Class EngineeringFormatter

  • public final class EngineeringFormatter
    extends Object
    Format a value in Engineering notation, or normal floating point notation if that can represent the value more accurately.

    Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
    BSD-style license. See DJUNITS License.

    $Revision: 954 $, $LastChangedDate: 2022-01-10 03:42:57 +0100 (Mon, 10 Jan 2022) $, by $Author: averbraeck $, initial version 11 sep. 2015
    Peter Knoppers
    • Method Detail

      • setUpperCaseFormat

        public static void setUpperCaseFormat​(boolean upper)
        Switch to/from upper case E for exponent indicator. The default is to use upper case.
        upper - boolean; if true; an upper case E will be used; if false; a lower case e will be used
      • format

        public static String format​(double val)
        Format a double in Engineering format using DEFAULTSIZE room.
        val - double; the value to format
        String; the formatted value
      • format

        public static String format​(double val,
                                    int room)
        Format a double in Engineering format.
        val - double; the value to format
        room - int; the width in characters of the result (minimum value is 10; values below this limit will be treated as 10)
        String; the formatted value
      • convertToEngineering

        public static String convertToEngineering​(String in)
        Make the exponent of a floating point value a multiple of 3. Assumes that the first dot or comma is the radix symbol and 'e' or 'E' is used at the exponent symbol.
        in - String; String representation of a floating point value
        String; The engineering formatted value
      • padd

        public static String padd​(String in,
                                  int width)
        Extend a String with spaces, or trim it to reach a specified length.
        in - String; input string
        width - int; length of the result
        String; the extended or trimmed input string