Class FrequencyVector

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<Frequency>, Vector<FrequencyUnit,​Frequency,​FrequencyVector>, Vector.Rel<FrequencyUnit,​Frequency,​FrequencyVector>, ValueFunctions<FrequencyUnit,​FrequencyVector>, IndexedValue<FrequencyUnit,​Frequency,​FrequencyVector>, Relative<FrequencyUnit,​FrequencyVector>, Value<FrequencyUnit,​FrequencyVector>, DoubleVectorInterface<FrequencyUnit,​Frequency,​FrequencyVector>

public class FrequencyVector
extends AbstractDoubleVectorRel<FrequencyUnit,​Frequency,​FrequencyVector>
Double FrequencyVector, a vector of values with a FrequencyUnit.

Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • FrequencyVector

      public FrequencyVector​(DoubleVectorData data, FrequencyUnit displayUnit)
      Construct an FrequencyVector from an internal data object.
      data - DoubleVectorData; the internal data object for the vector data
      displayUnit - FrequencyUnit; the display unit of the vector data
  • Method Details

    • getScalarClass

      public Class<Frequency> getScalarClass()
      Return the class of the corresponding scalar.
      Class<S>; the class of the corresponding scalar
    • instantiateVector

      public FrequencyVector instantiateVector​(DoubleVectorData dvd, FrequencyUnit displayUnit)
      Instantiate a new vector of the class of this vector. This can be used instead of the DoubleVector.instiantiate() methods in case another vector of this class is known. The method is faster than DoubleVector.instantiate, and it will also work if the vector is user-defined.
      dvd - DoubleVectorData; the data used to instantiate the vector
      displayUnit - U; the display unit of the vector
      V; a vector of the correct type
    • instantiateScalarSI

      public Frequency instantiateScalarSI​(double valueSI, FrequencyUnit displayUnit)
      Instantiate a new scalar for the class of this vector. This can be used instead of the DoubleScalar.instiantiate() methods in case a vector of this class is known. The method is faster than DoubleScalar.instantiate, and it will also work if the vector and/or scalar are user-defined.
      valueSI - double; the SI value of the scalar
      displayUnit - U; the unit in which the value will be displayed
      S; a scalar of the correct type, belonging to the vector type