Class SIDimensions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SIDimensions
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    SIDimensions stores the dimensionality of a unit using the SI standards. Angle (rad) and solid angle (sr) have been added to be able to specify often used units regarding rotation.

    Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
    BSD-style license. See DJUNITS License

    Alexander Verbraeck
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int NUMBER_DIMENSIONS
      The (currently) 9 dimensions we take into account: rad, sr, kg, m, s, A, K, mol, cd.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
        SIDimensions​(byte[] dimensions)
      Create an immutable SIDimensions instance based on a safe copy of a given dimensions specification.
      protected SIDimensions​(byte[] numerator, byte[] denominator)
      Create an immutable fractional SIDimensions instance based on a safe copy of a given specification, separated in a numerator and a denominator.
        SIDimensions​(int angle, int solidAngle, int mass, int length, int time, int current, int temperature, int amountOfSubstance, int luminousIntensity)
      Create an immutable SIDimensions instance based on a safe copy of a given dimensions specification.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int NUMBER_DIMENSIONS
        The (currently) 9 dimensions we take into account: rad, sr, kg, m, s, A, K, mol, cd.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SIDimensions

        public SIDimensions​(byte[] dimensions)
        Create an immutable SIDimensions instance based on a safe copy of a given dimensions specification. As an example, speed is indicated as length = 1; time = -1 with the other dimensions equal to zero.
        dimensions - byte[]; The (currently) 9 dimensions of the SI unit we distinguish: 0: angle (rad), 1: solid angle (sr), 2: mass (kg), 3: length (m), 4: time (s), 5: current (A), 6: temperature (K), 7: amount of substance (mol), 8: luminous intensity (cd).
      • SIDimensions

        protected SIDimensions​(byte[] numerator,
                               byte[] denominator)
        Create an immutable fractional SIDimensions instance based on a safe copy of a given specification, separated in a numerator and a denominator.
        numerator - byte[]; The (currently) 9 dimensions of the SI unit we distinguish: 0: angle (rad), 1: solid angle (sr), 2: mass (kg), 3: length (m), 4: time (s), 5: current (A), 6: temperature (K), 7: amount of substance (mol), 8: luminous intensity (cd).
        denominator - byte[]; The (currently) 9 dimensions of the SI unit we distinguish: 0: angle (rad), 1: solid angle (sr), 2: mass (kg), 3: length (m), 4: time (s), 5: current (A), 6: temperature (K), 7: amount of substance (mol), 8: luminous intensity (cd).
      • SIDimensions

        public SIDimensions​(int angle,
                            int solidAngle,
                            int mass,
                            int length,
                            int time,
                            int current,
                            int temperature,
                            int amountOfSubstance,
                            int luminousIntensity)
        Create an immutable SIDimensions instance based on a safe copy of a given dimensions specification.
        angle - int; dimension of the angle (rad)
        solidAngle - int; dimension of the solidAngle (sr)
        mass - int; dimension of the mass (kg)
        length - int; dimension of the length (m)
        time - int; dimension of the time (s)
        current - int; dimension of the current (A)
        temperature - int; dimension of the temperature (K)
        amountOfSubstance - int; dimension of the amount of substance (mol)
        luminousIntensity - int; dimension of the luminous intensity (cd)
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static SIDimensions of​(String siString)
                               throws UnitException
        Parse a string representing SI dimensions to an SIDimensions object. Example: SIDimensions.of("kgm/s2") and SIDimensions.of("kgms-2") will both be translated to a dimensions object with vector {0,0,1,1,-2,0,0,0,0}. It is allowed to use 0 or 1 for the dimensions. Having the same unit in the numerator and the denominator is not seen as a problem: the values are subtracted from each other, so m/m will have a length dimensionality of 0. Dimensions between -9 and 9 are allowed. Spaces, periods and ^ are taken out, but other characters are not allowed and will lead to a UnitException. The order of allowed units is arbitrary, so "kg/ms2" is accepted as well as "kg/s^2.m".
        siString - String; the string to parse
        SIDimension; the corresponding SI dimensions
        UnitException - when the string could not be parsed into dimensions
      • siAbbreviations

        public String[] siAbbreviations()
        Returns a safe copy of the SI abbreviations (a public static final String[] is mutable).
        String[]; a safe copy of the SI abbreviations
      • plus

        public SIDimensions plus​(SIDimensions other)
        Add a set of SI dimensions to this SIDimensions. Note: as dimensions are considered to be immutable, a new dimension is returned. The original dimension (this) remains unaltered.
        other - SIDimensions; the dimensions to add (usually as a result of multiplication of scalars)
        SIDimensions; the new dimensions with the dimensions of this object plus the dimensions in the parameter
      • minus

        public SIDimensions minus​(SIDimensions other)
        Subtract a set of SI dimensions from this SIDimensions. Note: as dimensions are considered to be immutable, a new dimension is returned. The original dimension (this) remains unaltered.
        other - SIDimensions; the dimensions to subtract (usually as a result of division of scalars)
        SIDimensions; the new dimensions with the dimensions of this object minus the dimensions in the parameter
      • invert

        public SIDimensions invert()
        Invert a set of SI dimensions; instead of m/s we get s/m. Note: as dimensions are considered to be immutable, a new dimension is returned. The original dimension (this) remains unaltered.
        SIDimensions; the new dimensions that are the inverse of the dimensions in this object
      • add

        public static SIDimensions add​(SIDimensions dim1,
                                       SIDimensions dim2)
        Add two SIDimensions and return the new SIDimensions. Usually, dimensions are added as a result of multiplication of scalars.
        dim1 - SIDimensions; the first set of dimensions
        dim2 - SIDimensions; the second set of dimensions
        the new dimensions with the sum of the dimensions in the parameters
      • subtract

        public static SIDimensions subtract​(SIDimensions dim1,
                                            SIDimensions dim2)
        Subtract an SIDimensions (dim2) from another SIDimensions (dim1) and return the new SIDimensions. Usually, dimensions are added as a result of division of scalars.
        dim1 - SIDimensions; the first set of dimensions
        dim2 - SIDimensions; the second set of dimensions that will be subtracted from dim1
        the new dimensions with the difference of the dimensions in the parameters
      • isFractional

        public boolean isFractional()
        Indicate whether this SIDImensions contains one or more fractional dimensions.
        boolean; whether this SIDImensions contains one or more fractional dimensions
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString​(boolean divided,
                               String separator,
                               String powerPrefix,
                               String powerPostfix)
        Return a string such as "kgm/s2" or "kg.m/s^2" or "kg.m.s^-2" from this SIDimensions.
        divided - boolean; if true, return m/s2 for acceleration; if false return ms-2
        separator - String; add this string between successive units, e.g. kg.m.s-2 instead of kgms-2
        powerPrefix - String; the prefix for the power, e.g., "^" or ""
        powerPostfix - String; the postfix for the power, e.g., ""
        String; a formatted string for this SIDimensions
      • toString

        public String toString​(boolean divided,
                               boolean separator)
        Return a string such as "kgm/s2" or "kg.m/s2" or "kg.m.s-2" from this SIDimensions.
        divided - boolean; if true, return m/s2 for acceleration; if false return ms-2
        separator - boolean; if true, add a period between successive units, e.g. kg.m.s-2 instead of kgms-2
        String; a formatted string describing this SIDimensions
      • toString

        public String toString​(boolean divided,
                               boolean separator,
                               boolean power)
        Return a string such as "kgm/s2" or "kg.m/s^2" or "kg.m.s^-2" from this SIDimensions.
        divided - boolean; if true, return m/s2 for acceleration; if false return ms-2
        separator - boolean; if true, add a period between successive units, e.g. kg.m.s-2 instead of kgms-2
        power - boolean; if true, add a ^ sign before the power, e.g., "kg.m^2/s^3" instead of "kg.m2/s3"
        String; a formatted string describing this SIDimensions
      • toHTMLString

        public String toHTMLString​(boolean divided,
                                   boolean separator)
        Return a string such as "kgm/s2" or or "kg.m.s-2" from this SIDimensions.
        divided - boolean; if true, return "m/s2" for acceleration; if false return "ms-2"
        separator - boolean; if true, add a period between successive units, e.g. kg.m.s-2
        String; a formatted string describing this SIDimensions