Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractScalar 
Package Description
Double Scalar storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative.Note: All code in this package is generated.
Interfaces, abstract classes and utilities for DoubleScalar.
Float Scalar storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative.
Utilities, interfaces and abstract classes for FloatScalar.
  • Uses of AbstractScalar in org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar

    Subclasses of AbstractScalar in org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  AbsoluteTemperature
    Easy access methods for the Absolute AbsoluteTemperature DoubleScalar.
    class  AbsorbedDose
    Easy access methods for the AbsorbedDose DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Acceleration
    Easy access methods for the Acceleration DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  AmountOfSubstance
    Easy access methods for the AmountOfSubstance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Angle
    Easy access methods for the Relative Angle DoubleScalar.
    class  AngularAcceleration
    Easy access methods for the AngularAcceleration DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  AngularVelocity
    Easy access methods for the AngularVelocity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Area
    Easy access methods for the Area DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  CatalyticActivity
    Easy access methods for the CatalyticActivity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Density
    Easy access methods for the Density DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Dimensionless
    Easy access methods for the Dimensionless DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Direction
    Easy access methods for the Absolute Direction DoubleScalar.
    class  Duration
    Easy access methods for the Relative Duration DoubleScalar.
    class  ElectricalCapacitance
    Easy access methods for the ElectricalCapacitance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  ElectricalCharge
    Easy access methods for the ElectricalCharge DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  ElectricalConductance
    Easy access methods for the ElectricalConductance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  ElectricalCurrent
    Easy access methods for the ElectricalCurrent DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  ElectricalInductance
    Easy access methods for the ElectricalInductance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  ElectricalPotential
    Easy access methods for the ElectricalPotential DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  ElectricalResistance
    Easy access methods for the ElectricalResistance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Energy
    Easy access methods for the Energy DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  EquivalentDose
    Easy access methods for the EquivalentDose DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FlowMass
    Easy access methods for the FlowMass DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FlowVolume
    Easy access methods for the FlowVolume DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Force
    Easy access methods for the Force DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Frequency
    Easy access methods for the Frequency DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Illuminance
    Easy access methods for the Illuminance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Length
    Easy access methods for the Relative Length DoubleScalar.
    class  LinearDensity
    Easy access methods for the LinearDensity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  LuminousFlux
    Easy access methods for the LuminousFlux DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  LuminousIntensity
    Easy access methods for the LuminousIntensity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  MagneticFlux
    Easy access methods for the MagneticFlux DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  MagneticFluxDensity
    Easy access methods for the MagneticFluxDensity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Mass
    Easy access methods for the Mass DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Momentum
    Easy access methods for the Momentum DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Position
    Easy access methods for the Absolute Position DoubleScalar.
    class  Power
    Easy access methods for the Power DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Pressure
    Easy access methods for the Pressure DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  RadioActivity
    Easy access methods for the RadioActivity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  SIScalar
    Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI DoubleScalar.
    class  SolidAngle
    Easy access methods for the SolidAngle DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Speed
    Easy access methods for the Speed DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Temperature
    Easy access methods for the Relative Temperature DoubleScalar.
    class  Time
    Easy access methods for the Absolute Time DoubleScalar.
    class  Torque
    Easy access methods for the Torque DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  Volume
    Easy access methods for the Volume DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
  • Uses of AbstractScalar in org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base

    Subclasses of AbstractScalar in org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  AbstractDoubleScalar<U extends Unit<U>,​S extends AbstractDoubleScalar<U,​S>>
    The most basic abstract class for the DoubleScalar.
    class  AbstractDoubleScalarAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends AbstractDoubleScalarAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends AbstractDoubleScalarRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>>
    The typed, abstract DoubleScalarAbs class that forms the basis of all DoubleScalar definitions and extensions.
    Note: A relative scalar class can implement the toAbs() method if it has an absolute equivalent.
    class  AbstractDoubleScalarRel<U extends Unit<U>,​R extends AbstractDoubleScalarRel<U,​R>>
    The typed, abstract DoubleScalarRel class that forms the basis of all DoubleScalar definitions and extensions.
    Note: A relative scalar class can implement the toAbs() method if it has an absolute equivalent.
    class  AbstractDoubleScalarRelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends AbstractDoubleScalarAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends AbstractDoubleScalarRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>>
    The typed, abstract DoubleScalarRelWithAbs class that forms the basis of the relative DoubleScalars suck as Duration that have an absolute equivalent such as Time.
  • Uses of AbstractScalar in org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar

    Subclasses of AbstractScalar in org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  FloatAbsoluteTemperature
    Easy access methods for the FloatAbsoluteTemperature FloatScalar.
    class  FloatAbsorbedDose
    Easy access methods for the FloatAbsorbedDose FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatAcceleration
    Easy access methods for the FloatAcceleration FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatAmountOfSubstance
    Easy access methods for the FloatAmountOfSubstance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatAngle
    Easy access methods for the FloatAngle FloatScalar.
    class  FloatAngularAcceleration
    Easy access methods for the FloatAngularAcceleration FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatAngularVelocity
    Easy access methods for the FloatAngularVelocity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatArea
    Easy access methods for the FloatArea FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatCatalyticActivity
    Easy access methods for the FloatCatalyticActivity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatDensity
    Easy access methods for the FloatDensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatDimensionless
    Easy access methods for the FloatDimensionless FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatDirection
    Easy access methods for the FloatDirection FloatScalar.
    class  FloatDuration
    Easy access methods for the FloatDuration FloatScalar.
    class  FloatElectricalCapacitance
    Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalCapacitance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatElectricalCharge
    Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalCharge FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatElectricalConductance
    Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalConductance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatElectricalCurrent
    Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalCurrent FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatElectricalInductance
    Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalInductance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatElectricalPotential
    Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalPotential FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatElectricalResistance
    Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalResistance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatEnergy
    Easy access methods for the FloatEnergy FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatEquivalentDose
    Easy access methods for the FloatEquivalentDose FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatFlowMass
    Easy access methods for the FloatFlowMass FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatFlowVolume
    Easy access methods for the FloatFlowVolume FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatForce
    Easy access methods for the FloatForce FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatFrequency
    Easy access methods for the FloatFrequency FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatIlluminance
    Easy access methods for the FloatIlluminance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatLength
    Easy access methods for the FloatLength FloatScalar.
    class  FloatLinearDensity
    Easy access methods for the FloatLinearDensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatLuminousFlux
    Easy access methods for the FloatLuminousFlux FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatLuminousIntensity
    Easy access methods for the FloatLuminousIntensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatMagneticFlux
    Easy access methods for the FloatMagneticFlux FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatMagneticFluxDensity
    Easy access methods for the FloatMagneticFluxDensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatMass
    Easy access methods for the FloatMass FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatMomentum
    Easy access methods for the FloatMomentum FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatPosition
    Easy access methods for the FloatPosition FloatScalar.
    class  FloatPower
    Easy access methods for the FloatPower FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatPressure
    Easy access methods for the FloatPressure FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatRadioActivity
    Easy access methods for the FloatRadioActivity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatSIScalar
    Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI FloatScalar.
    class  FloatSolidAngle
    Easy access methods for the FloatSolidAngle FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatSpeed
    Easy access methods for the FloatSpeed FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatTemperature
    Easy access methods for the FloatTemperature FloatScalar.
    class  FloatTime
    Easy access methods for the FloatTime FloatScalar.
    class  FloatTorque
    Easy access methods for the FloatTorque FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
    class  FloatVolume
    Easy access methods for the FloatVolume FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
  • Uses of AbstractScalar in org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar.base

    Subclasses of AbstractScalar in org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar.base 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  AbstractFloatScalar<U extends Unit<U>,​S extends AbstractFloatScalar<U,​S>>
    The most basic abstract class for the FloatScalar.
    class  AbstractFloatScalarAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends AbstractFloatScalarAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>>
    The typed, abstract FloatScalarAbs class that forms the basis of all FloatScalar definitions and extensions.
    Note: A relative scalar class can implement the toAbs() method if it has an absolute equivalent.
    class  AbstractFloatScalarRel<U extends Unit<U>,​R extends AbstractFloatScalarRel<U,​R>>
    The typed, abstract FloatScalarRel class that forms the basis of all FloatScalar definitions and extensions.
    Note: A relative scalar class can implement the toAbs() method if it has an absolute equivalent.
    class  AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends AbstractFloatScalarAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>>
    The typed, abstract FloatScalarRelWithAbs class that forms the basis of the relative FloatScalars suck as Duration that have an absolute equivalent such as Time.