Class FloatPosition

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<FloatPosition>, Absolute, Scalar<PositionUnit,​FloatPosition>, Scalar.Abs<PositionUnit,​FloatPosition,​LengthUnit,​FloatLength>, ValueFunctions<PositionUnit,​FloatPosition>, Value<PositionUnit,​FloatPosition>, FloatScalarInterface<PositionUnit,​FloatPosition>, FloatScalarInterface.Abs<PositionUnit,​FloatPosition,​LengthUnit,​FloatLength>

public class FloatPosition
extends AbstractFloatScalarAbs<PositionUnit,​FloatPosition,​LengthUnit,​FloatLength>
Easy access methods for the FloatPosition FloatScalar.

Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FloatPosition

      public FloatPosition​(float value, PositionUnit unit)
      Construct FloatPosition scalar.
      value - float; the float value
      unit - PositionUnit; unit for the float value
    • FloatPosition

      public FloatPosition​(double value, PositionUnit unit)
      Construct FloatPosition scalar using a double value.
      value - double; the double value
      unit - PositionUnit; unit for the resulting float value
    • FloatPosition

      public FloatPosition​(FloatPosition value)
      Construct FloatPosition scalar.
      value - FloatPosition; Scalar from which to construct this instance
  • Method Details

    • instantiateAbs

      public final FloatPosition instantiateAbs​(float value, PositionUnit unit)
      Construct a new Absolute Immutable FloatScalar of the right type. Each extending class must implement this method.
      value - float; the float value
      unit - AU; the absolute unit
      A a new absolute instance of the FloatScalar of the right type
    • instantiateRel

      public final FloatLength instantiateRel​(float value, LengthUnit unit)
      Construct a new Relative Immutable FloatScalar of the right type. Each extending class must implement this method.
      value - float; the float value
      unit - U; the unit
      R a new relative instance of the FloatScalar of the right type
    • instantiateSI

      public static final FloatPosition instantiateSI​(float value)
      Construct FloatPosition scalar.
      value - float; the float value in BASE units
      FloatPosition; the new scalar with the BASE value
    • interpolate

      public static FloatPosition interpolate​(FloatPosition zero, FloatPosition one, float ratio)
      Interpolate between two values.
      zero - FloatPosition; the low value
      one - FloatPosition; the high value
      ratio - float; the ratio between 0 and 1, inclusive
      FloatPosition; a Scalar at the ratio between
    • max

      public static FloatPosition max​(FloatPosition a1, FloatPosition a2)
      Return the maximum value of two absolute scalars.
      a1 - FloatPosition; the first scalar
      a2 - FloatPosition; the second scalar
      FloatPosition; the maximum value of two absolute scalars
    • max

      public static FloatPosition max​(FloatPosition a1, FloatPosition a2, FloatPosition... an)
      Return the maximum value of more than two absolute scalars.
      a1 - FloatPosition; the first scalar
      a2 - FloatPosition; the second scalar
      an - FloatPosition...; the other scalars
      FloatPosition; the maximum value of more than two absolute scalars
    • min

      public static FloatPosition min​(FloatPosition a1, FloatPosition a2)
      Return the minimum value of two absolute scalars.
      a1 - FloatPosition; the first scalar
      a2 - FloatPosition; the second scalar
      FloatPosition; the minimum value of two absolute scalars
    • min

      public static FloatPosition min​(FloatPosition a1, FloatPosition a2, FloatPosition... an)
      Return the minimum value of more than two absolute scalars.
      a1 - FloatPosition; the first scalar
      a2 - FloatPosition; the second scalar
      an - FloatPosition...; the other scalars
      FloatPosition; the minimum value of more than two absolute scalars
    • valueOf

      public static FloatPosition valueOf​(String text)
      Returns a FloatPosition representation of a textual representation of a value with a unit. The String representation that can be parsed is the double value in the unit, followed by the official abbreviation of the unit. Spaces are allowed, but not required, between the value and the unit.
      text - String; the textual representation to parse into a FloatPosition
      FloatPosition; the Scalar representation of the value in its unit
      IllegalArgumentException - when the text cannot be parsed
      NullPointerException - when the text argument is null
    • of

      public static FloatPosition of​(float value, String unitString)
      Returns a FloatPosition based on a value and the textual representation of the unit.
      value - double; the value to use
      unitString - String; the textual representation of the unit
      FloatPosition; the Scalar representation of the value in its unit
      IllegalArgumentException - when the unit cannot be parsed or is incorrect
      NullPointerException - when the unitString argument is null