
package org.djunits.value.vfloat.vector.base;

import org.djunits.unit.SIUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.Unit;
import org.djunits.unit.util.UnitException;
import org.djunits.value.Relative;
import org.djunits.value.ValueRuntimeException;
import org.djunits.value.base.Vector;
import org.djunits.value.vfloat.function.FloatMathFunctions;
import org.djunits.value.vfloat.scalar.base.AbstractFloatScalarRel;
import org.djunits.value.vfloat.vector.FloatSIVector;
import org.djunits.value.vfloat.vector.data.FloatVectorData;

 * AbstractMutableFloatVectorRel.java.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="https://djunits.org/docs/license.html">DJUNITS License</a>.
 * <p>
 * @author <a href="https://www.tudelft.nl/averbraeck" target="_blank">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @param <U> the unit
 * @param <S> the scalar type belonging to the vector type
 * @param <RV> the relative vector type with this unit
public abstract class AbstractFloatVectorRel<U extends Unit<U>, S extends AbstractFloatScalarRel<U, S>,
        RV extends AbstractFloatVectorRel<U, S, RV>> extends AbstractFloatVector<U, S, RV> implements Vector.Rel<U, S, RV>
    /** */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20190908L;

     * Construct a new Relative Mutable FloatVector.
     * @param data FloatVectorData; an internal data object
     * @param unit U; the unit
    protected AbstractFloatVectorRel(final FloatVectorData data, final U unit)
        super(data.copy(), unit);

     * Compute the sum of all SI values of this vector.
     * @return S; the sum of all values of this vector with the same display unit as this vector
    public final S zSum()
        return instantiateScalarSI(getData().zSum(), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final RV plus(final RV rel) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateVector(this.getData().plus(rel.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final RV minus(final RV rel) throws ValueRuntimeException
        return instantiateVector(this.getData().minus(rel.getData()), getDisplayUnit());

     * Increment all values of this vector by the increment. This only works if the vector is mutable.
     * @param increment S; the scalar by which to increment all values
     * @return RV; this modified vector
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException in case this vector is immutable
    public RV incrementBy(final S increment)
        return (RV) this;

     * Increment all values of this vector by the increment on a value by value basis. This only works if this vector is
     * mutable.
     * @param increment RV; the vector that contains the values by which to increment the corresponding values
     * @return RV; this modified vector
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException in case this vector is immutable or when the sizes of the vectors differ
    public RV incrementBy(final RV increment)
        return (RV) this;

     * Decrement all values of this vector by the decrement. This only works if the vector is mutable.
     * @param decrement S; the scalar by which to decrement all values
     * @return RV; this modified vector
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException in case this vector is immutable
    public RV decrementBy(final S decrement)
        return (RV) this;

     * Decrement all values of this vector by the decrement on a value by value basis. This only works if this vector is
     * mutable.
     * @param decrement RV; the vector that contains the values by which to decrement the corresponding values
     * @return RV; this modified vector
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException in case this vector is immutable or when the sizes of the vectors differ
    public RV decrementBy(final RV decrement)
        return (RV) this;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final RV multiplyBy(final double multiplier)
        return assign(FloatMathFunctions.MULT((float) multiplier));

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public RV divideBy(final double divisor)
        return assign(FloatMathFunctions.DIV((float) divisor));

     * Multiply a Relative value with this Relative value for a vector or matrix. The multiplication is done value by value and
     * store the result in a new Relative value. If both operands are dense, the result is a dense vector or matrix, otherwise
     * the result is a sparse vector or matrix.
     * @param rel VT; the right operand, which can be any vector type
     * @return FloatSIVector; the multiplication of this vector and the operand
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException in case this vector or matrix and the operand have a different size
     * @throws UnitException on unit error
     * @param <UT> the unit type of the multiplier
     * @param <ST> the scalar type of the multiplier
     * @param <VT> the vector type of the multiplier
    public final <UT extends Unit<UT>, ST extends AbstractFloatScalarRel<UT, ST>,
            VT extends AbstractFloatVectorRel<UT, ST, VT> & Relative<UT, VT>> FloatSIVector times(final VT rel)
                    throws ValueRuntimeException, UnitException
        return new FloatSIVector(this.getData().times(rel.getData()), SIUnit.of(

     * Divide this Relative value by a Relative value for a vector or matrix. The division is done value by value and store the
     * result in a new Relative value. If both operands are dense, the result is a dense vector or matrix, otherwise the result
     * is a sparse vector or matrix.
     * @param rel VT; the right operand, which can be any vector type
     * @return FloatSIVector; the division of this vector and the operand
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException in case this vector or matrix and the operand have a different size
     * @throws UnitException on unit error
     * @param <UT> the unit type of the multiplier
     * @param <ST> the scalar type of the multiplier
     * @param <VT> the vector type of the multiplier
    public final <UT extends Unit<UT>, ST extends AbstractFloatScalarRel<UT, ST>,
            VT extends AbstractFloatVectorRel<UT, ST, VT> & Relative<UT, VT>> FloatSIVector divide(final VT rel)
                    throws ValueRuntimeException, UnitException
        return new FloatSIVector(this.getData().divide(rel.getData()), SIUnit.of(

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public RV times(final double multiplier)
        return clone().mutable().assign(FloatMathFunctions.MULT((float) multiplier)).immutable();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public RV divide(final double divisor)
        return clone().mutable().assign(FloatMathFunctions.DIV((float) divisor)).immutable();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public RV times(final float multiplier)
        return times((double) multiplier);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public RV divide(final float divisor)
        return divide((double) divisor);
