Interface Scalar<U extends Unit<U>,​S extends Scalar<U,​S>>

Type Parameters:
U - the unit
S - the scalar type with the given unit
All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, Comparable<S>, Serializable, Value<U,​S>, ValueFunctions<U,​S>
All Known Subinterfaces:
DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>, DoubleScalarInterface.Abs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>, DoubleScalarInterface.Rel<U,​R>, DoubleScalarInterface.RelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>, FloatScalarInterface<U,​S>, FloatScalarInterface.Abs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>, FloatScalarInterface.Rel<U,​R>, FloatScalarInterface.RelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>, Scalar.Abs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>, Scalar.Rel<U,​R>, Scalar.RelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbsoluteTemperature, AbsorbedDose, AbstractDoubleScalar, AbstractDoubleScalarAbs, AbstractDoubleScalarRel, AbstractDoubleScalarRelWithAbs, AbstractFloatScalar, AbstractFloatScalarAbs, AbstractFloatScalarRel, AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs, AbstractScalar, Acceleration, AmountOfSubstance, Angle, AngularAcceleration, AngularVelocity, Area, CatalyticActivity, Density, Dimensionless, Direction, Duration, ElectricalCapacitance, ElectricalCharge, ElectricalConductance, ElectricalCurrent, ElectricalInductance, ElectricalPotential, ElectricalResistance, Energy, EquivalentDose, FloatAbsoluteTemperature, FloatAbsorbedDose, FloatAcceleration, FloatAmountOfSubstance, FloatAngle, FloatAngularAcceleration, FloatAngularVelocity, FloatArea, FloatCatalyticActivity, FloatDensity, FloatDimensionless, FloatDirection, FloatDuration, FloatElectricalCapacitance, FloatElectricalCharge, FloatElectricalConductance, FloatElectricalCurrent, FloatElectricalInductance, FloatElectricalPotential, FloatElectricalResistance, FloatEnergy, FloatEquivalentDose, FloatFlowMass, FloatFlowVolume, FloatForce, FloatFrequency, FloatIlluminance, FloatLength, FloatLinearDensity, FloatLuminousFlux, FloatLuminousIntensity, FloatMagneticFlux, FloatMagneticFluxDensity, FloatMass, FloatMomentum, FloatPosition, FloatPower, FloatPressure, FloatRadioActivity, FloatSIScalar, FloatSolidAngle, FloatSpeed, FloatTemperature, FloatTime, FloatTorque, FloatVolume, FlowMass, FlowVolume, Force, Frequency, Illuminance, Length, LinearDensity, LuminousFlux, LuminousIntensity, MagneticFlux, MagneticFluxDensity, Mass, Momentum, Position, Power, Pressure, RadioActivity, SIScalar, SolidAngle, Speed, Temperature, Time, Torque, Volume

public interface Scalar<U extends Unit<U>,​S extends Scalar<U,​S>>
extends Value<U,​S>, Comparable<S>
Scalar to distinguish a scalar from vectors and matrices.

Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See DJUNITS License.

Alexander Verbraeck
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes 
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    static interface  Scalar.Abs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends Scalar.Abs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends Scalar.RelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>>
    Methods for Absolute Scalar.
    static interface  Scalar.Rel<U extends Unit<U>,​R extends Scalar.Rel<U,​R>>
    Methods for Relative Scalar.
    static interface  Scalar.RelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends Scalar.Abs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends Scalar.RelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>>
    Additional methods for Relative Scalar that has a corresponding Absolute Scalar.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean eq​(S o)
    Test if this DoubleScalar is equal to a DoubleScalar.
    boolean eq0()
    Test if this DoubleScalar is equal to 0.0.
    boolean ge​(S o)
    Test if this DoubleScalar is greater than a DoubleScalar.
    boolean ge0()
    Test if this DoubleScalar is greater than 0.0.
    boolean gt​(S o)
    Test if this DoubleScalar is greater than or equal to a DoubleScalar.
    boolean gt0()
    Test if this DoubleScalar is greater than or equal to 0.0.
    boolean le​(S o)
    Test if this DoubleScalar is less than or equal to another DoubleScalar.
    boolean le0()
    Test if this DoubleScalar is less than or equal to 0.0.
    boolean lt​(S o)
    Test if this DoubleScalar is less than another DoubleScalar.
    boolean lt0()
    Test if this DoubleScalar is less than 0.0.
    boolean ne​(S o)
    Test if this DoubleScalar is not equal to a DoubleScalar.
    boolean ne0()
    Test if this DoubleScalar is not equal to 0.0.
    String toDisplayString()
    Concise display description of this value, without the engineering formatting, so without trailing zeroes.
    String toDisplayString​(U displayUnit)
    Concise display description of this value, without the engineering formatting, so without trailing zeroes.
    String toTextualString()
    Concise textual representation of this value, without the engineering formatting, so without trailing zeroes.
    String toTextualString​(U displayUnit)
    Concise textual representation of this value, without the engineering formatting, so without trailing zeroes.

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable


    Methods inherited from interface org.djunits.value.Value

    getDisplayUnit, isAbsolute, isRelative, setDisplayUnit, toString, toString, toString, toString

    Methods inherited from interface org.djunits.value.function.ValueFunctions

    abs, ceil, floor, neg, rint
  • Method Details

    • lt

      boolean lt​(S o)
      Test if this DoubleScalar is less than another DoubleScalar.
      o - T, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right hand side operand of the comparison
      boolean; true if this is less than other; false if this is not less than other
    • le

      boolean le​(S o)
      Test if this DoubleScalar is less than or equal to another DoubleScalar.
      o - T, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right hand side operand of the comparison
    • gt

      boolean gt​(S o)
      Test if this DoubleScalar is greater than or equal to a DoubleScalar.
      o - T, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right hand side operand of the comparison
      boolean; true if this is greater than or equal to other; false if this is not greater than or equal to other
    • ge

      boolean ge​(S o)
      Test if this DoubleScalar is greater than a DoubleScalar.
      o - T, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right hand side operand of the comparison
      boolean; true if this is greater than other; false if this is not greater than other
    • eq

      boolean eq​(S o)
      Test if this DoubleScalar is equal to a DoubleScalar.
      o - T, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right hand side operand of the comparison
      boolean; true if this is equal to other; false if this is not equal to other
    • ne

      boolean ne​(S o)
      Test if this DoubleScalar is not equal to a DoubleScalar.
      o - T, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right hand side operand of the comparison
      boolean; true if this is not equal to other; false if this is equal to other
    • lt0

      boolean lt0()
      Test if this DoubleScalar is less than 0.0.
      boolean; true if this is less than 0.0; false if this is not less than 0.0
    • le0

      boolean le0()
      Test if this DoubleScalar is less than or equal to 0.0.
      boolean; true if this is less than or equal to 0.0; false if this is not less than or equal to 0.0
    • gt0

      boolean gt0()
      Test if this DoubleScalar is greater than or equal to 0.0.
      boolean; true if this is greater than or equal to 0.0; false if this is not greater than or equal to 0.0
    • ge0

      boolean ge0()
      Test if this DoubleScalar is greater than 0.0.
      boolean; true if this is greater than 0.0; false if this is not greater than 0.0
    • eq0

      boolean eq0()
      Test if this DoubleScalar is equal to 0.0.
      boolean; true if this is equal to 0.0; false if this is not equal to 0.0
    • ne0

      boolean ne0()
      Test if this DoubleScalar is not equal to 0.0.
      boolean; true if this is not equal to 0.0; false if this is equal to 0.0
    • toTextualString

      String toTextualString()
      Concise textual representation of this value, without the engineering formatting, so without trailing zeroes. A space is added between the number and the unit.
      a String with the value with the default textual representation of the unit attached.
    • toTextualString

      String toTextualString​(U displayUnit)
      Concise textual representation of this value, without the engineering formatting, so without trailing zeroes. A space is added between the number and the unit.
      displayUnit - U; the display unit for the value
      a String with the value with the default textual representation of the provided unit attached.
    • toDisplayString

      String toDisplayString()
      Concise display description of this value, without the engineering formatting, so without trailing zeroes. A space is added between the number and the unit.
      a String with the value with the default display representation of the unit attached.
    • toDisplayString

      String toDisplayString​(U displayUnit)
      Concise display description of this value, without the engineering formatting, so without trailing zeroes. A space is added between the number and the unit.
      displayUnit - U; the display unit for the value
      a String with the value with the default display representation of the provided unit attached.