Package org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar
package org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar
Float Scalar storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative.
Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See DJUNITS License.
- Author:
- Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
ClassDescriptionEasy access methods for the FloatAbsoluteTemperature FloatScalar.Easy access methods for the FloatAbsorbedDose FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatAcceleration FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatAmountOfSubstance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatAngle FloatScalar.Easy access methods for the FloatAngularAcceleration FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatAngularVelocity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatArea FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatCatalyticActivity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatDensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatDimensionless FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatDirection FloatScalar.Easy access methods for the FloatDuration FloatScalar.Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalCapacitance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalCharge FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalConductance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalCurrent FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalInductance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalPotential FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalResistance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatEnergy FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatEquivalentDose FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatFlowMass FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatFlowVolume FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatForce FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatFrequency FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatIlluminance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatLength FloatScalar.Easy access methods for the FloatLinearDensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatLuminousFlux FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatLuminousIntensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatMagneticFlux FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatMagneticFluxDensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatMass FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatMomentum FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatPosition FloatScalar.Easy access methods for the FloatPower FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatPressure FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatRadioActivity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI FloatScalar.Easy access methods for the FloatSolidAngle FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatSpeed FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatTemperature FloatScalar.Easy access methods for the FloatTime FloatScalar.Easy access methods for the FloatTorque FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.Easy access methods for the FloatVolume FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.