Uses of Class
Packages that use FloatMatrix
Float Matrix storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative, sparse/dense.
Interfaces, abstract classes and utilities for FloatMatrix.
Uses of FloatMatrix in org.djunits.value.vfloat.matrix
Subclasses of FloatMatrix in org.djunits.value.vfloat.matrixModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Immutable FloatAbsoluteTemperature Matrix.class
Immutable FloatFloatAbsorbedDoseMatrix, a matrix of values with a AbsorbedDoseUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatAccelerationMatrix, a matrix of values with a AccelerationUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatAmountOfSubstanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a AmountOfSubstanceUnit.class
Immutable FloatAngle Matrix.class
Immutable FloatFloatAngularAccelerationMatrix, a matrix of values with a AngularAccelerationUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatAngularVelocityMatrix, a matrix of values with a AngularVelocityUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatAreaMatrix, a matrix of values with a AreaUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatCatalyticActivityMatrix, a matrix of values with a CatalyticActivityUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a DensityUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatDimensionlessMatrix, a matrix of values with a DimensionlessUnit.class
Immutable FloatDirection Matrix.class
Immutable FloatDuration Matrix.class
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalCapacitanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalCapacitanceUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalChargeMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalChargeUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalConductanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalConductanceUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalCurrentMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalCurrentUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalInductanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalInductanceUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalPotentialMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalPotentialUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalResistanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalResistanceUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatEnergyMatrix, a matrix of values with a EnergyUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatEquivalentDoseMatrix, a matrix of values with a EquivalentDoseUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatFlowMassMatrix, a matrix of values with a FlowMassUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatFlowVolumeMatrix, a matrix of values with a FlowVolumeUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatForceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ForceUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatFrequencyMatrix, a matrix of values with a FrequencyUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatIlluminanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a IlluminanceUnit.class
Immutable FloatLength Matrix.class
Immutable FloatFloatLinearDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a LinearDensityUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatLuminousFluxMatrix, a matrix of values with a LuminousFluxUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatLuminousIntensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a LuminousIntensityUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatMagneticFluxDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a MagneticFluxDensityUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatMagneticFluxMatrix, a matrix of values with a MagneticFluxUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatMassMatrix, a matrix of values with a MassUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatMomentumMatrix, a matrix of values with a MomentumUnit.class
Immutable FloatPosition Matrix.class
Immutable FloatFloatPowerMatrix, a matrix of values with a PowerUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatPressureMatrix, a matrix of values with a PressureUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatRadioActivityMatrix, a matrix of values with a RadioActivityUnit.class
Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI FloatMatrix.class
Immutable FloatFloatSolidAngleMatrix, a matrix of values with a SolidAngleUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatSpeedMatrix, a matrix of values with a SpeedUnit.class
Immutable FloatTemperature Matrix.class
Immutable FloatTime Matrix.class
Immutable FloatFloatTorqueMatrix, a matrix of values with a TorqueUnit.class
Immutable FloatFloatVolumeMatrix, a matrix of values with a VolumeUnit. -
Uses of FloatMatrix in org.djunits.value.vfloat.matrix.base
Classes in org.djunits.value.vfloat.matrix.base with type parameters of type FloatMatrixModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
FloatMatrix<U extends Unit<U>,
S extends FloatScalar<U, S>, V extends FloatVector<U, S, V>, M extends FloatMatrix<U, S, V, M>> FloatMatrix utility methods, e.g., for creating FloatMatrixs from different types of data.Subclasses of FloatMatrix in org.djunits.value.vfloat.matrix.baseModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
FloatMatrixAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,
RU>, A extends FloatScalarAbs<AU, A, RU, R>, AV extends FloatVectorAbs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>, AM extends FloatMatrixAbs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>, RU extends Unit<RU>, R extends FloatScalarRelWithAbs<AU, A, RU, R>, RV extends FloatVectorRelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>, RM extends FloatMatrixRelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>>
FloatMatrixRel<U extends Unit<U>,
S extends FloatScalarRel<U, S>, RV extends FloatVectorRel<U, S, RV>, RM extends FloatMatrixRel<U, S, RV, RM>>
FloatMatrixRelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,
RU>, A extends FloatScalarAbs<AU, A, RU, R>, AV extends FloatVectorAbs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>, AM extends FloatMatrixAbs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>, RU extends Unit<RU>, R extends FloatScalarRelWithAbs<AU, A, RU, R>, RV extends FloatVectorRelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, RU, R, RV>, RM extends FloatMatrixRelWithAbs<AU, A, AV, AM, RU, R, RV, RM>> in org.djunits.value.vfloat.matrix.base with type parameters of type FloatMatrixModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal <UT extends Unit<UT>,
ST extends FloatScalar<UT, ST>, VT extends FloatVector<UT, ST, VT>, MT extends FloatMatrix<UT, ST, VT, MT> & Relative<UT, MT>>
(MT rel) Divide this Relative matrix by another Relative <UT extends Unit<UT>,
ST extends FloatScalar<UT, ST>, VT extends FloatVector<UT, ST, VT>, MT extends FloatMatrix<UT, ST, VT, MT> & Relative<UT, MT>>
(MT rel) Multiply a Relative value with this Relative value for a matrix or matrix.