All Classes and Interfaces

Absolute<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,RU>,A extends Absolute<AU,A,RU,R>,RU extends Unit<RU>,R extends RelWithAbs<AU,A,RU,R>>
Absolute values are quantities that are measured from some agreed upon reference point.
The AbsoluteUnit class indicates that a unit is absolute and has a "zero" point.
Builder for the AbsoluteUnit.
Easy access methods for the Absolute AbsoluteTemperature DoubleScalar.
Immutable AbsoluteTemperature Matrix.
AbsoluteTemperature units.
Double AbsoluteTemperatureVector, a vector of values with a AbsoluteTemperatureUnit.
Easy access methods for the AbsorbedDose DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double AbsorbedDoseMatrix, a matrix of values with a AbsorbedDoseUnit.
The units of absorbed dose (of ionizing radiation).
Double AbsorbedDoseVector, a vector of values with a AbsorbedDoseUnit.
Easy access methods for the Acceleration DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double AccelerationMatrix, a matrix of values with a AccelerationUnit.
Standard acceleration unit based on distance and time.
Double AccelerationVector, a vector of values with a AccelerationUnit.
Easy access methods for the AmountOfSubstance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double AmountOfSubstanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a AmountOfSubstanceUnit.
The units of amount of substance.
Double AmountOfSubstanceVector, a vector of values with a AmountOfSubstanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the Relative Angle DoubleScalar.
Immutable Angle Matrix.
Standard angle unit.
Utilities for Angles, such as normalization between 0 and 2 * PI.
Double AngleVector, a vector of values with a AngleUnit.
Easy access methods for the AngularAcceleration DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double AngularAccelerationMatrix, a matrix of values with a AngularAccelerationUnit.
Standard angular acceleration unit.
Double AngularAccelerationVector, a vector of values with a AngularAccelerationUnit.
Easy access methods for the AngularVelocity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double AngularVelocityMatrix, a matrix of values with a AngularVelocityUnit.
Standard angular velocity unit.
Double AngularVelocityVector, a vector of values with a AngularVelocityUnit.
Easy access methods for the Area DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double AreaMatrix, a matrix of values with a AreaUnit.
AreaUnit defines a number of common units for areas.
Double AreaVector, a vector of values with a AreaUnit.
The atomic unit system.
Easy access methods for the CatalyticActivity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double CatalyticActivityMatrix, a matrix of values with a CatalyticActivityUnit.
The units of catalytic activity.
Double CatalyticActivityVector, a vector of values with a CatalyticActivityUnit.
The centimeter-gram-second system.
The centimeter-gram-second system.
The centimeter-gram-second system.
Various physical constants.
Values are stored densely.
Easy access methods for the Density DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double DensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a DensityUnit.
Standard density unit based on mass per volume.
Double DensityVector, a vector of values with a DensityUnit.
Easy access methods for the Dimensionless DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
DimensionlessFunctions<U extends Unit<U>,T extends Value<U,T>>
Interface to force most functions of Math, which have not yet been implemented by MathFunctionsRel, to be implemented, with the exception of toRadians() and toDegrees() -- these functions are available for angles.
Immutable Double DimensionlessMatrix, a matrix of values with a DimensionlessUnit.
Dimensionless unit.
Double DimensionlessVector, a vector of values with a DimensionlessUnit.
Easy access methods for the Absolute Direction DoubleScalar.
Immutable Direction Matrix.
Standard direction unit.
Double DirectionVector, a vector of values with a DirectionUnit.
DoubleFunction carries out a specific transformation function on a double value.
DoubleFunction carries out a specific transformation function that takes two operands.
DoubleMathFunctions provides a static implementation of Math functions.
DoubleMatrix<U extends Unit<U>,S extends DoubleScalar<U,S>,V extends DoubleVector<U,S,V>,M extends DoubleMatrix<U,S,V,M>>
DoubleMatrix utility methods, e.g., for creating DoubleMatrixs from different types of data.
Stores the data for a DoubleMatrix and carries out basic operations.
Stores dense data for a DoubleMatrix and carries out basic operations.
Stores sparse data for a DoubleMatrix and carries out basic operations.
DoubleScalar<U extends Unit<U>,S extends DoubleScalar<U,S>>
The most basic abstract class for the DoubleScalar.
The typed, abstract DoubleScalarAbs class that forms the basis of all DoubleScalar definitions and extensions.
Note: A relative scalar class can implement the toAbs() method if it has an absolute equivalent.
DoubleScalarRel<U extends Unit<U>,R extends DoubleScalarRel<U,R>>
The typed, abstract DoubleScalarRel class that forms the basis of all DoubleScalar definitions and extensions.
Note: A relative scalar class can implement the toAbs() method if it has an absolute equivalent.
The typed, abstract DoubleScalarRelWithAbs class that forms the basis of the relative DoubleScalars suck as Duration that have an absolute equivalent such as Time.
DoubleSparseValue<U extends Unit<U>,S extends DoubleScalar<U,S>>
Data point for a matrix that can be used for constructing sparse matrices.
DoubleVector<U extends Unit<U>,S extends DoubleScalar<U,S>,V extends DoubleVector<U,S,V>>
The most basic abstract class for the DoubleVector.
Stores the data for a DoubleVector and carries out basic operations.
Stores dense data for a DoubleVector and carries out basic operations.
Stores sparse data for a DoubleVector and carries out basic operations.
DoubleVectorRel<U extends Unit<U>,S extends DoubleScalarRel<U,S>,RV extends DoubleVectorRel<U,S,RV>>
Easy access methods for the Relative Duration DoubleScalar.
Immutable Duration Matrix.
Standard duration units.
Double DurationVector, a vector of values with a DurationUnit.
Easy access methods for the ElectricalCapacitance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalCapacitanceUnit.
The units of electrical capacitance.
Double ElectricalCapacitanceVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalCapacitanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the ElectricalCharge DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double ElectricalChargeMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalChargeUnit.
Units for electrical charge.
Double ElectricalChargeVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalChargeUnit.
Easy access methods for the ElectricalConductance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double ElectricalConductanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalConductanceUnit.
The units of electrical conductance.
Double ElectricalConductanceVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalConductanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the ElectricalCurrent DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double ElectricalCurrentMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalCurrentUnit.
Standard units for electrical current.
Double ElectricalCurrentVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalCurrentUnit.
Easy access methods for the ElectricalInductance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double ElectricalInductanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalInductanceUnit.
The units of electrical capacitance.
Double ElectricalInductanceVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalInductanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the ElectricalPotential DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double ElectricalPotentialMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalPotentialUnit.
The units of electrical potential (voltage).
Double ElectricalPotentialVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalPotentialUnit.
Easy access methods for the ElectricalResistance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double ElectricalResistanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalResistanceUnit.
The units of electrical resistance.
Double ElectricalResistanceVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalResistanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the Energy DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double EnergyMatrix, a matrix of values with a EnergyUnit.
The units of energy.
Double EnergyVector, a vector of values with a EnergyUnit.
Format a value in Engineering notation, or normal floating point notation if that can represent the value more accurately.
Easy access methods for the EquivalentDose DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double EquivalentDoseMatrix, a matrix of values with a EquivalentDoseUnit.
The units of equivalent dose (of ionizing radiation).
Double EquivalentDoseVector, a vector of values with a EquivalentDoseUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatAbsoluteTemperature FloatScalar.
Immutable FloatAbsoluteTemperature Matrix.
Absolute FloatAbsoluteTemperature Vector.
Easy access methods for the FloatAbsorbedDose FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatAbsorbedDoseMatrix, a matrix of values with a AbsorbedDoseUnit.
Immutable Float FloatAbsorbedDoseVector, a vector of values with a AbsorbedDoseUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatAcceleration FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatAccelerationMatrix, a matrix of values with a AccelerationUnit.
Immutable Float FloatAccelerationVector, a vector of values with a AccelerationUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatAmountOfSubstance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatAmountOfSubstanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a AmountOfSubstanceUnit.
Immutable Float FloatAmountOfSubstanceVector, a vector of values with a AmountOfSubstanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatAngle FloatScalar.
Immutable FloatAngle Matrix.
Relative FloatAngle Vector.
Easy access methods for the FloatAngularAcceleration FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatAngularAccelerationMatrix, a matrix of values with a AngularAccelerationUnit.
Immutable Float FloatAngularAccelerationVector, a vector of values with a AngularAccelerationUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatAngularVelocity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatAngularVelocityMatrix, a matrix of values with a AngularVelocityUnit.
Immutable Float FloatAngularVelocityVector, a vector of values with a AngularVelocityUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatArea FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatAreaMatrix, a matrix of values with a AreaUnit.
Immutable Float FloatAreaVector, a vector of values with a AreaUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatCatalyticActivity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatCatalyticActivityMatrix, a matrix of values with a CatalyticActivityUnit.
Immutable Float FloatCatalyticActivityVector, a vector of values with a CatalyticActivityUnit.
Various physical constants.
Easy access methods for the FloatDensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a DensityUnit.
Immutable Float FloatDensityVector, a vector of values with a DensityUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatDimensionless FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatDimensionlessMatrix, a matrix of values with a DimensionlessUnit.
Immutable Float FloatDimensionlessVector, a vector of values with a DimensionlessUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatDirection FloatScalar.
Immutable FloatDirection Matrix.
Absolute FloatDirection Vector.
Easy access methods for the FloatDuration FloatScalar.
Immutable FloatDuration Matrix.
Relative FloatDuration Vector.
Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalCapacitance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalCapacitanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalCapacitanceUnit.
Immutable Float FloatElectricalCapacitanceVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalCapacitanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalCharge FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalChargeMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalChargeUnit.
Immutable Float FloatElectricalChargeVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalChargeUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalConductance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalConductanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalConductanceUnit.
Immutable Float FloatElectricalConductanceVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalConductanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalCurrent FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalCurrentMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalCurrentUnit.
Immutable Float FloatElectricalCurrentVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalCurrentUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalInductance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalInductanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalInductanceUnit.
Immutable Float FloatElectricalInductanceVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalInductanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalPotential FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalPotentialMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalPotentialUnit.
Immutable Float FloatElectricalPotentialVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalPotentialUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatElectricalResistance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatElectricalResistanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalResistanceUnit.
Immutable Float FloatElectricalResistanceVector, a vector of values with a ElectricalResistanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatEnergy FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatEnergyMatrix, a matrix of values with a EnergyUnit.
Immutable Float FloatEnergyVector, a vector of values with a EnergyUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatEquivalentDose FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatEquivalentDoseMatrix, a matrix of values with a EquivalentDoseUnit.
Immutable Float FloatEquivalentDoseVector, a vector of values with a EquivalentDoseUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatFlowMass FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatFlowMassMatrix, a matrix of values with a FlowMassUnit.
Immutable Float FloatFlowMassVector, a vector of values with a FlowMassUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatFlowVolume FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatFlowVolumeMatrix, a matrix of values with a FlowVolumeUnit.
Immutable Float FloatFlowVolumeVector, a vector of values with a FlowVolumeUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatForce FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatForceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ForceUnit.
Immutable Float FloatForceVector, a vector of values with a ForceUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatFrequency FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatFrequencyMatrix, a matrix of values with a FrequencyUnit.
Immutable Float FloatFrequencyVector, a vector of values with a FrequencyUnit.
DoubleFunction carries out a specific transformation function on a float value.
FloatFunction carries out a specific transformation function that takes two operands.
Easy access methods for the FloatIlluminance FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatIlluminanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a IlluminanceUnit.
Immutable Float FloatIlluminanceVector, a vector of values with a IlluminanceUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatLength FloatScalar.
Immutable FloatLength Matrix.
Relative FloatLength Vector.
Easy access methods for the FloatLinearDensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatLinearDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a LinearDensityUnit.
Immutable Float FloatLinearDensityVector, a vector of values with a LinearDensityUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatLuminousFlux FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatLuminousFluxMatrix, a matrix of values with a LuminousFluxUnit.
Immutable Float FloatLuminousFluxVector, a vector of values with a LuminousFluxUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatLuminousIntensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatLuminousIntensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a LuminousIntensityUnit.
Immutable Float FloatLuminousIntensityVector, a vector of values with a LuminousIntensityUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatMagneticFlux FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Easy access methods for the FloatMagneticFluxDensity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatMagneticFluxDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a MagneticFluxDensityUnit.
Immutable Float FloatMagneticFluxDensityVector, a vector of values with a MagneticFluxDensityUnit.
Immutable FloatFloatMagneticFluxMatrix, a matrix of values with a MagneticFluxUnit.
Immutable Float FloatMagneticFluxVector, a vector of values with a MagneticFluxUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatMass FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatMassMatrix, a matrix of values with a MassUnit.
Immutable Float FloatMassVector, a vector of values with a MassUnit.
FloatMathFunctions provides a static implementation of Math functions.
FloatMatrix<U extends Unit<U>,S extends FloatScalar<U,S>,V extends FloatVector<U,S,V>,M extends FloatMatrix<U,S,V,M>>
FloatMatrix utility methods, e.g., for creating FloatMatrixs from different types of data.
Stores the data for a FloatMatrix and carries out basic operations.
Stores dense data for a FloatMatrix and carries out basic operations.
Stores sparse data for a FloatMatrix and carries out basic operations.
FloatMatrixRel<U extends Unit<U>,S extends FloatScalarRel<U,S>,RV extends FloatVectorRel<U,S,RV>,RM extends FloatMatrixRel<U,S,RV,RM>>
Easy access methods for the FloatMomentum FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatMomentumMatrix, a matrix of values with a MomentumUnit.
Immutable Float FloatMomentumVector, a vector of values with a MomentumUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatPosition FloatScalar.
Immutable FloatPosition Matrix.
Absolute FloatPosition Vector.
Easy access methods for the FloatPower FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatPowerMatrix, a matrix of values with a PowerUnit.
Immutable Float FloatPowerVector, a vector of values with a PowerUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatPressure FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatPressureMatrix, a matrix of values with a PressureUnit.
Immutable Float FloatPressureVector, a vector of values with a PressureUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatRadioActivity FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatRadioActivityMatrix, a matrix of values with a RadioActivityUnit.
Immutable Float FloatRadioActivityVector, a vector of values with a RadioActivityUnit.
FloatScalar<U extends Unit<U>,S extends FloatScalar<U,S>>
Static methods to create and operate on FloatScalars.
The typed, abstract FloatScalarAbs class that forms the basis of all FloatScalar definitions and extensions.
Note: A relative scalar class can implement the toAbs() method if it has an absolute equivalent.
FloatScalarRel<U extends Unit<U>,R extends FloatScalarRel<U,R>>
The typed, abstract FloatScalarRel class that forms the basis of all FloatScalar definitions and extensions.
Note: A relative scalar class can implement the toAbs() method if it has an absolute equivalent.
The typed, abstract FloatScalarRelWithAbs class that forms the basis of the relative FloatScalars suck as Duration that have an absolute equivalent such as Time.
Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI FloatMatrix.
Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI FloatScalar.
Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI FloatVector.
Easy access methods for the FloatSolidAngle FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatSolidAngleMatrix, a matrix of values with a SolidAngleUnit.
Immutable Float FloatSolidAngleVector, a vector of values with a SolidAngleUnit.
FloatSparseValue<U extends Unit<U>,S extends FloatScalar<U,S>>
Data point for a matrix that can be used for constructing sparse matrices.
Easy access methods for the FloatSpeed FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatSpeedMatrix, a matrix of values with a SpeedUnit.
Immutable Float FloatSpeedVector, a vector of values with a SpeedUnit.
Easy access methods for the FloatTemperature FloatScalar.
Immutable FloatTemperature Matrix.
Relative FloatTemperature Vector.
Easy access methods for the FloatTime FloatScalar.
Immutable FloatTime Matrix.
Absolute FloatTime Vector.
Easy access methods for the FloatTorque FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatTorqueMatrix, a matrix of values with a TorqueUnit.
Immutable Float FloatTorqueVector, a vector of values with a TorqueUnit.
FloatVector<U extends Unit<U>,S extends FloatScalar<U,S>,V extends FloatVector<U,S,V>>
The most basic abstract class for the FloatVector.
Stores the data for a FloatVector and carries out basic operations.
Stores dense data for a FloatVector and carries out basic operations.
Stores sparse data for a FloatVector and carries out basic operations.
FloatVectorRel<U extends Unit<U>,S extends FloatScalarRel<U,S>,RV extends FloatVectorRel<U,S,RV>>
Easy access methods for the FloatVolume FloatScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable FloatFloatVolumeMatrix, a matrix of values with a VolumeUnit.
Immutable Float FloatVolumeVector, a vector of values with a VolumeUnit.
Easy access methods for the FlowMass DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double FlowMassMatrix, a matrix of values with a FlowMassUnit.
The mass flow rate is the mass of a substance which passes through a given surface per unit of time (wikipedia).
Double FlowMassVector, a vector of values with a FlowMassUnit.
Easy access methods for the FlowVolume DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double FlowVolumeMatrix, a matrix of values with a FlowVolumeUnit.
The volume flow rate is the volume of fluid which passes through a given surface per unit of time (wikipedia).
Double FlowVolumeVector, a vector of values with a FlowVolumeUnit.
Easy access methods for the Force DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double ForceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ForceUnit.
The units of force.
Double ForceVector, a vector of values with a ForceUnit.
Format a floating point number in a reasonable way.
Formatter of values with width and precision.
Easy access methods for the Frequency DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double FrequencyMatrix, a matrix of values with a FrequencyUnit.
Standard frequency unit based on time.
Double FrequencyVector, a vector of values with a FrequencyUnit.
A Scale for transforming a slope as a grade, where 45 degrees is 1, and 90 degrees is infinite, to radians.
A Scale for standard, e.g.
Easy access methods for the Illuminance DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double IlluminanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a IlluminanceUnit.
The units of illuminance.
Double IlluminanceVector, a vector of values with a IlluminanceUnit.
The imperial system (or British imperial system).
IndexedValue<U extends Unit<U>,S extends Scalar<U,S>,T extends IndexedValue<U,S,T,D>,D extends Storage<D>>
Easy access methods for the Relative Length DoubleScalar.
Immutable Length Matrix.
Standard length units.
Double LengthVector, a vector of values with a LengthUnit.
Easy access methods for the LinearDensity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double LinearDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a LinearDensityUnit.
Objects per unit of distance.
Double LinearDensityVector, a vector of values with a LinearDensityUnit.
A Scale for linear transformations not involving a zero-offset, e.g.
Easy access methods for the LuminousFlux DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double LuminousFluxMatrix, a matrix of values with a LuminousFluxUnit.
The units of luminous flux.
Double LuminousFluxVector, a vector of values with a LuminousFluxUnit.
Easy access methods for the LuminousIntensity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double LuminousIntensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a LuminousIntensityUnit.
The units of luminous intensity.
Double LuminousIntensityVector, a vector of values with a LuminousIntensityUnit.
Easy access methods for the MagneticFlux DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Easy access methods for the MagneticFluxDensity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double MagneticFluxDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a MagneticFluxDensityUnit.
The units of magnetic flux density, a.k.a.
Double MagneticFluxDensityVector, a vector of values with a MagneticFluxDensityUnit.
Immutable Double MagneticFluxMatrix, a matrix of values with a MagneticFluxUnit.
The units of magnetic flux.
Double MagneticFluxVector, a vector of values with a MagneticFluxUnit.
Easy access methods for the Mass DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double MassMatrix, a matrix of values with a MassUnit.
Standard mass units.
Double MassVector, a vector of values with a MassUnit.
Matrix<U extends Unit<U>,S extends Scalar<U,S>,V extends Vector<U,S,V,DV>,DV extends Storage<DV>,M extends Matrix<U,S,V,DV,M,DM>,DM extends Storage<DM>>
Matrix to distinguish a matrix from scalars and matrixs.
Easy access methods for the Momentum DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double MomentumMatrix, a matrix of values with a MomentumUnit.
According to Wikipedia: Momentum or linear momentum, or translational momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object.
Double MomentumVector, a vector of values with a MomentumUnit.
The meter-tonne-second system.
Scale with factor and zero point offset.
Other (non-SI, cgs, Imperial, mts, US, ...) system, or to indicate a unit is not belonging to a system.
Easy access methods for the Absolute Position DoubleScalar.
Immutable Position Matrix.
Standard absolute position units.
Double PositionVector, a vector of values with a PositionUnit.
Easy access methods for the Power DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double PowerMatrix, a matrix of values with a PowerUnit.
The units of power.
Double PowerVector, a vector of values with a PowerUnit.
Easy access methods for the Pressure DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double PressureMatrix, a matrix of values with a PressureUnit.
The units of pressure.
Double PressureVector, a vector of values with a PressureUnit.
UnitTypes is a singleton where the BaseUnit SIDimensions 'fingerprints' are stored and mapped to the BaseUnits.
Quantity<U extends Unit<U>>
Quantity contains a map of all registered units belonging to this base.
Easy access methods for the RadioActivity DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double RadioActivityMatrix, a matrix of values with a RadioActivityUnit.
The units of radio activity (decays per unit of time).
Double RadioActivityVector, a vector of values with a RadioActivityUnit.
Relative<U extends Unit<U>,R extends Relative<U,R>>
Relative values express differences.
RelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,RU>,A extends Absolute<AU,A,RU,R>,RU extends Unit<RU>,R extends RelWithAbs<AU,A,RU,R>>
Relative values express differences; a RelWithAbs value represents a relative quantity that has a corresponding absolute quantity.
Scalar<U extends Unit<U>,S extends Scalar<U,S>>
Scalar to distinguish a scalar from vectors and matrices.
Scales for unit conversion, offers functions to and from SI units.
The international System of Units (SI).
The international System of Units (SI): accepted units such as the minute, day, and liter.
The international System of Units (SI).
The international System of Units (SI).
SIDimensions stores the dimensionality of a unit using the SI standards.
Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI DoubleMatrix.
SIPrefix contains information about one prefix, such as M for mega with the value 1.0E6.
Useful sets of SI prefixes.
Runtime Exceptions in SI package.
Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI DoubleScalar.
SIUnit describes a unit with arbitrary SI dimensions for which no predefined unit exists.
Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI DoubleVector.
Easy access methods for the SolidAngle DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double SolidAngleMatrix, a matrix of values with a SolidAngleUnit.
Standard solid angle unit.
Double SolidAngleVector, a vector of values with a SolidAngleUnit.
Values are stored sparsely (lots of zero values expected).
Easy access methods for the Speed DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double SpeedMatrix, a matrix of values with a SpeedUnit.
According to Wikipedia: Speed describes only how fast an object is moving, whereas speed gives both how fast and in what direction the object is moving.
Double SpeedVector, a vector of values with a SpeedUnit.
Storage<T extends Storage<T>>
Possible ways to store vectors and matrices, e.g.
Easy access methods for the Relative Temperature DoubleScalar.
Immutable Temperature Matrix.
Temperature units.
Double TemperatureVector, a vector of values with a TemperatureUnit.
Easy access methods for the Absolute Time DoubleScalar.
Immutable Time Matrix.
Standard absolute time units.
Double TimeVector, a vector of values with a TimeUnit.
Easy access methods for the Torque DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double TorqueMatrix, a matrix of values with a TorqueUnit.
The units of torque (moment of force).
Double TorqueVector, a vector of values with a TorqueUnit.
Unit<U extends Unit<U>>
All units are internally stored relative to a standard unit with conversion factor.
Unit.Builder<U extends Unit<U>>
The class that contains the information to build a unit.
Exceptions in Unit package.
Localization object for language specific reporting of units.
Runtime Exceptions in Unit package.
Easy access methods for many units.
Systems of Units such as SI, including SI-derived; cgs (centimeter-gram-second).
The US customary system (US specific extensions to the British imperial system).
Value<U extends Unit<U>,T extends Value<U,T>>
Value is the generic interface for all Scalar, Vector and Matrix classes that forces implementation of a few unit- and value-related methods.
Exception that is thrown for bad indices, or non-rectangular arrays, incompatible arrays or matrices, or empty arrays
ValueUtil implements a couple of unit-related static methods.
Vector<U extends Unit<U>,S extends Scalar<U,S>,V extends Vector<U,S,V,D>,D extends Storage<D>>
Vector to distinguish a vector from vectors and matrices.
Easy access methods for the Volume DoubleScalar, which is relative by definition.
Immutable Double VolumeMatrix, a matrix of values with a VolumeUnit.
VolumeUnit defines a number of common units for volumes.
Double VolumeVector, a vector of values with a VolumeUnit.