Class FloatSIVector

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<FloatSIScalar>, Vector<SIUnit,​FloatSIScalar,​FloatSIVector>, Vector.Rel<SIUnit,​FloatSIScalar,​FloatSIVector>, ValueFunctions<SIUnit,​FloatSIVector>, IndexedValue<SIUnit,​FloatSIScalar,​FloatSIVector>, Relative<SIUnit,​FloatSIVector>, Value<SIUnit,​FloatSIVector>, FloatVectorInterface<SIUnit,​FloatSIScalar,​FloatSIVector>

public class FloatSIVector
extends AbstractFloatVectorRel<SIUnit,​FloatSIScalar,​FloatSIVector>
Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI FloatVector.

Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • instantiate

      public static FloatSIVector instantiate​(float[] values, SIUnit unit, StorageType storageType) throws ValueRuntimeException
      Construct a new Relative Float SIVector.
      values - float[]; the values of the entries in the new Relative Float SIVector
      unit - SIUnit; the unit of the new Relative Float SIVector
      storageType - StorageType; the data type to use (e.g., DENSE or SPARSE)
      SIVector; the SIVector of the given unit
      ValueRuntimeException - when values is null
    • instantiate

      public static FloatSIVector instantiate​(List<Float> values, SIUnit unit, StorageType storageType) throws ValueRuntimeException
      Construct a new Relative Float SIVector.
      values - List<Float>; the values of the entries in the new Relative Float SIVector
      unit - SIUnit; the unit of the new Relative Float SIVector
      storageType - StorageType; the data type to use (e.g., DENSE or SPARSE)
      SIVector; the SIVector of the given unit
      ValueRuntimeException - when values is null
    • instantiate

      public static FloatSIVector instantiate​(SortedMap<Integer,​Float> values, int length, SIUnit unit, StorageType storageType) throws ValueRuntimeException
      Construct a new Relative Float SIVector.
      values - SortedMap<Integer, Float>; the map of indexes to values of the Relative Sparse Float SIVector
      length - int; the size of the vector
      unit - SIUnit; the unit of the new Relative Sparse Float SIVector
      storageType - StorageType; the data type to use (e.g., DENSE or SPARSE)
      SIVector; the SIVector of the given unit
      ValueRuntimeException - when values is null
    • getScalarClass

      public Class<FloatSIScalar> getScalarClass()
      Return the class of the corresponding scalar.
      Class<S>; the class of the corresponding scalar
    • of

      public static FloatSIVector of​(float[] value, String unitString, StorageType storageType)
      Returns an SIVector based on an array of values and the textual representation of the unit.
      value - float[]; the values to use
      unitString - String; the textual representation of the unit
      storageType - StorageType; the storage type to use
      SIVector; the vector representation of the values in their unit
      IllegalArgumentException - when the unit cannot be parsed or is incorrect
      NullPointerException - when the unitString argument is null
    • of

      public static FloatSIVector of​(List<Float> valueList, String unitString, StorageType storageType)
      Returns an SIVector based on an array of values and the textual representation of the unit.
      valueList - List<Float>; the values to use
      unitString - String; the textual representation of the unit
      storageType - StorageType; the storage type to use
      SIVector; the vector representation of the values in their unit
      IllegalArgumentException - when the unit cannot be parsed or is incorrect
      NullPointerException - when the unitString argument is null
    • of

      public static FloatSIVector of​(SortedMap<Integer,​Float> valueMap, String unitString, int length, StorageType storageType)
      Returns an SIVector based on a (sparse) map of values and the textual representation of the unit.
      valueMap - SortedMap<Integer, Float>; the values to use
      unitString - String; the textual representation of the unit
      length - int; the size of the vector
      storageType - StorageType; the storage type to use
      SIVector; the vector representation of the values in their unit
      IllegalArgumentException - when the unit cannot be parsed or is incorrect
      NullPointerException - when the unitString argument is null
    • instantiateVector

      public FloatSIVector instantiateVector​(FloatVectorData fvd, SIUnit unit)
      Instantiate a new vector of the class of this vector. This can be used instead of the FloatVector.instiantiate() methods in case another vector of this class is known. The method is faster than FloatVector.instantiate, and it will also work if the vector is user-defined.
      fvd - FloatVectorData; the data used to instantiate the vector
      unit - U; the display unit of the vector
      V; a vector of the correct type
    • instantiateScalarSI

      public FloatSIScalar instantiateScalarSI​(float valueSI, SIUnit unit)
      Instantiate a new scalar for the class of this vector. This can be used instead of the FloatScalar.instiantiate() methods in case a vector of this class is known. The method is faster than FloatScalar.instantiate, and it will also work if the vector and/or scalar are user-defined.
      valueSI - float; the SI value of the scalar
      unit - U; the unit in which the value will be displayed
      S; a scalar of the correct type, belonging to the vector type
    • as

      public final <U extends Unit<U>,​ S extends AbstractFloatScalarRel<U,​ S>,​ V extends AbstractFloatVectorRel<U,​ S,​ V>> V as​(U displayUnit)
      Return the current vector transformed to a vector in the given unit. Of course the SI dimensionality has to match, otherwise the vector cannot be transformed. The compiler will check the alignment between the return value and the unit.
      Type Parameters:
      U - the unit type
      S - the scalar type
      V - the vector type
      displayUnit - KU; the unit in which the vector needs to be expressed
      V; the vector that has been transformed into the right vector type and unit
    • asAbsorbedDose

      public final FloatAbsorbedDoseVector asAbsorbedDose()
      Return the current vector as a absorbeddose vector.
      FloatAbsorbedDoseVector; the current vector as a absorbeddose vector
    • asAbsorbedDose

      public final FloatAbsorbedDoseVector asAbsorbedDose​(AbsorbedDoseUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a absorbeddose vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatAbsorbedDoseVector; the current vector as a absorbeddose vector
    • asAcceleration

      public final FloatAccelerationVector asAcceleration()
      Return the current vector as a acceleration vector.
      FloatAccelerationVector; the current vector as a acceleration vector
    • asAcceleration

      public final FloatAccelerationVector asAcceleration​(AccelerationUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a acceleration vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatAccelerationVector; the current vector as a acceleration vector
    • asAmountOfSubstance

      public final FloatAmountOfSubstanceVector asAmountOfSubstance()
      Return the current vector as a amountofsubstance vector.
      FloatAmountOfSubstanceVector; the current vector as a amountofsubstance vector
    • asAmountOfSubstance

      public final FloatAmountOfSubstanceVector asAmountOfSubstance​(AmountOfSubstanceUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a amountofsubstance vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatAmountOfSubstanceVector; the current vector as a amountofsubstance vector
    • asAngularAcceleration

      public final FloatAngularAccelerationVector asAngularAcceleration()
      Return the current vector as a angularacceleration vector.
      FloatAngularAccelerationVector; the current vector as a angularacceleration vector
    • asAngularAcceleration

      public final FloatAngularAccelerationVector asAngularAcceleration​(AngularAccelerationUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a angularacceleration vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatAngularAccelerationVector; the current vector as a angularacceleration vector
    • asAngularVelocity

      public final FloatAngularVelocityVector asAngularVelocity()
      Return the current vector as a angularvelocity vector.
      FloatAngularVelocityVector; the current vector as a angularvelocity vector
    • asAngularVelocity

      public final FloatAngularVelocityVector asAngularVelocity​(AngularVelocityUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a angularvelocity vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatAngularVelocityVector; the current vector as a angularvelocity vector
    • asArea

      public final FloatAreaVector asArea()
      Return the current vector as a area vector.
      FloatAreaVector; the current vector as a area vector
    • asArea

      public final FloatAreaVector asArea​(AreaUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a area vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatAreaVector; the current vector as a area vector
    • asCatalyticActivity

      public final FloatCatalyticActivityVector asCatalyticActivity()
      Return the current vector as a catalyticactivity vector.
      FloatCatalyticActivityVector; the current vector as a catalyticactivity vector
    • asCatalyticActivity

      public final FloatCatalyticActivityVector asCatalyticActivity​(CatalyticActivityUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a catalyticactivity vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatCatalyticActivityVector; the current vector as a catalyticactivity vector
    • asDensity

      public final FloatDensityVector asDensity()
      Return the current vector as a density vector.
      FloatDensityVector; the current vector as a density vector
    • asDensity

      public final FloatDensityVector asDensity​(DensityUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a density vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatDensityVector; the current vector as a density vector
    • asDimensionless

      public final FloatDimensionlessVector asDimensionless()
      Return the current vector as a dimensionless vector.
      FloatDimensionlessVector; the current vector as a dimensionless vector
    • asDimensionless

      public final FloatDimensionlessVector asDimensionless​(DimensionlessUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a dimensionless vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatDimensionlessVector; the current vector as a dimensionless vector
    • asElectricalCapacitance

      public final FloatElectricalCapacitanceVector asElectricalCapacitance()
      Return the current vector as a electricalcapacitance vector.
      FloatElectricalCapacitanceVector; the current vector as a electricalcapacitance vector
    • asElectricalCapacitance

      public final FloatElectricalCapacitanceVector asElectricalCapacitance​(ElectricalCapacitanceUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a electricalcapacitance vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatElectricalCapacitanceVector; the current vector as a electricalcapacitance vector
    • asElectricalCharge

      public final FloatElectricalChargeVector asElectricalCharge()
      Return the current vector as a electricalcharge vector.
      FloatElectricalChargeVector; the current vector as a electricalcharge vector
    • asElectricalCharge

      public final FloatElectricalChargeVector asElectricalCharge​(ElectricalChargeUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a electricalcharge vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatElectricalChargeVector; the current vector as a electricalcharge vector
    • asElectricalConductance

      public final FloatElectricalConductanceVector asElectricalConductance()
      Return the current vector as a electricalconductance vector.
      FloatElectricalConductanceVector; the current vector as a electricalconductance vector
    • asElectricalConductance

      public final FloatElectricalConductanceVector asElectricalConductance​(ElectricalConductanceUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a electricalconductance vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatElectricalConductanceVector; the current vector as a electricalconductance vector
    • asElectricalCurrent

      public final FloatElectricalCurrentVector asElectricalCurrent()
      Return the current vector as a electricalcurrent vector.
      FloatElectricalCurrentVector; the current vector as a electricalcurrent vector
    • asElectricalCurrent

      public final FloatElectricalCurrentVector asElectricalCurrent​(ElectricalCurrentUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a electricalcurrent vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatElectricalCurrentVector; the current vector as a electricalcurrent vector
    • asElectricalInductance

      public final FloatElectricalInductanceVector asElectricalInductance()
      Return the current vector as a electricalinductance vector.
      FloatElectricalInductanceVector; the current vector as a electricalinductance vector
    • asElectricalInductance

      public final FloatElectricalInductanceVector asElectricalInductance​(ElectricalInductanceUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a electricalinductance vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatElectricalInductanceVector; the current vector as a electricalinductance vector
    • asElectricalPotential

      public final FloatElectricalPotentialVector asElectricalPotential()
      Return the current vector as a electricalpotential vector.
      FloatElectricalPotentialVector; the current vector as a electricalpotential vector
    • asElectricalPotential

      public final FloatElectricalPotentialVector asElectricalPotential​(ElectricalPotentialUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a electricalpotential vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatElectricalPotentialVector; the current vector as a electricalpotential vector
    • asElectricalResistance

      public final FloatElectricalResistanceVector asElectricalResistance()
      Return the current vector as a electricalresistance vector.
      FloatElectricalResistanceVector; the current vector as a electricalresistance vector
    • asElectricalResistance

      public final FloatElectricalResistanceVector asElectricalResistance​(ElectricalResistanceUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a electricalresistance vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatElectricalResistanceVector; the current vector as a electricalresistance vector
    • asEnergy

      public final FloatEnergyVector asEnergy()
      Return the current vector as a energy vector.
      FloatEnergyVector; the current vector as a energy vector
    • asEnergy

      public final FloatEnergyVector asEnergy​(EnergyUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a energy vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatEnergyVector; the current vector as a energy vector
    • asEquivalentDose

      public final FloatEquivalentDoseVector asEquivalentDose()
      Return the current vector as a equivalentdose vector.
      FloatEquivalentDoseVector; the current vector as a equivalentdose vector
    • asEquivalentDose

      public final FloatEquivalentDoseVector asEquivalentDose​(EquivalentDoseUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a equivalentdose vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatEquivalentDoseVector; the current vector as a equivalentdose vector
    • asFlowMass

      public final FloatFlowMassVector asFlowMass()
      Return the current vector as a flowmass vector.
      FloatFlowMassVector; the current vector as a flowmass vector
    • asFlowMass

      public final FloatFlowMassVector asFlowMass​(FlowMassUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a flowmass vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatFlowMassVector; the current vector as a flowmass vector
    • asFlowVolume

      public final FloatFlowVolumeVector asFlowVolume()
      Return the current vector as a flowvolume vector.
      FloatFlowVolumeVector; the current vector as a flowvolume vector
    • asFlowVolume

      public final FloatFlowVolumeVector asFlowVolume​(FlowVolumeUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a flowvolume vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatFlowVolumeVector; the current vector as a flowvolume vector
    • asForce

      public final FloatForceVector asForce()
      Return the current vector as a force vector.
      FloatForceVector; the current vector as a force vector
    • asForce

      public final FloatForceVector asForce​(ForceUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a force vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatForceVector; the current vector as a force vector
    • asFrequency

      public final FloatFrequencyVector asFrequency()
      Return the current vector as a frequency vector.
      FloatFrequencyVector; the current vector as a frequency vector
    • asFrequency

      public final FloatFrequencyVector asFrequency​(FrequencyUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a frequency vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatFrequencyVector; the current vector as a frequency vector
    • asIlluminance

      public final FloatIlluminanceVector asIlluminance()
      Return the current vector as a illuminance vector.
      FloatIlluminanceVector; the current vector as a illuminance vector
    • asIlluminance

      public final FloatIlluminanceVector asIlluminance​(IlluminanceUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a illuminance vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatIlluminanceVector; the current vector as a illuminance vector
    • asLinearDensity

      public final FloatLinearDensityVector asLinearDensity()
      Return the current vector as a lineardensity vector.
      FloatLinearDensityVector; the current vector as a lineardensity vector
    • asLinearDensity

      public final FloatLinearDensityVector asLinearDensity​(LinearDensityUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a lineardensity vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatLinearDensityVector; the current vector as a lineardensity vector
    • asLuminousFlux

      public final FloatLuminousFluxVector asLuminousFlux()
      Return the current vector as a luminousflux vector.
      FloatLuminousFluxVector; the current vector as a luminousflux vector
    • asLuminousFlux

      public final FloatLuminousFluxVector asLuminousFlux​(LuminousFluxUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a luminousflux vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatLuminousFluxVector; the current vector as a luminousflux vector
    • asLuminousIntensity

      public final FloatLuminousIntensityVector asLuminousIntensity()
      Return the current vector as a luminousintensity vector.
      FloatLuminousIntensityVector; the current vector as a luminousintensity vector
    • asLuminousIntensity

      public final FloatLuminousIntensityVector asLuminousIntensity​(LuminousIntensityUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a luminousintensity vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatLuminousIntensityVector; the current vector as a luminousintensity vector
    • asMagneticFluxDensity

      public final FloatMagneticFluxDensityVector asMagneticFluxDensity()
      Return the current vector as a magneticfluxdensity vector.
      FloatMagneticFluxDensityVector; the current vector as a magneticfluxdensity vector
    • asMagneticFluxDensity

      public final FloatMagneticFluxDensityVector asMagneticFluxDensity​(MagneticFluxDensityUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a magneticfluxdensity vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatMagneticFluxDensityVector; the current vector as a magneticfluxdensity vector
    • asMagneticFlux

      public final FloatMagneticFluxVector asMagneticFlux()
      Return the current vector as a magneticflux vector.
      FloatMagneticFluxVector; the current vector as a magneticflux vector
    • asMagneticFlux

      public final FloatMagneticFluxVector asMagneticFlux​(MagneticFluxUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a magneticflux vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatMagneticFluxVector; the current vector as a magneticflux vector
    • asMass

      public final FloatMassVector asMass()
      Return the current vector as a mass vector.
      FloatMassVector; the current vector as a mass vector
    • asMass

      public final FloatMassVector asMass​(MassUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a mass vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatMassVector; the current vector as a mass vector
    • asMomentum

      public final FloatMomentumVector asMomentum()
      Return the current vector as a momentum vector.
      FloatMomentumVector; the current vector as a momentum vector
    • asMomentum

      public final FloatMomentumVector asMomentum​(MomentumUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a momentum vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatMomentumVector; the current vector as a momentum vector
    • asPower

      public final FloatPowerVector asPower()
      Return the current vector as a power vector.
      FloatPowerVector; the current vector as a power vector
    • asPower

      public final FloatPowerVector asPower​(PowerUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a power vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatPowerVector; the current vector as a power vector
    • asPressure

      public final FloatPressureVector asPressure()
      Return the current vector as a pressure vector.
      FloatPressureVector; the current vector as a pressure vector
    • asPressure

      public final FloatPressureVector asPressure​(PressureUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a pressure vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatPressureVector; the current vector as a pressure vector
    • asRadioActivity

      public final FloatRadioActivityVector asRadioActivity()
      Return the current vector as a radioactivity vector.
      FloatRadioActivityVector; the current vector as a radioactivity vector
    • asRadioActivity

      public final FloatRadioActivityVector asRadioActivity​(RadioActivityUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a radioactivity vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatRadioActivityVector; the current vector as a radioactivity vector
    • asSolidAngle

      public final FloatSolidAngleVector asSolidAngle()
      Return the current vector as a solidangle vector.
      FloatSolidAngleVector; the current vector as a solidangle vector
    • asSolidAngle

      public final FloatSolidAngleVector asSolidAngle​(SolidAngleUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a solidangle vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatSolidAngleVector; the current vector as a solidangle vector
    • asSpeed

      public final FloatSpeedVector asSpeed()
      Return the current vector as a speed vector.
      FloatSpeedVector; the current vector as a speed vector
    • asSpeed

      public final FloatSpeedVector asSpeed​(SpeedUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a speed vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatSpeedVector; the current vector as a speed vector
    • asTorque

      public final FloatTorqueVector asTorque()
      Return the current vector as a torque vector.
      FloatTorqueVector; the current vector as a torque vector
    • asTorque

      public final FloatTorqueVector asTorque​(TorqueUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a torque vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatTorqueVector; the current vector as a torque vector
    • asVolume

      public final FloatVolumeVector asVolume()
      Return the current vector as a volume vector.
      FloatVolumeVector; the current vector as a volume vector
    • asVolume

      public final FloatVolumeVector asVolume​(VolumeUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a volume vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatVolumeVector; the current vector as a volume vector
    • asAngle

      public final FloatAngleVector asAngle()
      Return the current vector as a angle vector.
      FloatAngleVector; the current vector as a angle vector
    • asAngle

      public final FloatAngleVector asAngle​(AngleUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a angle vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatAngleVector; the current vector as a angle vector
    • asLength

      public final FloatLengthVector asLength()
      Return the current vector as a length vector.
      FloatLengthVector; the current vector as a length vector
    • asLength

      public final FloatLengthVector asLength​(LengthUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a length vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatLengthVector; the current vector as a length vector
    • asTemperature

      public final FloatTemperatureVector asTemperature()
      Return the current vector as a temperature vector.
      FloatTemperatureVector; the current vector as a temperature vector
    • asTemperature

      public final FloatTemperatureVector asTemperature​(TemperatureUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a temperature vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatTemperatureVector; the current vector as a temperature vector
    • asDuration

      public final FloatDurationVector asDuration()
      Return the current vector as a duration vector.
      FloatDurationVector; the current vector as a duration vector
    • asDuration

      public final FloatDurationVector asDuration​(DurationUnit displayUnit)
      Return the current vector as a duration vector, and provide a display unit.
      displayUnit - the unit in which the value will be displayed
      FloatDurationVector; the current vector as a duration vector