCY = Frequency.of(9192631770d, "1/s");

    /** Electrical charge of one electron. This value is exact since the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units. */
    public static final ElectricalCharge ELECTRONCHARGE = new ElectricalCharge(-1, ElectricalChargeUnit.ATOMIC_UNIT);

     * Mass of an electron. See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_constant">Wikipedia Physical constant</a>. This
     * value of this physical constant has an uncertainty of 2.8e-40 kg.
    public static final Mass ELECTRONMASS = Mass.of(9.1093837015e-31, "kg");

    /** ElectricalCharge of one proton. */
    public static final ElectricalCharge PROTONCHARGE = new ElectricalCharge(1, ElectricalChargeUnit.ATOMIC_UNIT);

     * Mass of a neutron. See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_physical_constants">Wikipedia List of physical
     * constants</a>. This value of this physical constant has an uncertainty of 9.5e-37 kg.
    public static final Mass NEUTRONMASS = Mass.of(1.6749274714e-27, "kg");

     * Mass of a proton. See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_constant">Wikipedia Physical constant</a>. This
     * value of this physical constant has an uncertainty of 5.1e-37.
    public static final Mass PROTONMASS = Mass.of(1.67262192369e-27, "kg");

     * Gravitational constant, a.k.a. Newtonian constant of gravitation. This is the 2018 best known approximation, which has an
     * uncertainty 1.5e-15 m^3/kgs^2
    public static final SIScalar G = SIScalar.of(6.67430e-11, "m3/kgs2");

    /** Speed of light in vacuum. This value is exact (since the 2006 redefinition of the SI base units). */
    public static final Speed LIGHTSPEED = Speed.of(299792458, "m/s");

     * Permeability of vacuum. See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_permeability">Wikipedia, Vacuum
     * permeability</a>. The uncertainty of this value is 1.9e-16N/A^2.
    public static final SIScalar VACUUMPERMEABILITY = SIScalar.of(1.25663706212e-6, "kgm/s2A2");

     * Permittivity of vacuum. See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_permittivity">Wikipedia Vacuum
     * permittivity</a>. The uncertainty of this value is 1.3e-21 F/m.
    public static final SIScalar VACUUMPERMITTIVITY = SIScalar.of(8.8541878128e-12, "s4A2/kgm3");

    /** Impedance of vacuum. */

     * Planck constant; ratio of a photon's energy and its frequency. This value is exact since the 2019 redefinition of the SI
     * base units.
    public static final SIScalar PLANCK = SIScalar.of(6.62607015e-34, "kgm2/s");

     * The luminous efficacy Kcd of monochromatic radiation of frequency 540×10^12 Hz (540 THz). This is the frequency of a
     * green-colored light at approximately the peak sensitivity of the human eye. This value is exact since the 2006
     * redefinition of the SI base units.
    public static final SIScalar LUMINOUS_EFFICACY_540THZ = SIScalar.of(683d, "cdsrs3/kg");

    /** Ratio of circumference of circle and its radius. */
    public static final Dimensionless TAU = new Dimensionless(Math.PI * 2, DimensionlessUnit.SI);

    /** Reduced Planck constant, a.k.a. angular Planck constant; Planck constant divided by 2 pi. */
    public static final SIScalar PLANKREDUCED = PLANCK.divide(TAU);

File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVector.java 375
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVector.java 366
AbstractDoubleVector<?, ?, ?> other = (AbstractDoubleVector<?, ?, ?>) obj;
        if (!getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit().equals(other.getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit()))
            return false;
        if (this.data == null)
            if (other.data != null)
                return false;
        else if (!this.data.equals(other.data))
            return false;
        return true;

    /* ============================================================================================ */
    /* =============================== ITERATOR METHODS AND CLASS ================================= */
    /* ============================================================================================ */

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Iterator<S> iterator()
        return new Itr();

     * The iterator class is loosely based in AbstractList.Itr. It does not throw a ConcurrentModificationException, because the
     * size of the vector does not change. Normal (non-mutable) vectors cannot change their size, nor their content. The only
     * thing for the MutableVector that can change is its content, not its length.
    protected class Itr implements Iterator<S>, Serializable
        /** ... */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 20191018L;

        /** index of next element to return. */
        private int cursor = 0;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public boolean hasNext()
            return this.cursor != size();

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public S next()
            if (this.cursor >= size())
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
                int i = this.cursor;
                S next = get(i);
                this.cursor = i + 1;
                return next;
            catch (ValueRuntimeException exception)
                throw new RuntimeException(exception);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void remove()
            throw new RuntimeException("Remove function cannot be applied on fixed-size DJUNITS Vector");

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public String toString()
            return "Itr [cursor=" + this.cursor + "]";


File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/base/AbstractDoubleScalarRel.java 39
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/base/AbstractFloatScalarRel.java 39
public AbstractDoubleScalarRel(final R value)
        super(value.getDisplayUnit(), value.getSI());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final R plus(final R increment)
        if (getDisplayUnit().isBaseSIUnit())
            return instantiateRel(this.getSI() + increment.getSI(), getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());
        return getDisplayUnit().equals(increment.getDisplayUnit())
                ? instantiateRel(getInUnit() + increment.getInUnit(), getDisplayUnit())
                : instantiateRel(this.getSI() + increment.getSI(), getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final R minus(final R decrement)
        if (getDisplayUnit().isBaseSIUnit())
            return instantiateRel(this.getSI() - decrement.getSI(), getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());
        return getDisplayUnit().equals(decrement.getDisplayUnit())
                ? instantiateRel(getInUnit() - decrement.getInUnit(), getDisplayUnit())
                : instantiateRel(this.getSI() - decrement.getSI(), getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());

     * Multiply this scalar by another scalar and create a new scalar.
     * @param otherScalar AbstractDoubleScalarRel&lt;?, ?&gt;; the value by which this scalar is multiplied
     * @return DoubleScalar&lt;?&gt;; a new scalar instance with correct SI dimensions
    public SIScalar times(final AbstractDoubleScalarRel<?, ?> otherScalar)
File Line
org/djunits/unit/Unit.java 193
org/djunits/unit/Unit.java 348
String cloneDefaultTextualAbbreviation = siPrefix.getDefaultTextualPrefix() + clone.getDefaultTextualAbbreviation();

            // Make a builder and set values
            Builder<U> builder = makeBuilder();
            builder.setSiPrefixes(SIPrefixes.NONE, 1.0);
            builder.setAdditionalAbbreviations(cloneAbbreviations.toArray(new String[cloneAbbreviations.size()]));
            if (getScale() instanceof OffsetLinearScale)
                builder.setScale(new OffsetLinearScale(
                        (siPrefixPower == 1.0 ? siPrefix.getFactor() : Math.pow(siPrefix.getFactor(), siPrefixPower))
                                * ((LinearScale) getScale()).getConversionFactorToStandardUnit(),
                builder.setScale(new LinearScale(
                        (siPrefixPower == 1.0 ? siPrefix.getFactor() : Math.pow(siPrefix.getFactor(), siPrefixPower))
                                * ((LinearScale) getScale()).getConversionFactorToStandardUnit()));
            builder.setUnitSystem(this.unitSystem); // SI_BASE stays SI_BASE with prefix

            return clone.build(builder);
        catch (CloneNotSupportedException exception)
            throw new UnitRuntimeException(exception);

     * Create a scaled version of this unit with the same unit system but another SI prefix and scale. This method is used for a
     * unit that is explicitly scaled with an SI prefix.
     * @param siPrefix SIPrefix; the prefix for which to scale the unit
     * @param siPrefixPower double; the power factor of the SI prefixes, e.g. 2.0 for square meters and 3.0 for cubic meters.
     * @return a scaled instance of this unit
     * @throws UnitRuntimeException when cloning fails
    public U deriveSI(final SIPrefix siPrefix, final double siPrefixPower)
File Line
org/djunits/unit/Unit.java 193
org/djunits/unit/Unit.java 281
org/djunits/unit/Unit.java 348
String cloneDefaultTextualAbbreviation = siPrefix.getDefaultTextualPrefix() + clone.getDefaultTextualAbbreviation();

            // Make a builder and set values
            Builder<U> builder = makeBuilder();
            builder.setSiPrefixes(SIPrefixes.NONE, 1.0);
            builder.setAdditionalAbbreviations(cloneAbbreviations.toArray(new String[cloneAbbreviations.size()]));
            if (getScale() instanceof OffsetLinearScale)
                builder.setScale(new OffsetLinearScale(
                        (siPrefixPower == 1.0 ? siPrefix.getFactor() : Math.pow(siPrefix.getFactor(), siPrefixPower))
                                * ((LinearScale) getScale()).getConversionFactorToStandardUnit(),
                builder.setScale(new LinearScale(
                        (siPrefixPower == 1.0 ? siPrefix.getFactor() : Math.pow(siPrefix.getFactor(), siPrefixPower))
                                * ((LinearScale) getScale()).getConversionFactorToStandardUnit()));
            builder.setUnitSystem(this.unitSystem); // SI_BASE stays SI_BASE with prefix

            return clone.build(builder);
        catch (CloneNotSupportedException exception)
            throw new UnitRuntimeException(exception);

     * Create a scaled version of this unit with the same unit system but another SI prefix and scale. This method is used for a
     * unit that is explicitly scaled with an SI prefix.
     * @param siPrefix SIPrefix; the prefix for which to scale the unit
     * @param siPrefixPower double; the power factor of the SI prefixes, e.g. 2.0 for square meters and 3.0 for cubic meters.
     * @return a scaled instance of this unit
     * @throws UnitRuntimeException when cloning fails
    public U deriveSI(final SIPrefix siPrefix, final double siPrefixPower)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrix.java 385
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrix.java 386
return assign(DoubleMathFunctions.RINT);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString()
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit)
        return toString(displayUnit, false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), verbose, withUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (verbose)
            String ab = this instanceof Absolute ? "Abs " : "Rel ";
            String ds = this.data.isDense() ? "Dense  " : this.data.isSparse() ? "Sparse " : "?????? ";
            if (isMutable())
                buf.append("Mutable   " + ab + ds);
                buf.append("Immutable " + ab + ds);
        for (int row = 0; row < rows(); row++)
            for (int col = 0; col < cols(); col++)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrix.java 188
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrix.java 188
values[i][j] = ValueUtil.expressAsUnit(values[i][j], targetUnit);
        return values;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int rows()
        return this.data.rows();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int cols()
        return this.data.cols();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public S[][] getScalars()
        S[][] array = (S[][]) Array.newInstance(getScalarClass(), rows(), cols());
        for (int i = 0; i < rows(); i++)
            S[] row = (S[]) Array.newInstance(getScalarClass(), cols());
            array[i] = row;
            for (int j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
                row[j] = get(i, j);
        return array;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public S get(final int row, final int column) throws ValueRuntimeException
        checkIndex(row, column);
        return DoubleScalar.instantiateSI(getSI(row, column), getDisplayUnit());
File Line
org/djunits/generator/GenerateDJUNIT.java 457
org/djunits/generator/GenerateDJUNIT.java 639
private static String formulasVector(final String java, final String errorType, final String prefix)
        String ret = java;
        while (ret.contains("%FORMULAS%"))
            int pos = ret.indexOf("%FORMULAS%");
            ret = ret.replaceFirst("%FORMULAS%", "");
            int end = ret.indexOf("%", pos);
            if (end == -1)
                System.err.println("Closing % not found for %FORMULAS% in file for type " + errorType);
                return ret;
            String type = ret.substring(pos, end);
            if (!formulas.containsKey(type))
                System.err.println("Formulas in FORMULAS.txt does not contain entry for type " + errorType);
                return ret.substring(0, pos - 1) + ret.substring(pos + type.length() + 2, ret.length() - 1);
            String fStr = "";
            ret = ret.substring(0, pos - 1) + fStr + ret.substring(pos + type.length() + 1, ret.length() - 1);
        return ret;

    /********************************************* DOUBLEVECTOR *****************************************************/

     * Generate all Abs + Rel classes in value.vdouble.vector.
     * @throws IOException on I/O error
     * @throws URISyntaxException when file could not be found on the file system
    private static void generateDoubleVectorAbsRel() throws IOException, URISyntaxException
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVector.java 277
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVector.java 268
return assign(DoubleMathFunctions.RINT);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString()
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit)
        return toString(displayUnit, false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), verbose, withUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (verbose)
            String ar = this instanceof Absolute ? "Abs " : "Rel ";
            String ds = getData().isDense() ? "Dense  " : getData().isSparse() ? "Sparse " : "?????? ";
            if (isMutable())
                buf.append("Mutable   " + ar + ds);
                buf.append("Immutable " + ar + ds);
        for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/base/AbstractDoubleScalarAbs.java 43
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/base/AbstractFloatScalarAbs.java 43
public AbstractDoubleScalarAbs(final A value)
        super(value.getDisplayUnit(), value.getSI());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final A plus(final R increment)
        AU targetUnit = getDisplayUnit();
        return instantiateAbs(getInUnit() + increment.getInUnit(targetUnit.getRelativeUnit()), targetUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final A minus(final R decrement)
        AU targetUnit = getDisplayUnit();
        return instantiateAbs(getInUnit() - decrement.getInUnit(targetUnit.getRelativeUnit()), targetUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final R minus(final A decrement)
        RU targetUnit = getDisplayUnit().getRelativeUnit();
        return instantiateRel(getInUnit() - decrement.getInUnit(getDisplayUnit()), targetUnit);

    /********************************** MATH METHODS **********************************/

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public A abs()
        return instantiateAbs(Math.abs(getInUnit()), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public A ceil()
        return instantiateAbs(Math.ceil(getInUnit()), getDisplayUnit());
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/Mass.java 223
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/FloatMass.java 234
if (!Double.isFinite(this.si))
            return toString(getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());
        // PK: I can't think of an easier way to figure out what the exponent will be; rounding of the mantissa to the available
        // width makes this hard; This feels like an expensive way.
        String check = String.format(this.si >= 0 ? "%10.8E" : "%10.7E", this.si);
        int exponent = Integer.parseInt(check.substring(check.indexOf("E") + 1));
        if (exponent < -27 || exponent < smallestPower || exponent > 21 + 2 || exponent > biggestPower)
            // Out of SI prefix range; do not scale.
            return String.format(this.si >= 0 ? "%10.4E" : "%10.3E", this.si) + " "
                    + getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit().getId();
        Integer roundedExponent = (int) Math.ceil((exponent - 2.0) / 3) * 3 + 3;
        // System.out.print(String.format("exponent=%d; roundedExponent=%d ", exponent, roundedExponent));
        String key = SIPrefixes.FACTORS.get(roundedExponent).getDefaultTextualPrefix() + "g";
        MassUnit displayUnit = getDisplayUnit().getQuantity().getUnitByAbbreviation(key);
        return toString(displayUnit);

     * Calculate the division of Mass and Mass, which results in a Dimensionless scalar.
     * @param v Mass; scalar
     * @return Dimensionless; scalar as a division of Mass and Mass
    public final Dimensionless divide(final Mass v)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrix.java 532
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrix.java 533
matAij[r] = new double[matAij.length];
                int c = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < mat.length; j++)
                    if (j != col)
                        matAij[r][c++] = mat[row][j];
            det += sgn * aij * det(matAij);
        return det;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int hashCode()
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit().hashCode();
        result = prime * result + ((this.data == null) ? 0 : this.data.hashCode());
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:designforextension", "checkstyle:needbraces"})
    public boolean equals(final Object obj)
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVector.java 346
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVector.java 337
protected final void checkSize(final DoubleVectorInterface<?, ?, ?> other) throws ValueRuntimeException
        Throw.whenNull(other, "Other vector is null");
        Throw.when(size() != other.size(), ValueRuntimeException.class, "The vectors have different sizes: %d != %d", size(),

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int hashCode()
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit().hashCode();
        result = prime * result + ((this.data == null) ? 0 : this.data.hashCode());
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:designforextension", "checkstyle:needbraces"})
    public boolean equals(final Object obj)
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/Energy.java 225
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/Torque.java 223
public final Dimensionless divide(final Energy v)
        return new Dimensionless(this.si / v.si, DimensionlessUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of Energy and Force, which results in a Length scalar.
     * @param v Energy; scalar
     * @return Length; scalar as a division of Energy and Force
    public final Length divide(final Force v)
        return new Length(this.si / v.si, LengthUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of Energy and Length, which results in a Force scalar.
     * @param v Energy; scalar
     * @return Force; scalar as a division of Energy and Length
    public final Force divide(final Length v)
        return new Force(this.si / v.si, ForceUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the multiplication of Energy and LinearDensity, which results in a Force scalar.
     * @param v Energy; scalar
     * @return Force; scalar as a multiplication of Energy and LinearDensity
    public final Force times(final LinearDensity v)
        return new Force(this.si * v.si, ForceUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of Energy and Duration, which results in a Power scalar.
     * @param v Energy; scalar
     * @return Power; scalar as a division of Energy and Duration
    public final Power divide(final Duration v)
        return new Power(this.si / v.si, PowerUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of Energy and Power, which results in a Duration scalar.
     * @param v Energy; scalar
     * @return Duration; scalar as a division of Energy and Power
    public final Duration divide(final Power v)
        return new Duration(this.si / v.si, DurationUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of Energy and Volume, which results in a Pressure scalar.
     * @param v Energy; scalar
     * @return Pressure; scalar as a division of Energy and Volume
    public final Pressure divide(final Volume v)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/FloatEnergy.java 236
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/FloatTorque.java 234
public final FloatDimensionless divide(final FloatEnergy v)
        return new FloatDimensionless(this.si / v.si, DimensionlessUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of FloatEnergy and FloatForce, which results in a FloatLength scalar.
     * @param v FloatEnergy; scalar
     * @return FloatLength; scalar as a division of FloatEnergy and FloatForce
    public final FloatLength divide(final FloatForce v)
        return new FloatLength(this.si / v.si, LengthUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of FloatEnergy and FloatLength, which results in a FloatForce scalar.
     * @param v FloatEnergy; scalar
     * @return FloatForce; scalar as a division of FloatEnergy and FloatLength
    public final FloatForce divide(final FloatLength v)
        return new FloatForce(this.si / v.si, ForceUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the multiplication of FloatEnergy and FloatLinearDensity, which results in a FloatForce scalar.
     * @param v FloatEnergy; scalar
     * @return FloatForce; scalar as a multiplication of FloatEnergy and FloatLinearDensity
    public final FloatForce times(final FloatLinearDensity v)
        return new FloatForce(this.si * v.si, ForceUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of FloatEnergy and FloatDuration, which results in a FloatPower scalar.
     * @param v FloatEnergy; scalar
     * @return FloatPower; scalar as a division of FloatEnergy and FloatDuration
    public final FloatPower divide(final FloatDuration v)
        return new FloatPower(this.si / v.si, PowerUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of FloatEnergy and FloatPower, which results in a FloatDuration scalar.
     * @param v FloatEnergy; scalar
     * @return FloatDuration; scalar as a division of FloatEnergy and FloatPower
    public final FloatDuration divide(final FloatPower v)
        return new FloatDuration(this.si / v.si, DurationUnit.SI);

     * Calculate the division of FloatEnergy and FloatVolume, which results in a FloatPressure scalar.
     * @param v FloatEnergy; scalar
     * @return FloatPressure; scalar as a division of FloatEnergy and FloatVolume
    public final FloatPressure divide(final FloatVolume v)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVectorAbs.java 47
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVectorAbs.java 47
protected AbstractDoubleVectorAbs(final DoubleVectorData data, final AU unit)
        super(data.copy(), unit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public AV plus(final RV increment) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateVector(this.getData().plus(increment.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public AV minus(final RV decrement) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateVector(this.getData().minus(decrement.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public RV minus(final AV decrement) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateVectorRel(this.getData().minus(decrement.getData()), decrement.getDisplayUnit().getRelativeUnit());

     * Decrement all values of this vector by the decrement. This only works if this vector is mutable.
     * @param decrement R; the scalar by which to decrement all values
     * @return AV; this modified vector
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException in case this vector is immutable
    public AV decrementBy(final R decrement)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/data/DoubleMatrixData.java 278
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/data/FloatMatrixData.java 286
protected static <U extends Unit<U>, S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U, S>> S[][] checkRectangularAndNonNull(
            final S[][] values) throws ValueRuntimeException
        Throw.when(null == values, NullPointerException.class, "Cannot create a matrix from a null Scalar[][]");
        for (int row = 0; row < values.length; row++)
            Throw.when(null == values[row], ValueRuntimeException.class,
                    "Cannot create a matrix from Scalar[][] containing null row(s)");
            Throw.when(values[row].length != values[0].length, ValueRuntimeException.class,
                    "Cannot create a matrix from a jagged Scalar[][]");
            for (int col = 0; col < values[row].length; col++)
                Throw.whenNull(values[row][col], "Cannot create a matrix from Scalar[][] containing null(s)");
        return values;

     * Check the sizes of this data object and the other data object.
     * @param other DoubleMatrixData; the other data object
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException if matrices have different lengths
    protected void checkSizes(final DoubleMatrixData other) throws ValueRuntimeException
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrixRel.java 41
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrixRel.java 41
protected AbstractDoubleMatrixRel(final DoubleMatrixData data, final U unit)
        super(data.copy(), unit);

     * Compute the sum of all SI values of this matrix.
     * @return S; the sum of all SI values of this matrix with the same display unit as this matrix
    public final S zSum()
        return instantiateScalarSI(this.data.zSum(), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final RM plus(final RM rel) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateMatrix(this.getData().plus(rel.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final RM minus(final RM rel) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateMatrix(this.getData().minus(rel.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

     * Increment all values of this matrix by the increment. This only works if this matrix is mutable.
     * @param increment S; the scalar by which to increment all values
     * @return RM; this modified matrix
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException in case this matrix is immutable
    public RM incrementBy(final S increment)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVectorRel.java 37
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVectorRel.java 36
protected AbstractDoubleVectorRel(final DoubleVectorData data, final U unit)
        super(data.copy(), unit);

     * Compute the sum of all SI values of this vector.
     * @return S; the sum of all SI values of this vector with the same display unit as this vector
    public final S zSum()
        return instantiateScalarSI(getData().zSum(), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final RV plus(final RV rel) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateVector(this.getData().plus(rel.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final RV minus(final RV rel) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateVector(this.getData().minus(rel.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

     * Increment all values of this vector by the increment. This only works if the vector is mutable.
     * @param increment S; the scalar by which to increment all values
     * @return RV; this modified vector
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException in case this vector is immutable
    public RV incrementBy(final S increment)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/base/AbstractDoubleScalar.java 172
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/base/AbstractFloatScalar.java 172
return (float) this.getSI();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public double doubleValue()
        return this.getSI();

    /********************************* GENERIC METHODS ********************************/

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString()
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit)
        return toString(displayUnit, false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), verbose, withUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (verbose)
            buf.append(this instanceof Absolute ? "Abs " : "Rel ");
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrixAbs.java 54
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrixAbs.java 54
protected AbstractDoubleMatrixAbs(final DoubleMatrixData data, final AU unit)
        super(data.copy(), unit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public AM plus(final RM increment) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateMatrix(this.getData().plus(increment.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public AM minus(final RM decrement) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateMatrix(this.getData().minus(decrement.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public RM minus(final AM decrement) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateMatrixRel(this.getData().minus(decrement.getData()), decrement.getDisplayUnit().getRelativeUnit());
File Line
org/djunits/value/base/Matrix.java 185
org/djunits/value/base/Matrix.java 223
interface RelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU, RU>, A extends Scalar<AU, A>,
            AV extends Vector.Abs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>, AM extends Matrix.Abs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>,
            RU extends Unit<RU>, R extends Scalar<RU, R>, RV extends Vector.RelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>,
            RM extends Matrix.RelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>> extends Rel<RU, R, RV, RM>
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrixAbs.java 33
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrixRelWithAbs.java 30
public abstract class AbstractDoubleMatrixAbs<
        AU  extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU, RU>, 
        A   extends AbstractDoubleScalarAbs<AU, A, RU, R>,
        AV  extends AbstractDoubleVectorAbs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>,
        AM  extends AbstractDoubleMatrixAbs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>, 
        RU  extends Unit<RU>,
        R   extends AbstractDoubleScalarRelWithAbs<AU, A, RU, R>,
        RV  extends AbstractDoubleVectorRelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>,
        RM  extends AbstractDoubleMatrixRelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>>
        extends AbstractDoubleMatrix<AU, A, AV, AM>
File Line
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrixAbs.java 33
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrixRelWithAbs.java 30
public abstract class AbstractFloatMatrixAbs<
        AU  extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU, RU>, 
        A   extends AbstractFloatScalarAbs<AU, A, RU, R>,
        AV  extends AbstractFloatVectorAbs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>,
        AM  extends AbstractFloatMatrixAbs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>, 
        RU  extends Unit<RU>,
        R   extends AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs<AU, A, RU, R>,
        RV  extends AbstractFloatVectorRelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>,
        RM  extends AbstractFloatMatrixRelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>>
        extends AbstractFloatMatrix<AU, A, AV, AM>
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/data/DoubleMatrixDataSparse.java 293
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/data/DoubleMatrixDataSparse.java 342
                if (value != 0d)
                    if (nonZeroValues >= currentSize)
                        // increase size of arrays
                        currentSize *= 2;
                        if (currentSize > rows() * cols())
                            currentSize = rows() * cols();
                        long[] newNewIndices = new long[currentSize];
                        System.arraycopy(newIndices, 0, newNewIndices, 0, newIndices.length);
                        newIndices = newNewIndices;
                        double[] newNewValues = new double[currentSize];
                        System.arraycopy(newValues, 0, newNewValues, 0, newValues.length);
                        newValues = newNewValues;
                    newIndices[nonZeroValues] = index;
                    newValues[nonZeroValues] = value;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/data/FloatMatrixDataSparse.java 284
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/data/FloatMatrixDataSparse.java 333
                if (value != 0f)
                    if (nonZeroValues >= currentSize)
                        // increase size of arrays
                        currentSize *= 2;
                        if (currentSize > rows() * cols())
                            currentSize = rows() * cols();
                        long[] newNewIndices = new long[currentSize];
                        System.arraycopy(newIndices, 0, newNewIndices, 0, newIndices.length);
                        newIndices = newNewIndices;
                        float[] newNewValues = new float[currentSize];
                        System.arraycopy(newValues, 0, newNewValues, 0, newValues.length);
                        newValues = newNewValues;
                    newIndices[nonZeroValues] = index;
                    newValues[nonZeroValues] = value;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/SIMatrix.java 149
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/SIVector.java 226
return new SIMatrix(dmd, unit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public SIVector instantiateVector(final DoubleVectorData dvd, final SIUnit unit)
        return new SIVector(dvd, unit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public SIScalar instantiateScalarSI(final double valueSI, final SIUnit unit)
        return new SIScalar(valueSI, unit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final SIUnit displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return super.toString(displayUnit, verbose, withUnit).replaceAll("!", "");

    /******************************** 'CAST AS' METHODS *******************************/

     * Return the current matrix transformed to a matrix in the given unit. Of course the SI dimensionality has to match,
     * otherwise the matrix cannot be transformed. The compiler will check the alignment between the return value and the unit.
     * @param displayUnit KU; the unit in which the matrix needs to be expressed
     * @return M; the matrix that has been transformed into the right matrix type and unit
     * @param <U> the unit type
     * @param <S> the scalar type
     * @param <V> the vector type
     * @param <M> the matrix type
    public final <U extends Unit<U>, S extends AbstractDoubleScalarRel<U, S>, V extends AbstractDoubleVectorRel<U, S, V>,
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/data/DoubleVectorDataSparse.java 314
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/data/FloatVectorDataSparse.java 315
double[] vectorSINew = new double[this.vectorSI.length - 1];
                System.arraycopy(this.indices, 0, indicesNew, 0, internalIndex);
                System.arraycopy(this.vectorSI, 0, vectorSINew, 0, internalIndex);
                System.arraycopy(this.indices, internalIndex + 1, indicesNew, internalIndex,
                        this.indices.length - internalIndex - 1);
                System.arraycopy(this.vectorSI, internalIndex + 1, vectorSINew, internalIndex,
                        this.indices.length - internalIndex - 1);
                this.indices = indicesNew;
                this.vectorSI = vectorSINew;
                this.vectorSI[internalIndex] = valueSI;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/FloatSIMatrix.java 149
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/FloatSIVector.java 226
return new FloatSIMatrix(fmd, unit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FloatSIVector instantiateVector(final FloatVectorData fvd, final SIUnit unit)
        return new FloatSIVector(fvd, unit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FloatSIScalar instantiateScalarSI(final float valueSI, final SIUnit unit)
        return new FloatSIScalar(valueSI, unit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final SIUnit displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return super.toString(displayUnit, verbose, withUnit).replaceAll("!", "");

    /******************************** 'CAST AS' METHODS *******************************/

     * Return the current matrix transformed to a matrix in the given unit. Of course the SI dimensionality has to match,
     * otherwise the matrix cannot be transformed. The compiler will check the alignment between the return value and the unit.
     * @param displayUnit KU; the unit in which the matrix needs to be expressed
     * @return M; the matrix that has been transformed into the right matrix type and unit
     * @param <U> the unit type
     * @param <S> the scalar type
     * @param <V> the vector type
     * @param <M> the matrix type
    public final <U extends Unit<U>, S extends AbstractFloatScalarRel<U, S>, V extends AbstractFloatVectorRel<U, S, V>,
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/data/DoubleMatrixDataSparse.java 432
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/data/FloatMatrixDataSparse.java 423
double[] matrixSINew = new double[this.matrixSI.length + 1];
        System.arraycopy(this.indices, 0, indicesNew, 0, internalIndex);
        System.arraycopy(this.matrixSI, 0, matrixSINew, 0, internalIndex);
        System.arraycopy(this.indices, internalIndex, indicesNew, internalIndex + 1, this.indices.length - internalIndex);
        System.arraycopy(this.matrixSI, internalIndex, matrixSINew, internalIndex + 1, this.indices.length - internalIndex);
        indicesNew[internalIndex] = index;
        matrixSINew[internalIndex] = valueSI;
        this.indices = indicesNew;
        this.matrixSI = matrixSINew;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final double[][] getDenseMatrixSI()
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/data/DoubleVectorDataSparse.java 334
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/data/FloatVectorDataSparse.java 338
double[] vectorSINew = new double[this.vectorSI.length + 1];
        System.arraycopy(this.indices, 0, indicesNew, 0, internalIndex);
        System.arraycopy(this.vectorSI, 0, vectorSINew, 0, internalIndex);
        // System.out.println("arraycopy1 current size is " + this.indices.length + " srcPos=" + internalIndex +
        // ", new size is "
        // + indicesNew.length + " dstPos=" + (internalIndex + 1) + " length=" + (this.indices.length - internalIndex));
        System.arraycopy(this.indices, internalIndex, indicesNew, internalIndex + 1, this.indices.length - internalIndex);
        System.arraycopy(this.vectorSI, internalIndex, vectorSINew, internalIndex + 1, this.indices.length - internalIndex);
        // System.arraycopy(this.indices, internalIndex, indicesNew, internalIndex - 1, this.indices.length - internalIndex);
        // System.arraycopy(this.vectorSI, internalIndex, vectorSINew, internalIndex - 1, this.indices.length - internalIndex);
        indicesNew[internalIndex] = index;
        vectorSINew[internalIndex] = valueSI;
        this.indices = indicesNew;
        this.vectorSI = vectorSINew;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final double[] getDenseVectorSI()
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/data/DoubleMatrixDataSparse.java 191
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/data/DoubleMatrixDataSparse.java 295
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/data/DoubleMatrixDataSparse.java 344
if (value != 0d)
                if (nonZeroValues >= currentSize)
                    // increase size of arrays
                    currentSize *= 2;
                    if (currentSize > rows() * cols())
                        currentSize = rows() * cols();
                    long[] newNewIndices = new long[currentSize];
                    System.arraycopy(newIndices, 0, newNewIndices, 0, newIndices.length);
                    newIndices = newNewIndices;
                    double[] newNewValues = new double[currentSize];
                    System.arraycopy(newValues, 0, newNewValues, 0, newValues.length);
                    newValues = newNewValues;
                newIndices[nonZeroValues] = index;
                newValues[nonZeroValues] = value;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/data/FloatMatrixDataSparse.java 191
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/data/FloatMatrixDataSparse.java 286
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/data/FloatMatrixDataSparse.java 335
if (value != 0f)
                if (nonZeroValues >= currentSize)
                    // increase size of arrays
                    currentSize *= 2;
                    if (currentSize > rows() * cols())
                        currentSize = rows() * cols();
                    long[] newNewIndices = new long[currentSize];
                    System.arraycopy(newIndices, 0, newNewIndices, 0, newIndices.length);
                    newIndices = newNewIndices;
                    float[] newNewValues = new float[currentSize];
                    System.arraycopy(newValues, 0, newNewValues, 0, newValues.length);
                    newValues = newNewValues;
                newIndices[nonZeroValues] = index;
                newValues[nonZeroValues] = value;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrix.java 383
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVector.java 275
public final M rint()
        return assign(DoubleMathFunctions.RINT);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString()
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit)
        return toString(displayUnit, false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), verbose, withUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (verbose)
            String ab = this instanceof Absolute ? "Abs " : "Rel ";
File Line
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrix.java 384
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVector.java 266
public final M rint()
        return assign(FloatMathFunctions.RINT);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString()
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit)
        return toString(displayUnit, false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), verbose, withUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (verbose)
            String ab = this instanceof Absolute ? "Abs " : "Rel ";
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrix.java 546
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVector.java 351
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrix.java 547
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVector.java 342

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int hashCode()
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit().hashCode();
        result = prime * result + ((this.data == null) ? 0 : this.data.hashCode());
        return result;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:designforextension", "checkstyle:needbraces"})
    public boolean equals(final Object obj)
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/data/DoubleVectorDataSparse.java 180
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/data/DoubleVectorDataSparse.java 229
                if (value != 0d)
                    if (nonZeroValues >= currentSize)
                        // increase size of arrays
                        currentSize *= 2;
                        if (currentSize > size())
                            currentSize = size();
                        int[] newNewIndices = new int[currentSize];
                        System.arraycopy(newIndices, 0, newNewIndices, 0, newIndices.length);
                        newIndices = newNewIndices;
                        double[] newNewValues = new double[currentSize];
                        System.arraycopy(newValues, 0, newNewValues, 0, newValues.length);
                        newValues = newNewValues;
                    newIndices[nonZeroValues] = index;
                    newValues[nonZeroValues] = value;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/data/FloatVectorDataSparse.java 181
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/data/FloatVectorDataSparse.java 230
                if (value != 0f)
                    if (nonZeroValues >= currentSize)
                        // increase size of arrays
                        currentSize *= 2;
                        if (currentSize > size())
                            currentSize = size();
                        int[] newNewIndices = new int[currentSize];
                        System.arraycopy(newIndices, 0, newNewIndices, 0, newIndices.length);
                        newIndices = newNewIndices;
                        float[] newNewValues = new float[currentSize];
                        System.arraycopy(newValues, 0, newNewValues, 0, newValues.length);
                        newValues = newNewValues;
                    newIndices[nonZeroValues] = index;
                    newValues[nonZeroValues] = value;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/data/DoubleVectorDataSparse.java 78
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/data/DoubleVectorDataSparse.java 182
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/data/DoubleVectorDataSparse.java 231
if (value != 0d)
                if (nonZeroValues >= currentSize)
                    // increase size of arrays
                    currentSize *= 2;
                    if (currentSize > size())
                        currentSize = size();
                    int[] newNewIndices = new int[currentSize];
                    System.arraycopy(newIndices, 0, newNewIndices, 0, newIndices.length);
                    newIndices = newNewIndices;
                    double[] newNewValues = new double[currentSize];
                    System.arraycopy(newValues, 0, newNewValues, 0, newValues.length);
                    newValues = newNewValues;
                newIndices[nonZeroValues] = index;
                newValues[nonZeroValues] = value;
File Line
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/data/FloatVectorDataSparse.java 79
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/data/FloatVectorDataSparse.java 183
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/data/FloatVectorDataSparse.java 232
if (value != 0f)
                if (nonZeroValues >= currentSize)
                    // increase size of arrays
                    currentSize *= 2;
                    if (currentSize > size())
                        currentSize = size();
                    int[] newNewIndices = new int[currentSize];
                    System.arraycopy(newIndices, 0, newNewIndices, 0, newIndices.length);
                    newIndices = newNewIndices;
                    float[] newNewValues = new float[currentSize];
                    System.arraycopy(newValues, 0, newNewValues, 0, newValues.length);
                    newValues = newNewValues;
                newIndices[nonZeroValues] = index;
                newValues[nonZeroValues] = value;
File Line
org/djunits/generator/GenerateStaticUNITS.java 73
org/djunits/generator/GenerateStaticUNITS.java 88
for (Field f : c.getFields())
                if (Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())
                        && Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers()) && !f.getName().equals("SI")
                        && !f.getName().equals("STANDARD_UNITS"))
                    String n = f.getName();
                    if (f.getName().contains("ELECTRONVOLT"))
                        n = cs.trim() + "_" + n;
File Line
org/djunits/generator/GenerateDJUNIT.java 826
org/djunits/generator/GenerateDJUNIT.java 863
org/djunits/generator/GenerateDJUNIT.java 904
org/djunits/generator/GenerateDJUNIT.java 941
org/djunits/generator/GenerateDJUNIT.java 982
org/djunits/generator/GenerateDJUNIT.java 1019
.readAllBytes(Paths.get(URLResource.getResource("/resources/" + relativePath + "SISCALAR_AS.java").toURI())));

        List<String> allRelTypes = new ArrayList<>(typesRel);
        for (String[] arType : typesAbsRel)

        String asMethods = "";
        for (String type : allRelTypes)
            String lc = type.toLowerCase();
            asMethods += asJava.replaceAll("%Type%", type).replaceAll("%type%", lc);

        File outPath = new File(absoluteRootPath + relativePath);
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(absoluteRootPath + relativePath + "SIScalar.java");
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrix.java 385
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVector.java 268
return assign(DoubleMathFunctions.RINT);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString()
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit)
        return toString(displayUnit, false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), verbose, withUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (verbose)
            String ab = this instanceof Absolute ? "Abs " : "Rel ";
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVector.java 277
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrix.java 386
return assign(DoubleMathFunctions.RINT);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString()
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit)
        return toString(displayUnit, false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), verbose, withUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (verbose)
            String ar = this instanceof Absolute ? "Abs " : "Rel ";
File Line
org/djunits/generator/GenerateDJUNIT.java 1055
org/djunits/generator/GenerateXSD.java 309
private static void makeAndCleanAbsolutePath() throws FileNotFoundException
        URL mainURL = URLResource.getResource("/");
        String path;
            path = mainURL.toURI().getPath();
        catch (URISyntaxException exception)
            path = mainURL.getPath();
        if (path.endsWith("/target/classes/"))
            path = path.substring(0, path.length() - "/target/classes/".length());
        path += generatedCodeRelativePath;
        if (!new File(path).exists())
            new File(path).mkdirs();
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/base/AbstractDoubleMatrix.java 385
org/djunits/value/vdouble/scalar/base/AbstractDoubleScalar.java 179
org/djunits/value/vdouble/vector/base/AbstractDoubleVector.java 277
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/base/AbstractFloatMatrix.java 386
org/djunits/value/vfloat/scalar/base/AbstractFloatScalar.java 179
org/djunits/value/vfloat/vector/base/AbstractFloatVector.java 268
return assign(DoubleMathFunctions.RINT);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString()
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit)
        return toString(displayUnit, false, true);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return toString(getDisplayUnit(), verbose, withUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString(final U displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (verbose)
File Line
org/djunits/value/vdouble/matrix/data/DoubleMatrixData.java 468
org/djunits/value/vfloat/matrix/data/FloatMatrixData.java 475
protected boolean compareDenseMatrixWithSparseMatrix(final DoubleMatrixDataDense dm, final DoubleMatrixDataSparse sm)
        for (int row = 0; row < dm.rows; row++)
            for (int col = 0; col < dm.cols; col++)
                if (dm.getSI(row, col) != sm.getSI(row, col))
                    return false;
        return true;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean equals(final Object obj)
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (!(obj instanceof DoubleMatrixData))