View Javadoc
1   package org.djunits.value.vdouble.matrix;
3   import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
4   import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
5   import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
6   import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
7   import static;
9   import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
10  import java.lang.reflect.Method;
12  import org.djunits.unit.AbsoluteTemperatureUnit;
13  import org.djunits.unit.AngleUnit;
14  import org.djunits.unit.AreaUnit;
15  import org.djunits.unit.DirectionUnit;
16  import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit;
17  import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
18  import org.djunits.unit.PositionUnit;
19  import org.djunits.unit.SIUnit;
20  import org.djunits.unit.TemperatureUnit;
21  import org.djunits.unit.TimeUnit;
22  import org.djunits.unit.Unit;
23  import org.djunits.unit.quantity.Quantities;
24  import org.djunits.unit.quantity.Quantity;
25  import org.djunits.unit.util.UnitException;
26  import org.djunits.unit.util.UnitRuntimeException;
27  import org.djunits.value.CLASSNAMES;
28  import org.djunits.value.ValueRuntimeException;
29  import;
30  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.function.DoubleMathFunctions;
31  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.matrix.base.AbstractDoubleMatrixRel;
32  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.matrix.base.DoubleMatrix;
33  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.matrix.base.DoubleSparseValue;
34  import;
35  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.AbsoluteTemperature;
36  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Area;
37  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Direction;
38  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
39  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Length;
40  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Position;
41  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
42  import org.djunits.value.vdouble.vector.AreaVector;
43  import org.djunits.value.vfloat.matrix.FloatAreaMatrix;
44  import org.djunits.value.vfloat.matrix.base.FloatMatrix;
45  import org.djunits.value.vfloat.vector.FLOATVECTOR;
46  import org.djutils.exceptions.Try;
47  import org.junit.Test;
49  /**
50   * ...
51   */
52  public class DoubleMatrixMethodTest
53  {
55      /**
56       * Test the standard methods of all matrix classes.
57       * @throws UnitException on error
58       * @throws ValueRuntimeException on error
59       */
60      @Test
61      @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:methodlength")
62      public void testMatrixMethods() throws ValueRuntimeException, UnitException
63      {
64          double[][] denseTestData = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(10, 20);
65          double[][] sparseTestData = DOUBLEMATRIX.sparseRectArrays(10, 20);
66          double[][] reverseSparseTestData = new double[sparseTestData.length][];
67          // sparseTestData and reverseSparseTestData should not "run out of values" at the same index
68          for (int index = 0; index < sparseTestData.length; index++)
69          {
70              reverseSparseTestData[reverseSparseTestData.length - 1 - index] = sparseTestData[index];
71          }
72          // Ensure that there are > 50% positions where both have a non-zero value
73          for (int row = 1; row < 8; row++)
74          {
75              for (int col = 2; col < 18; col++)
76              {
77                  sparseTestData[row][col] = 10000.456 + row + 100 * col;
78                  reverseSparseTestData[row][col] = 20000.567 + row + 100 * col;
79              }
80          }
82          for (StorageType storageType : new StorageType[] {StorageType.DENSE, StorageType.SPARSE})
83          {
84              for (AreaUnit au : new AreaUnit[] {AreaUnit.SQUARE_METER, AreaUnit.ACRE})
85              {
86                  double[][] testData = storageType.equals(StorageType.DENSE) ? denseTestData : sparseTestData;
87                  AreaMatrix am =
88                          DoubleMatrix.instantiate(DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData, au.getScale(), storageType), au);
90                  // INDEX CHECKING
91                  for (int row : new int[] {-1, 0, denseTestData.length - 1, denseTestData.length})
92                  {
93                      for (int col : new int[] {-1, 0, denseTestData[0].length - 1, denseTestData[0].length})
94                      {
95                          if (row < 0 || col < 0 || row >= denseTestData.length || col >= denseTestData[0].length)
96                          {
97                              try
98                              {
99                                  am.get(row, col);
100                                 fail("bad row or bad column value should have thrown a ValueRuntimeException");
101                             }
102                             catch (ValueRuntimeException vre)
103                             {
104                                 // Ignore expected exception
105                             }
106                         }
107                         else
108                         {
109                             am.get(row, col);
110                         }
111                     }
112                     if (row < 0 || row >= denseTestData.length)
113                     {
114                         try
115                         {
116                             am.getRow(row);
117                             fail("getRow with bad row value should have thrown a ValueRuntimeException");
118                         }
119                         catch (ValueRuntimeException vre)
120                         {
121                             // Ignore expected exception
122                         }
123                     }
124                 }
125                 for (int col : new int[] {-1, 0, denseTestData[0].length - 1, denseTestData[0].length})
126                 {
127                     if (col < 0 || col >= denseTestData[0].length)
128                     {
129                         try
130                         {
131                             am.getColumn(col);
132                             fail("getColumn with bad column value should have thrown a ValueRuntimeException");
133                         }
134                         catch (ValueRuntimeException vre)
135                         {
136                             // Ignore expected exception
137                         }
138                     }
139                     else
140                     {
141                         am.getColumn(col);
142                     }
143                 }
145                 // SPARSE AND DENSE
146                 assertEquals(am, am.toSparse());
147                 assertEquals(am, am.toDense());
148                 assertEquals(am, am.toSparse().toDense());
149                 assertEquals(am, am.toDense().toSparse());
150                 assertEquals(am.hashCode(), am.toSparse().hashCode());
151                 assertEquals(am.hashCode(), am.toDense().hashCode());
152                 assertTrue(am.toDense().isDense());
153                 assertFalse(am.toDense().isSparse());
154                 assertTrue(am.toSparse().isSparse());
155                 assertFalse(am.toSparse().isDense());
157                 // EQUALS
158                 assertEquals(am, am);
159                 assertNotEquals(am, new Object());
160                 assertNotEquals(am, null);
161                 assertNotEquals(am, DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
162                         DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData, LengthUnit.METER.getScale(), storageType), LengthUnit.METER));
163                 assertNotEquals(am, am.divide(2.0d));
165                 // MUTABLE
166                 assertFalse(am.isMutable());
167                 AreaMatrix ammut = am.mutable();
168                 assertTrue(ammut.isMutable());
169                 assertFalse(am.isMutable());
170                 AreaMatrix ammut2 = ammut.multiplyBy(1.0);
171                 assertEquals(am, ammut2);
172                 assertTrue(ammut.isMutable());
173                 assertFalse(am.isMutable());
174                 assertTrue(ammut2.isMutable());
175                 ammut2 = ammut2.mutable().divideBy(2.0);
176                 assertEquals(am, ammut);
177                 assertNotEquals(am, ammut2);
178                 AreaMatrix ammut3 = ammut2.mutable().divideBy(0.0);
179                 for (int row = 0; row < ammut3.rows(); row++)
180                 {
181                     for (int col = 0; col < ammut3.cols(); col++)
182                     {
183                         if (ammut2.getSI(row, col) == 0)
184                         {
185                             assertTrue("Value should be NaN", Double.isNaN(ammut3.getSI(row, col)));
187                         }
188                         else
189                         {
190                             assertTrue("Value should be Infinite", Double.isInfinite(ammut3.getSI(row, col)));
191                         }
192                     }
193                 }
195                 // ZSUM and CARDINALITY
196                 Area zSum = am.zSum();
197                 double sum = 0;
198                 int card = 0;
199                 for (int row = 0; row < testData.length; row++)
200                 {
201                     for (int col = 0; col < testData[0].length; col++)
202                     {
203                         sum += testData[row][col];
204                         card += testData[row][col] == 0.0d ? 0 : 1;
205                     }
206                 }
207                 assertEquals("zSum", sum, zSum.getInUnit(), 0.1);
208                 assertEquals("cardinality", card, am.cardinality());
209                 AreaMatrix ammutZero = ammut.multiplyBy(0.0);
210                 assertEquals("cardinality should be 0", 0, ammutZero.cardinality());
211                 assertEquals("zSum should be 0", 0.0, ammutZero.zSum().getSI(), 0);
214                 AreaMatrix amold = am.clone();
215                 Area fa = Area.of(10.0d, "m^2");
216                 AreaMatrix aminc = am.mutable().incrementBy(fa).immutable();
217                 AreaMatrix amdec = am.mutable().decrementBy(fa).immutable();
218                 AreaMatrix amid = aminc.mutable().decrementBy(fa);
219                 assertEquals("immutable matrix should not change when converted to mutable", am, amold);
220                 for (int row = 0; row < testData.length; row++)
221                 {
222                     for (int col = 0; col < testData[0].length; col++)
223                     {
224                         assertEquals("increment and decrement with scalar should result in same matrix", am.getSI(row, col),
225                                 amid.getSI(row, col), 0.1);
226                         assertEquals("m + s = (m+s)", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) + 10.0,
227                                 aminc.getSI(row, col), 0.1);
228                         assertEquals("m - s = (m-s)", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) - 10.0,
229                                 amdec.getSI(row, col), 0.1);
230                     }
231                 }
233                 // MULTIPLYBY() and DIVIDEBY(), TIMES(), DIVIDE()
234                 AreaMatrix amt5 = am.mutable().multiplyBy(5.0d).immutable();
235                 AreaMatrix amd5 = am.mutable().divideBy(5.0d).immutable();
236                 AreaMatrix amtd = amt5.mutable().divideBy(5.0d);
237                 AreaMatrix amtimD = am.times(5.0d);
238                 AreaMatrix amtimF = am.times(5.0f);
239                 AreaMatrix amdivD = am.divide(5.0d);
240                 AreaMatrix amdivF = am.divide(5.0f);
241                 for (int row = 0; row < testData.length; row++)
242                 {
243                     for (int col = 0; col < testData[0].length; col++)
244                     {
245                         assertEquals("times followed by divide with constant should result in same matrix", am.getSI(row, col),
246                                 amtd.getSI(row, col), 0.1);
247                         assertEquals("m * 5.0 = (m*5.0)", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) * 5.0d,
248                                 amt5.getSI(row, col), 0.1);
249                         assertEquals("m / 5.0 = (m/5.0)", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) / 5.0d,
250                                 amd5.getSI(row, col), 0.1);
251                         assertEquals("amtimD", amt5.getSI(row, col), amtimD.getSI(row, col), 0.1d);
252                         assertEquals("amtimF", amt5.getSI(row, col), amtimF.getSI(row, col), 0.1d);
253                         assertEquals("amdivD", amd5.getSI(row, col), amdivD.getSI(row, col), 0.01d);
254                         assertEquals("amdivD", amd5.getSI(row, col), amdivF.getSI(row, col), 0.01d);
255                     }
256                 }
258                 // GET(), GETINUNIT()
259                 assertEquals("get()", new Area(testData[2][2], au), am.get(2, 2));
260                 assertEquals("getSI()", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[2][2]), am.getSI(2, 2), 0.1);
261                 assertEquals("getInUnit()", testData[2][2], am.getInUnit(2, 2), 0.1);
262                 assertEquals("getInUnit(unit)",
263                         AreaUnit.SQUARE_YARD.getScale().fromStandardUnit(au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[2][2])),
264                         am.getInUnit(2, 2, AreaUnit.SQUARE_YARD), 0.1);
266                 // SET(), SETINUNIT()
267                 Area fasqft = new Area(10.5d, AreaUnit.SQUARE_FOOT);
268                 AreaMatrix famChange = am.clone().mutable();
269                 famChange.set(2, 2, fasqft);
270                 assertEquals("set()",, famChange.get(2, 2).si, 0.1d);
271                 famChange = am.clone().mutable();
272                 famChange.setSI(2, 2, 123.4d);
273                 assertEquals("setSI()", 123.4d, famChange.get(2, 2).si, 0.1d);
274                 famChange = am.clone().mutable();
275                 famChange.setInUnit(2, 2, 1.2d);
276                 assertEquals("setInUnit()", 1.2d, famChange.getInUnit(2, 2), 0.1d);
277                 famChange = am.clone().mutable();
278                 famChange.setInUnit(2, 2, 1.5d, AreaUnit.HECTARE);
279                 assertEquals("setInUnit(unit)", 15000.0d, famChange.get(2, 2).si, 1.0d);
281                 // GETROW(), GETCOLUMN(), GETDIAGONAL
282                 double[][] squareData = storageType.equals(StorageType.DENSE) ? DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(12, 12)
283                         : DOUBLEMATRIX.sparseRectArrays(12, 12);
284                 AreaMatrix amSquare =
285                         DoubleMatrix.instantiate(DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(squareData, au.getScale(), storageType), au);
286                 double[] row2si = am.getRowSI(2);
287                 double[] col2si = am.getColumnSI(2);
288                 double[] diagsi = amSquare.getDiagonalSI();
289                 AreaVector row2v = am.getRow(2);
290                 AreaVector col2v = am.getColumn(2);
291                 AreaVector diagv = amSquare.getDiagonal();
292                 Area[] row2scalar = am.getRowScalars(2);
293                 Area[] col2scalar = am.getColumnScalars(2);
294                 Area[] diagscalar = amSquare.getDiagonalScalars();
295                 for (int col = 0; col < testData[0].length; col++)
296                 {
297                     assertEquals("row2si", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[2][col]), row2si[col], 0.1d);
298                     assertEquals("row2v", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[2][col]), row2v.getSI(col), 0.1d);
299                     assertEquals("row2scalar", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[2][col]), row2scalar[col].si, 0.1d);
300                 }
301                 for (int row = 0; row < testData.length; row++)
302                 {
303                     assertEquals("col2si", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][2]), col2si[row], 0.1d);
304                     assertEquals("col2v", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][2]), col2v.getSI(row), 0.1d);
305                     assertEquals("col2scalar", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][2]), col2scalar[row].si, 0.1d);
306                 }
307                 for (int diag = 0; diag < amSquare.rows(); diag++)
308                 {
309                     assertEquals("diag2si", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(squareData[diag][diag]), diagsi[diag], 0.1d);
310                     assertEquals("diag2v", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(squareData[diag][diag]), diagv.getSI(diag), 0.1d);
311                     assertEquals("diag2scalar", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(squareData[diag][diag]), diagscalar[diag].si,
312                             0.1d);
313                 }
315                 // GETVALUES(), GETSCALARS()
316                 double[][] valsi = am.getValuesSI();
317                 double[][] valunit = am.getValuesInUnit();
318                 double[][] valsqft = am.getValuesInUnit(AreaUnit.SQUARE_YARD);
319                 Area[][] valscalars = am.getScalars();
320                 for (int row = 0; row < testData.length; row++)
321                 {
322                     for (int col = 0; col < testData[0].length; col++)
323                     {
324                         assertEquals("getValuesSI()", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]), valsi[row][col], 0.1);
325                         assertEquals("getValuesInUnit()", testData[row][col], valunit[row][col], 0.1);
326                         assertEquals("getValuesInUnit(unit)", AreaUnit.SQUARE_YARD.getScale()
327                                 .fromStandardUnit(au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col])), valsqft[row][col], 0.1);
328                         assertEquals("getValuesInUnit(unit)", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]),
329                                 valscalars[row][col].si, 0.1);
330                     }
331                 }
333                 // ASSIGN FUNCTION ABS, CEIL, FLOOR, NEG, RINT
334                 AreaMatrix amdiv2 = am.divide(2.0d);
335                 assertEquals(am.getStorageType(), amdiv2.getStorageType());
336                 assertEquals(am.getDisplayUnit(), amdiv2.getDisplayUnit());
337                 AreaMatrix amAbs = amdiv2.mutable().abs().immutable();
338                 assertEquals(am.getStorageType(), amAbs.getStorageType());
339                 assertEquals(am.getDisplayUnit(), amAbs.getDisplayUnit());
340                 AreaMatrix amCeil = amdiv2.mutable().ceil().immutable();
341                 assertEquals(am.getStorageType(), amCeil.getStorageType());
342                 assertEquals(am.getDisplayUnit(), amCeil.getDisplayUnit());
343                 AreaMatrix amFloor = amdiv2.mutable().floor().immutable();
344                 assertEquals(am.getStorageType(), amFloor.getStorageType());
345                 assertEquals(am.getDisplayUnit(), amFloor.getDisplayUnit());
346                 AreaMatrix amNeg = amdiv2.mutable().neg().immutable();
347                 assertEquals(am.getStorageType(), amNeg.getStorageType());
348                 assertEquals(am.getDisplayUnit(), amNeg.getDisplayUnit());
349                 AreaMatrix amRint = amdiv2.mutable().rint().immutable();
350                 assertEquals(am.getStorageType(), amRint.getStorageType());
351                 assertEquals(am.getDisplayUnit(), amRint.getDisplayUnit());
352                 for (int row = 0; row < testData.length; row++)
353                 {
354                     for (int col = 0; col < testData[0].length; col++)
355                     {
356                         // TODO: Should be rounded IN THE UNIT rather than BY SI VALUES
357                         assertEquals("div2", au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) / 2.0d, amdiv2.getSI(row, col),
358                                 0.1d);
359                         assertEquals("abs", Math.abs(au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) / 2.0d),
360                                 amAbs.getSI(row, col), 0.1d);
361                         assertEquals("ceil", Math.ceil(au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) / 2.0d),
362                                 amCeil.getSI(row, col), 0.1d);
363                         assertEquals("floor", Math.floor(au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) / 2.0d),
364                                 amFloor.getSI(row, col), 0.1d);
365                         assertEquals("neg", -au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) / 2.0d, amNeg.getSI(row, col),
366                                 0.1d);
367                         assertEquals("rint", Math.rint(au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col]) / 2.0d),
368                                 amRint.getSI(row, col), 0.1d);
369                     }
370                 }
372                 double[][] testData4x4 = new double[][] {{2, 3, 5, 7}, {11, 13, 17, 19}, {23, 29, 31, 37}, {41, 43, 47, 49}};
373                 AreaMatrix am4x4 =
374                         DoubleMatrix.instantiate(DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData4x4, au.getScale(), storageType), au);
375                 double det = am4x4.determinantSI();
376                 double detCalc = Determinant.det(am4x4.getValuesSI());
377                 double err = Math.max(det, detCalc) / 10000.0;
378                 assertEquals("Determinant of square matrix with unit " + au.getDefaultTextualAbbreviation() + ", storage = "
379                         + storageType + " = " + det + " but should have been " + detCalc, detCalc, det, err);
380                 Try.testFail(() -> am.determinantSI(), "Determinant of non-square matrix should have thrown exception");
384                 for (StorageType storageType2 : new StorageType[] {StorageType.DENSE, StorageType.SPARSE})
385                 {
386                     double[][] testData2 = storageType2.equals(StorageType.DENSE) ? denseTestData : reverseSparseTestData;
387                     for (AreaUnit au2 : new AreaUnit[] {AreaUnit.SQUARE_METER, AreaUnit.ACRE})
388                     {
390                         // PLUS and INCREMENTBY(MATRIX)
391                         AreaMatrix am2 = DoubleMatrix
392                                 .instantiate(DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData2, au2.getScale(), storageType2), au2);
393                         AreaMatrix amSum1 =;
394                         AreaMatrix amSum2 =;
395                         AreaMatrix amSum3 = am.mutable().incrementBy(am2).immutable();
396                         AreaMatrix amSum4 = am2.mutable().incrementBy(am).immutable();
397                         assertEquals("a+b == b+a", amSum1, amSum2);
398                         assertEquals("a+b == b+a", amSum1, amSum3);
399                         assertEquals("a+b == b+a", amSum1, amSum4);
400                         for (int row = 0; row < testData.length; row++)
401                         {
402                             for (int col = 0; col < testData[0].length; col++)
403                             {
404                                 double tolerance = Double.isFinite(amSum1.getSI(row, col))
405                                         ? Math.abs(amSum1.getSI(row, col) / 10000.0d) : 0.1d;
406                                 assertEquals("value in matrix matches",
407                                         au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col])
408                                                 + au2.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData2[row][col]),
409                                         amSum1.getSI(row, col), tolerance);
410                             }
411                         }
413                         // MINUS and DECREMENTBY(MATRIX)
414                         AreaMatrix amDiff1 = am.minus(am2);
415                         AreaMatrix amDiff2 = am2.minus(am).mutable().neg();
416                         AreaMatrix amDiff3 = am.mutable().decrementBy(am2).immutable();
417                         assertEquals("a-b == -(b-a)", amDiff1, amDiff2);
418                         assertEquals("a-b == -(b-a)", amDiff1, amDiff3);
419                         for (int row = 0; row < testData.length; row++)
420                         {
421                             for (int col = 0; col < testData[0].length; col++)
422                             {
423                                 double tolerance = Double.isFinite(amDiff1.getSI(row, col))
424                                         ? Math.abs(amDiff1.getSI(row, col) / 10000.0d) : 0.1d;
425                                 assertEquals("value in matrix matches",
426                                         au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col])
427                                                 - au2.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData2[row][col]),
428                                         amDiff1.getSI(row, col), tolerance);
429                             }
430                         }
432                         // TIMES(MATRIX) and DIVIDE(MATRIX)
433                         SIMatrix amTim = am.times(am2);
434                         SIMatrix amDiv = am.divide(am2);
435                         assertEquals("unit of m2 * m2 should be m4", "m4",
436                                 amTim.getDisplayUnit().getQuantity().getSiDimensions().toString(false, false, false));
437                         assertEquals("unit of m2 / m2 should be 1", "1",
438                                 amDiv.getDisplayUnit().getQuantity().getSiDimensions().toString(false, false, false));
439                         for (int row = 0; row < testData.length; row++)
440                         {
441                             for (int col = 0; col < testData[0].length; col++)
442                             {
443                                 double tolerance = Double.isFinite(amTim.getSI(row, col))
444                                         ? Math.abs(amTim.getSI(row, col) / 10000.0d) : 0.1d;
445                                 if (Math.abs(au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col])
446                                         * au2.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData2[row][col])
447                                         - amTim.getSI(row, col)) > tolerance)
448                                 {
449                                     // system.out.println(
450                                     // "mismatch at row " + row + ", col " + col + ", got " + amTim.getSI(row, col)
451                                     // + ", expected " + au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col])
452                                     // * au2.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData2[row][col]));
453                                     am.times(am2);
454                                 }
455                                 assertEquals("value in m2 * m2 matches",
456                                         au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col])
457                                                 * au2.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData2[row][col]),
458                                         amTim.getSI(row, col), tolerance);
459                                 tolerance = Double.isFinite(amTim.getSI(row, col)) ? Math.abs(amDiv.getSI(row, col) / 10000.0d)
460                                         : 0.1d;
461                                 assertEquals("value in m2 / m2 matches (could be NaN)",
462                                         au.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData[row][col])
463                                                 / au2.getScale().toStandardUnit(testData2[row][col]),
464                                         amDiv.getSI(row, col), tolerance);
465                             }
466                         }
467                     }
468                 }
469             }
470         }
471     }
473     /**
474      * Test if mutable methods give an error in case the matrix is immutable.
475      */
476     @Test
477     public void testImmutableMatrix()
478     {
479         double[][] denseTestData = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(5, 10);
480         double[][] sparseTestData = DOUBLEMATRIX.sparseRectArrays(5, 10);
482         for (StorageType storageType : new StorageType[] {StorageType.DENSE, StorageType.SPARSE})
483         {
484             for (AreaUnit au : new AreaUnit[] {AreaUnit.SQUARE_METER, AreaUnit.ACRE})
485             {
486                 double[][] testData = storageType.equals(StorageType.DENSE) ? denseTestData : sparseTestData;
487                 AreaMatrix am =
488                         DoubleMatrix.instantiate(DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData, au.getScale(), storageType), au);
489                 am = am.immutable();
490                 final AreaMatrix amPtr = am;
491                 Area fa = Area.of(10.0d, "m^2");
492                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.assign(DoubleMathFunctions.ABS), "ImmutableMatrix.assign(...) should throw error");
493                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.decrementBy(fa), "ImmutableMatrix.decrementBy(scalar) should throw error");
494                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.decrementBy(amPtr), "ImmutableMatrix.decrementBy(matrix) should throw error");
495                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.incrementBy(fa), "ImmutableMatrix.incrementBy(scalar) should throw error");
496                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.incrementBy(amPtr), "ImmutableMatrix.incrementBy(matrix) should throw error");
497                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.divideBy(2.0d), "ImmutableMatrix.divideBy(factor) should throw error");
498                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.multiplyBy(2.0d), "ImmutableMatrix.multiplyBy(factor) should throw error");
499                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.set(1, 1, fa), "ImmutableMatrix.set() should throw error");
500                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.setSI(1, 1, 20.1d), "ImmutableMatrix.setSI() should throw error");
501                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.setInUnit(1, 1, 15.2d), "ImmutableMatrix.setInUnit(f) should throw error");
502                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.setInUnit(1, 1, 15.2d, AreaUnit.ARE),
503                         "ImmutableMatrix.setInUnit(f, u) should throw error");
504                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.abs(), "ImmutableMatrix.abs() should throw error");
505                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.ceil(), "ImmutableMatrix.ceil() should throw error");
506                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.floor(), "ImmutableMatrix.floor() should throw error");
507                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.neg(), "ImmutableMatrix.neg() should throw error");
508                 Try.testFail(() -> amPtr.rint(), "ImmutableMatrix.rint() should throw error");
509             }
510         }
511     }
513     /**
514      * Test toString() methods. TODO: expand?
515      */
516     @Test
517     public void testMatrixToString()
518     {
519         double[][] denseTestData = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(5, 10);
520         double[][] sparseTestData = DOUBLEMATRIX.sparseRectArrays(5, 10);
522         for (StorageType storageType : new StorageType[] {StorageType.DENSE, StorageType.SPARSE})
523         {
524             for (AreaUnit au : new AreaUnit[] {AreaUnit.SQUARE_METER, AreaUnit.ACRE})
525             {
526                 double[][] testData = storageType.equals(StorageType.DENSE) ? denseTestData : sparseTestData;
527                 AreaMatrix am =
528                         DoubleMatrix.instantiate(DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData, au.getScale(), storageType), au);
529                 String s1 = am.toString(); // non-verbose with unit
530                 assertTrue(s1.contains(au.getDefaultTextualAbbreviation()));
531                 String s2 = am.toString(AreaUnit.SQUARE_INCH); // non-verbose with unit
532                 assertTrue(s2.contains(AreaUnit.SQUARE_INCH.getDefaultTextualAbbreviation()));
533                 String s3 = am.toString(AreaUnit.SQUARE_INCH, true, true); // verbose with unit
534                 assertTrue(s3.contains(AreaUnit.SQUARE_INCH.getDefaultTextualAbbreviation()));
535                 if (storageType.equals(StorageType.DENSE))
536                 {
537                     assertTrue(s3.contains("Dense"));
538                     assertFalse(s3.contains("Sparse"));
539                 }
540                 else
541                 {
542                     assertFalse(s3.contains("Dense"));
543                     assertTrue(s3.contains("Sparse"));
544                 }
545                 assertTrue(s3.contains("Rel"));
546                 assertFalse(s3.contains("Abs"));
547                 assertTrue(s3.contains("Immutable"));
548                 assertFalse(s3.contains("Mutable"));
549                 AreaMatrix ammut = am.mutable();
550                 String smut = ammut.toString(AreaUnit.SQUARE_INCH, true, true); // verbose with unit
551                 assertFalse(smut.contains("Immutable"));
552                 assertTrue(smut.contains("Mutable"));
553                 String sNotVerbose = ammut.toString(false, false);
554                 assertFalse(sNotVerbose.contains("Rel"));
555                 assertFalse(sNotVerbose.contains("Abs"));
556                 assertFalse(sNotVerbose.contains("Immutable"));
557                 assertFalse(sNotVerbose.contains("Mutable"));
558                 assertFalse(sNotVerbose.contains(au.getDefaultTextualAbbreviation()));
559             }
560         }
561         TimeMatrix tm = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
562                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, TimeUnit.DEFAULT.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE), TimeUnit.DEFAULT);
563         String st = tm.toString(TimeUnit.DEFAULT, true, true); // verbose with unit
564         assertFalse(st.contains("Rel"));
565         assertTrue(st.contains("Abs"));
566         LengthMatrix lm = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
567                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, LengthUnit.SI.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE), LengthUnit.SI);
568         String sl = lm.toString(LengthUnit.SI, true, true); // verbose with unit
569         assertTrue(sl.contains("Rel"));
570         assertFalse(sl.contains("Abs"));
571     }
573     /**
574      * Test the extra methods that Absolute and Relative with Absolute matrices implement.
575      */
576     @Test
577     public void testSpecialMatrixMethodsRelWithAbs()
578     {
579         double[][] denseTestData = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(5, 10);
580         TimeMatrix tm = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
581                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, TimeUnit.DEFAULT.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE), TimeUnit.DEFAULT);
582         DurationMatrix dm = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
583                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, DurationUnit.MINUTE.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE),
584                 DurationUnit.SECOND);
585         assertTrue(tm.isAbsolute());
586         assertFalse(dm.isAbsolute());
587         assertFalse(tm.isRelative());
588         assertTrue(dm.isRelative());
590         TimeMatrix absPlusRel =;
591         TimeMatrix absMinusRel = tm.minus(dm);
592         double[][] halfDenseData = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(5, 10);
593         for (int row = 0; row < halfDenseData.length; row++)
594         {
595             for (int col = 0; col < halfDenseData[row].length; col++)
596             {
597                 halfDenseData[row][col] *= 0.5;
598             }
599         }
600         TimeMatrix halfTimeMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
601                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(halfDenseData, TimeUnit.DEFAULT.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE), TimeUnit.DEFAULT);
602         DurationMatrix absMinusAbs = tm.minus(halfTimeMatrix);
603         TimeMatrix absDecByRelS = tm.mutable().decrementBy(Duration.of(1.0d, "min"));
604         TimeMatrix absDecByRelM = tm.mutable().decrementBy(dm.divide(2.0d));
605         TimeMatrix relPlusAbs =;
606         for (int row = 0; row < denseTestData.length; row++)
607         {
608             for (int col = 0; col < denseTestData[0].length; col++)
609             {
610                 assertEquals("absPlusRel", 61.0 * denseTestData[row][col], absPlusRel.getSI(row, col), 0.01);
611                 assertEquals("absMinusRel", -59.0 * denseTestData[row][col], absMinusRel.getSI(row, col), 0.01);
612                 assertEquals("absMinusAbs", denseTestData[row][col] / 2.0, absMinusAbs.getSI(row, col), 0.01);
613                 assertEquals("absDecByRelS", denseTestData[row][col] - 60.0, absDecByRelS.getSI(row, col), 0.01);
614                 assertEquals("absDecByRelM", -29.0 * denseTestData[row][col], absDecByRelM.getSI(row, col), 0.01);
615                 assertEquals("relPlusAbs", 61.0 * denseTestData[row][col], relPlusAbs.getSI(row, col), 0.01);
616             }
617         }
618         for (int dRows : new int[] {-1, 0, 1})
619         {
620             for (int dCols : new int[] {-1, 0, 1})
621             {
622                 if (dRows == 0 && dCols == 0)
623                 {
624                     continue;
625                 }
626                 double[][] other = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(denseTestData.length + dRows, denseTestData[0].length + dCols);
627                 TimeMatrix wrongTimeMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
628                         DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(other, TimeUnit.DEFAULT.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE), TimeUnit.DEFAULT);
629                 try
630                 {
631                     tm.mutable().minus(wrongTimeMatrix);
632                     fail("Mismatching size should have thrown a ValueRuntimeException");
633                 }
634                 catch (ValueRuntimeException vre)
635                 {
636                     // Ignore expected exception
637                 }
638             }
639         }
640         assertTrue("toString returns something informative",
641                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, TimeUnit.DEFAULT.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE).toString()
642                         .startsWith("DoubleMatrixData"));
643     }
645     /**
646      * Execute a mats++-like memory test on a sparse matrix. See
647      * <a href="">Memory Test</a>.
648      */
649     @Test
650     public void memoryTest()
651     {
652         FloatAreaMatrix am = FloatMatrix.instantiate(new float[5][10], AreaUnit.SI, StorageType.SPARSE);
653         am = am.mutable();
654         float nonZeroValue = 123.456f;
655         // Initially the array is filled with zero values; we can skip the initialization phase
656         for (int compoundIndex = 0; compoundIndex < am.cols() * am.rows(); compoundIndex++)
657         {
658             // Let the row count fastest
659             int row = compoundIndex % am.rows();
660             int col = compoundIndex / am.rows();
661             assertEquals("initial value is 0", 0f, am.getSI(row, col), 0.0001);
662             am.setSI(row, col, nonZeroValue);
663             assertEquals("current value is nonZero", nonZeroValue, am.getSI(row, col), 0.0001);
664         }
665         for (int compoundIndex = am.cols() * am.rows(); --compoundIndex >= 0;)
666         {
667             // Let the row count fastest
668             int row = compoundIndex % am.rows();
669             int col = compoundIndex / am.rows();
670             assertEquals("current value is nonZero", nonZeroValue, am.getSI(row, col), 0.0001);
671             am.setSI(row, col, 0f);
672             assertEquals("final value is 0", 0f, am.getSI(row, col), 0.0001);
673         }
674     }
676     /**
677      * Test the instantiateAbs method and instantiateScalarAbsSI method.
678      */
679     @Test
680     public void testInstantiateAbs()
681     {
682         double[][] denseTestData = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(10, 20);
683         TimeMatrix timeMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
684                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, TimeUnit.DEFAULT.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE), TimeUnit.DEFAULT);
685         DurationMatrix durationMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
686                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, DurationUnit.MINUTE.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE),
687                 DurationUnit.SECOND);
689         float[] halfDenseData = FLOATVECTOR.denseArray(105);
690         for (int index = 0; index < halfDenseData.length; index++)
691         {
692             halfDenseData[index] *= 0.5;
693         }
694         TimeMatrix relPlusAbsTime =;
695         for (int row = 0; row < denseTestData.length; row++)
696         {
697             for (int col = 0; col < denseTestData[0].length; col++)
698             {
699                 assertEquals("relPlusAbsTime", 61.0 * denseTestData[row][col], relPlusAbsTime.getSI(row, col), 0.01);
700             }
701         }
702         Time time = durationMatrix.instantiateScalarAbsSI(123.456f, TimeUnit.EPOCH_DAY);
703         assertEquals("Unit of instantiateScalarAbsSI matches", TimeUnit.EPOCH_DAY, time.getDisplayUnit());
704         assertEquals("Value of instantiateScalarAbsSI matches", 123.456f,, 0.1);
706         AngleMatrix angleMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
707                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, AngleUnit.DEGREE.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE), AngleUnit.DEGREE);
708         DirectionMatrix directionMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
709                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, DirectionUnit.EAST_DEGREE.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE),
710                 DirectionUnit.EAST_DEGREE);
712         DirectionMatrix relPlusAbsDirection =;
713         for (int row = 0; row < denseTestData.length; row++)
714         {
715             for (int col = 0; col < denseTestData[0].length; col++)
716             {
717                 assertEquals("relPlusAbsTime", 2.0 / 180 * Math.PI * denseTestData[row][col],
718                         relPlusAbsDirection.getSI(row, col), 0.01);
719             }
720         }
721         Direction direction = angleMatrix.instantiateScalarAbsSI(123.456f, DirectionUnit.NORTH_RADIAN);
722         assertEquals("Unit of instantiateScalarAbsSI matches", DirectionUnit.NORTH_RADIAN, direction.getDisplayUnit());
723         assertEquals("Value of instantiateScalarAbsSI matches", 123.456f,, 0.1);
725         TemperatureMatrix temperatureMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
726                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, TemperatureUnit.DEGREE_FAHRENHEIT.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE),
727                 TemperatureUnit.DEGREE_FAHRENHEIT);
728         AbsoluteTemperatureMatrix absoluteTemperatureMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
729                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, AbsoluteTemperatureUnit.KELVIN.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE),
730                 AbsoluteTemperatureUnit.KELVIN);
732         AbsoluteTemperatureMatrix relPlusAbsTemperature =;
733         for (int row = 0; row < denseTestData.length; row++)
734         {
735             for (int col = 0; col < denseTestData[0].length; col++)
736             {
737                 assertEquals("relPlusAbsTime", (1.0 + 5.0 / 9.0) * denseTestData[row][col],
738                         relPlusAbsTemperature.getSI(row, col), 0.01);
739             }
740         }
741         AbsoluteTemperature absoluteTemperature =
742                 temperatureMatrix.instantiateScalarAbsSI(123.456f, AbsoluteTemperatureUnit.DEGREE_FAHRENHEIT);
743         assertEquals("Unit of instantiateScalarAbsSI matches", AbsoluteTemperatureUnit.DEGREE_FAHRENHEIT,
744                 absoluteTemperature.getDisplayUnit());
745         assertEquals("Value of instantiateScalarAbsSI matches", 123.456f,, 0.1);
747         LengthMatrix lengthMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
748                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, LengthUnit.MILE.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE), LengthUnit.MILE);
749         PositionMatrix positionMatrix = DoubleMatrix.instantiate(
750                 DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(denseTestData, PositionUnit.KILOMETER.getScale(), StorageType.DENSE),
751                 PositionUnit.KILOMETER);
753         PositionMatrix relPlusAbsPosition =;
754         for (int row = 0; row < denseTestData.length; row++)
755         {
756             for (int col = 0; col < denseTestData[0].length; col++)
757             {
758                 assertEquals("relPlusAbsTime", 2609.344 * denseTestData[row][col], relPlusAbsPosition.getSI(row, col), 0.1);
759             }
760         }
761         Position position = lengthMatrix.instantiateScalarAbsSI(123.456f, PositionUnit.ANGSTROM);
762         assertEquals("Unit of instantiateScalarAbsSI matches", PositionUnit.ANGSTROM, position.getDisplayUnit());
763         assertEquals("Value of instantiateScalarAbsSI matches", 123.456f,, 0.01);
764     }
766     /**
767      * Test the <code>as</code> method of the SIMatrix class.
768      * @throws SecurityException on error
769      * @throws NoSuchMethodException on error
770      * @throws InvocationTargetException on error
771      * @throws IllegalArgumentException on error
772      * @throws IllegalAccessException on error
773      * @throws ClassNotFoundException on error
774      * @throws UnitException on error
775      * @param <U> the unit type
776      */
777     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
778     @Test
779     public <U extends Unit<U>> void testAsUnit() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException,
780             IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, UnitException
781     {
782         double[][] testValues = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(10, 20);
783         for (StorageType storageType : new StorageType[] {StorageType.DENSE, StorageType.SPARSE})
784         {
785             for (String type : CLASSNAMES.REL_LIST)
786             {
787                 Class.forName("org.djunits.unit." + type + "Unit");
788                 Quantity<U> quantity = (Quantity<U>) Quantities.INSTANCE.getQuantity(type + "Unit");
789                 for (U unit : quantity.getUnitsById().values())
790                 {
791                     for (StorageType storageType2 : new StorageType[] {StorageType.DENSE, storageType})
792                     {
793                         SIUnit siUnit = SIUnit.of(unit.getQuantity().getSiDimensions());
794                         SIMatrix matrix = SIMatrix.instantiate(testValues, siUnit, storageType2);
795                         Method asMethod = SIMatrix.class.getDeclaredMethod("as", Unit.class);
796                         AbstractDoubleMatrixRel<U, ?, ?, ?> asMatrix =
797                                 (AbstractDoubleMatrixRel<U, ?, ?, ?>) asMethod.invoke(matrix, siUnit);
798                         assertEquals(matrix.getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit(), asMatrix.getDisplayUnit());
799                         siUnit = SIUnit.of(AbsoluteTemperatureUnit.KELVIN.getQuantity().getSiDimensions());
800                         for (int row = 0; row < testValues.length; row++)
801                         {
802                             for (int col = 0; col < testValues[0].length; col++)
803                             {
804                                 assertEquals("Values should match", testValues[row][col], matrix.getInUnit(row, col), 0.001);
805                             }
806                         }
807                         try
808                         {
809                             asMethod.invoke(matrix, siUnit);
810                             fail("as method should not be able to cast to unrelated (absoluteTemperature) unit");
811                         }
812                         catch (InvocationTargetException ite)
813                         {
814                             Throwable cause = ite.getCause();
815                             assertEquals("cause is UnitRuntimeException", UnitRuntimeException.class, cause.getClass());
816                             // Otherwise ignore expected exception
817                         }
818                     }
819                 }
820             }
821         }
822     }
824     /**
825      * Test the equals method.
826      */
827     @SuppressWarnings("unlikely-arg-type")
828     @Test
829     public void testEquals()
830     {
831         double[][] testData = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(12, 34);
832         testData[2][2] = 0;
833         for (StorageType storageType : new StorageType[] {StorageType.DENSE, StorageType.SPARSE})
834         {
835             DoubleMatrixData dmd = DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData, TemperatureUnit.KELVIN.getScale(), storageType);
836             assertTrue("Double matrix is equal to itself", dmd.equals(dmd));
837             assertFalse("Double matrix is not equal to null", dmd.equals(null));
838             assertFalse("Double matrix data is not equal to some string", dmd.equals("some string"));
839             assertTrue("Double matrix is equal to sparse version of itself", dmd.equals(dmd.toSparse()));
840             assertTrue("Double matrix is equal to dense version of itself", dmd.equals(dmd.toDense()));
841             for (StorageType storageType2 : new StorageType[] {StorageType.DENSE, StorageType.SPARSE})
842             {
843                 DoubleMatrixData dvd2 = DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData, TemperatureUnit.KELVIN.getScale(), storageType2);
844                 assertEquals(
845                         "Double matrix data is equal to other double vector containing same values regardless of storage type",
846                         dmd, dvd2);
847                 double[][] testData2 = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(12, 33);
848                 testData2[2][2] = 0;
849                 dvd2 = DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData2, TemperatureUnit.KELVIN.getScale(), storageType2);
850                 assertFalse("Double matrix data is not equal to other double vector containing same values except last one",
851                         dmd.equals(dvd2));
852                 testData2 = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(13, 34);
853                 testData2[2][2] = 0;
854                 dvd2 = DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData2, TemperatureUnit.KELVIN.getScale(), storageType2);
855                 assertFalse("Double matrix data is not equal to other double vector containing same values except last one",
856                         dmd.equals(dvd2));
857                 testData2 = DOUBLEMATRIX.denseRectArrays(12, 34);
858                 dvd2 = DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(testData2, TemperatureUnit.KELVIN.getScale(), storageType2);
859                 assertFalse("Double matrix data is not equal to other double vector containing same values except for one zero",
860                         dmd.equals(dvd2));
861             }
862         }
863     }
865     /**
866      * Test the sparse value class.
867      */
868     @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
869     @Test
870     public void sparseValueTest()
871     {
872         try
873         {
874             new DoubleSparseValue(-1, 0, 123.456);
875             fail("Negative row should have caused a ValueRuntimeException");
876         }
877         catch (ValueRuntimeException vre)
878         {
879             // Ignore expected exception
880         }
882         try
883         {
884             new DoubleSparseValue(0, -1, 123.456);
885             fail("Negative column should have caused a ValueRuntimeException");
886         }
887         catch (ValueRuntimeException vre)
888         {
889             // Ignore expected exception
890         }
892         Length length = Length.valueOf("123 km");
893         DoubleSparseValue dsv = new DoubleSparseValue(2, 3, length);
894         assertEquals("row matches", 2, dsv.getRow());
895         assertEquals("column matches", 3, dsv.getColumn());
896         assertEquals("value matches", 123000, dsv.getValueSI(), 0.1);
897         dsv = new DoubleSparseValue(2, 3, 123.000, LengthUnit.KILOMETER);
898         assertEquals("row matches", 2, dsv.getRow());
899         assertEquals("column matches", 3, dsv.getColumn());
900         assertEquals("value matches", 123000, dsv.getValueSI(), 0.1);
901     }
903 }