Package org.djunits.value.vdouble.matrix

package org.djunits.value.vdouble.matrix
Double Matrix storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative, sparse/dense.

Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See DJUNITS License.

Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
  • Classes
    Immutable AbsoluteTemperature Matrix.
    Immutable Double AbsorbedDoseMatrix, a matrix of values with a AbsorbedDoseUnit.
    Immutable Double AccelerationMatrix, a matrix of values with a AccelerationUnit.
    Immutable Double AmountOfSubstanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a AmountOfSubstanceUnit.
    Immutable Angle Matrix.
    Immutable Double AngularAccelerationMatrix, a matrix of values with a AngularAccelerationUnit.
    Immutable Double AngularVelocityMatrix, a matrix of values with a AngularVelocityUnit.
    Immutable Double AreaMatrix, a matrix of values with a AreaUnit.
    Immutable Double CatalyticActivityMatrix, a matrix of values with a CatalyticActivityUnit.
    Immutable Double DensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a DensityUnit.
    Immutable Double DimensionlessMatrix, a matrix of values with a DimensionlessUnit.
    Immutable Direction Matrix.
    Immutable Duration Matrix.
    Immutable Double ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalCapacitanceUnit.
    Immutable Double ElectricalChargeMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalChargeUnit.
    Immutable Double ElectricalConductanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalConductanceUnit.
    Immutable Double ElectricalCurrentMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalCurrentUnit.
    Immutable Double ElectricalInductanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalInductanceUnit.
    Immutable Double ElectricalPotentialMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalPotentialUnit.
    Immutable Double ElectricalResistanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ElectricalResistanceUnit.
    Immutable Double EnergyMatrix, a matrix of values with a EnergyUnit.
    Immutable Double EquivalentDoseMatrix, a matrix of values with a EquivalentDoseUnit.
    Immutable Double FlowMassMatrix, a matrix of values with a FlowMassUnit.
    Immutable Double FlowVolumeMatrix, a matrix of values with a FlowVolumeUnit.
    Immutable Double ForceMatrix, a matrix of values with a ForceUnit.
    Immutable Double FrequencyMatrix, a matrix of values with a FrequencyUnit.
    Immutable Double IlluminanceMatrix, a matrix of values with a IlluminanceUnit.
    Immutable Length Matrix.
    Immutable Double LinearDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a LinearDensityUnit.
    Immutable Double LuminousFluxMatrix, a matrix of values with a LuminousFluxUnit.
    Immutable Double LuminousIntensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a LuminousIntensityUnit.
    Immutable Double MagneticFluxDensityMatrix, a matrix of values with a MagneticFluxDensityUnit.
    Immutable Double MagneticFluxMatrix, a matrix of values with a MagneticFluxUnit.
    Immutable Double MassMatrix, a matrix of values with a MassUnit.
    Immutable Double MomentumMatrix, a matrix of values with a MomentumUnit.
    Immutable Position Matrix.
    Immutable Double PowerMatrix, a matrix of values with a PowerUnit.
    Immutable Double PressureMatrix, a matrix of values with a PressureUnit.
    Immutable Double RadioActivityMatrix, a matrix of values with a RadioActivityUnit.
    Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI DoubleMatrix.
    Immutable Double SolidAngleMatrix, a matrix of values with a SolidAngleUnit.
    Immutable Double SpeedMatrix, a matrix of values with a SpeedUnit.
    Immutable Temperature Matrix.
    Immutable Time Matrix.
    Immutable Double TorqueMatrix, a matrix of values with a TorqueUnit.
    Immutable Double VolumeMatrix, a matrix of values with a VolumeUnit.