Class AbstractDoubleMatrixRelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends AbstractDoubleScalarAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​AV extends AbstractDoubleVectorAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​RU,​R,​RV>,​AM extends AbstractDoubleMatrixAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​AM,​RU,​R,​RV,​RM>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends AbstractDoubleScalarRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RV extends AbstractDoubleVectorRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​RU,​R,​RV>,​RM extends AbstractDoubleMatrixRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​AM,​RU,​R,​RV,​RM>>

Type Parameters:
AU - the absolute unit belonging to the relative unit
A - the absolute scalar type belonging to the absolute matrix type
AV - the absolute vector type belonging to the absolute matrix type
AM - the (immutable or mutable) absolute matrix type
RU - the relative unit belonging to the absolute unit
R - the relative scalar type belonging to the relative matrix type
RV - the relative vector type belonging to the relative matrix type
RM - the relative (immutable or mutable) matrix type with this unit
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Matrix<RU,​R,​RV,​RM>, Matrix.Rel<RU,​R,​RV,​RM>, Matrix.RelWithAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​AM,​RU,​R,​RV,​RM>, ValueFunctions<RU,​RM>, IndexedValue<RU,​R,​RM>, Relative<RU,​RM>, Value<RU,​RM>, DoubleMatrixInterface<RU,​R,​RV,​RM>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AngleMatrix, DurationMatrix, LengthMatrix, TemperatureMatrix

public abstract class AbstractDoubleMatrixRelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends AbstractDoubleScalarAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​AV extends AbstractDoubleVectorAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​RU,​R,​RV>,​AM extends AbstractDoubleMatrixAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​AM,​RU,​R,​RV,​RM>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends AbstractDoubleScalarRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RV extends AbstractDoubleVectorRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​RU,​R,​RV>,​RM extends AbstractDoubleMatrixRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​AM,​RU,​R,​RV,​RM>>
extends AbstractDoubleMatrixRel<RU,​R,​RV,​RM>
implements Matrix.RelWithAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​AM,​RU,​R,​RV,​RM>

Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See DJUNITS License.

Alexander Verbraeck
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • plus

      public AM plus​(AM increment)
      Add an absolute matrix to this relative matrix. A new matrix is returned. When the matrix itself needs to be changed, use the increaseBy(V) method instead. The addition is done value by value and the result is stored in a new matrix. If both operands are sparse, the result is a sparse matrix, otherwise the result is a dense matrix.
      Specified by:
      plus in interface Matrix.RelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends AbstractDoubleScalarAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​AV extends AbstractDoubleVectorAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​RU,​R,​RV>,​AM extends AbstractDoubleMatrixAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​AM,​RU,​R,​RV,​RM>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends AbstractDoubleScalarRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RV extends AbstractDoubleVectorRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​RU,​R,​RV>,​RM extends AbstractDoubleMatrixRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​AV,​AM,​RU,​R,​RV,​RM>>
      increment - AM; the absolute matrix (mutable or immutable, sparse or dense) to add to this relative matrix
      AMV; the sum of this matrix and the operand as a new absolute, mutable matrix
    • instantiateMatrixAbs

      public abstract AM instantiateMatrixAbs​(DoubleMatrixData dmd, AU displayUnit)
      Instantiate a new absolute matrix of the class of this relative matrix. This can be used instead of the DoubleMatrix.instiantiate() methods in case another matrix of this relative with absolute class is known. The method is faster than DoubleMatrix.instantiate, and it will also work if the matrix is user-defined.
      dmd - DoubleMatrixData; the data used to instantiate the matrix
      displayUnit - AU; the display unit of the absolute matrix
      AM; an absolute matrix of the correct type, belonging to this relative matrix type
    • instantiateVectorAbs

      public abstract AV instantiateVectorAbs​(DoubleVectorData dvd, AU displayUnit)
      Instantiate a new absolute vector of the class of this relative matrix. This can be used instead of the DoubleVector.instiantiate() methods in case another matrix of this relative with absolute class is known. The method is faster than DoubleVector.instantiate, and it will also work if the matrix or vector is user-defined.
      dvd - DoubleVectorData; the data used to instantiate the vector
      displayUnit - AU; the display unit of the absolute vector
      AV; an absolute vector of the correct type, belonging to this relative matrix type
    • instantiateScalarAbsSI

      public abstract A instantiateScalarAbsSI​(double valueSI, AU displayUnit)
      Instantiate a new absolute scalar for the class of this relative matrix. This can be used instead of the DoubleScalar.instiantiate() methods in case a matrix of this class is known. The method is faster than DoubleScalar.instantiate, and it will also work if the matrix and/or scalar are user-defined.
      valueSI - double; the SI value of the absolute scalar
      displayUnit - AU; the unit in which the absolute value will be displayed
      A; an absolute scalar of the correct type, belonging to this relative matrix type