package org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.djunits.unit.AbsoluteLinearUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.SIUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.Unit;
import org.djunits.unit.util.UnitRuntimeException;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.SIScalar;

 * Static methods to create and operate on DoubleScalars.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">DJUNITS License</a>.
 * <p>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
public abstract class DoubleScalar
    /********************************* STATIC METHODS *********************************/

    /** The cache to make the lookup of the constructor for a Scalar belonging to a unit faster. */
    private static final Map<Unit<?>, Constructor<? extends DoubleScalarInterface<?, ?>>> CACHE = new HashMap<>();

    /** Do not instantiate. */
    private DoubleScalar()
        // Utility class.

     * Instantiate the DoubleScalar based on its unit. Rigid check on types by the compiler.
     * @param value double; the value
     * @param unit U; the unit in which the value is expressed
     * @return S; an instantiated DoubleScalar with the value expressed in the unit
     * @param <U> the unit
     * @param <S> the return type
    public static <U extends Unit<U>, S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U, S>> S instantiate(final double value, final U unit)
        return instantiateAnonymous(value, unit);

     * Instantiate the DoubleScalar with an SI value and add the displayUnit later. Rigid check on types by the compiler.
     * @param valueSI double; the SIvalue
     * @param displayUnit U; the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return S; an instantiated DoubleScalar with the SI value and the display unit
     * @param <U> the unit
     * @param <S> the return type
    public static <U extends Unit<U>, S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U, S>> S instantiateSI(final double valueSI,
            final U displayUnit)
        S result = instantiateAnonymous(valueSI, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Instantiate the DoubleScalar based on its unit. Loose check for types on the compiler. This allows the unit to be
     * specified as a Unit&lt;?&gt; type.<br>
     * <b>Note</b> that it is possible to make mistakes with anonymous units.
     * @param value double; the value
     * @param unit Unit&lt;?&gt;; the unit in which the value is expressed
     * @return S; an instantiated DoubleScalar with the value expressed in the unit
     * @param <S> the return type
    public static <S extends DoubleScalarInterface<?, S>> S instantiateAnonymous(final double value, final Unit<?> unit)
            Constructor<? extends DoubleScalarInterface<?, ?>> scalarConstructor = CACHE.get(unit);
            if (scalarConstructor == null)
                if (!unit.getClass().getSimpleName().endsWith("Unit"))
                    throw new ClassNotFoundException("Unit " + unit.getClass().getSimpleName()
                            + " name does noet end with 'Unit'. Cannot find corresponding scalar");
                Class<? extends DoubleScalarInterface<?, ?>> scalarClass;
                if (unit instanceof SIUnit)
                    scalarClass = SIScalar.class;
                    scalarClass = (Class<DoubleScalarInterface<?, ?>>) Class
                            .forName("org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar." + unit.getClass().getSimpleName().replace("Unit", ""));
                scalarConstructor = scalarClass.getDeclaredConstructor(double.class, unit.getClass());
                CACHE.put(unit, scalarConstructor);
            return (S) scalarConstructor.newInstance(value, unit);
        catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException
                | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException exception)
            throw new UnitRuntimeException("Cannot instantiate DoubleScalarInterface of unit " + unit.toString() + ". Reason: "
                    + exception.getMessage());

     * Add a Relative value to an Absolute value. Return a new instance of the value. The unit of the return value will be the
     * unit of the left argument.
     * @param left A, an absolute typed DoubleScalar; the left argument
     * @param right R, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right argument
     * @param <AU> Unit; the absolute unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <RU> Unit; the relative unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <R> the relative type
     * @param <A> the corresponding absolute type
     * @return A; an absolute typed DoubleScalar; the sum of the values as an Absolute value
    public static <AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU, RU>, RU extends Unit<RU>,
            R extends DoubleScalarInterface.RelWithAbs<AU, A, RU, R>,
            A extends DoubleScalarInterface.Abs<AU, A, RU, R>> A plus(final A left, final R right)

     * Add an Absolute value to a Relative value. Return a new instance of the value. The unit of the return value will be the
     * unit of the left argument.
     * @param left A, an absolute typed DoubleScalar; the left argument
     * @param right R, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right argument
     * @param <AU> Unit; the absolute unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <RU> Unit; the relative unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <R> the relative type
     * @param <A> the corresponding absolute type
     * @return A; an absolute typed DoubleScalar; the sum of the values as an Absolute value
    public static <AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU, RU>, RU extends Unit<RU>,
            R extends DoubleScalarInterface.RelWithAbs<AU, A, RU, R>,
            A extends DoubleScalarInterface.Abs<AU, A, RU, R>> A plus(final R left, final A right)

     * Add a Relative value to a Relative value. Return a new instance of the value. The unit of the return value will be the
     * unit of the left argument.
     * @param left R, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the left argument
     * @param right R, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right argument
     * @param <U> Unit; the unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <R> the relative type
     * @return R; a relative typed DoubleScalar; the sum of the values as a Relative value
    public static <U extends Unit<U>, R extends DoubleScalarInterface.Rel<U, R>> R plus(final R left, final R right)

     * Subtract a Relative value from an absolute value. Return a new instance of the value. The unit of the return value will
     * be the unit of the left argument.
     * @param left A, an absolute typed DoubleScalar; the left value
     * @param right R, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right value
     * @param <AU> Unit; the absolute unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <RU> Unit; the relative unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <R> the relative type
     * @param <A> the corresponding absolute type
     * @return A; an absolute typed DoubleScalar; the resulting value as an absolute value
    public static <AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU, RU>, RU extends Unit<RU>,
            R extends DoubleScalarInterface.RelWithAbs<AU, A, RU, R>,
            A extends DoubleScalarInterface.Abs<AU, A, RU, R>> A minus(final A left, final R right)
        return left.minus(right);

     * Subtract a relative value from a relative value. Return a new instance of the value. The unit of the value will be the
     * unit of the first argument.
     * @param left R, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the left value
     * @param right R, a relative typed DoubleScalar; the right value
     * @param <U> Unit; the unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <R> the relative type
     * @return R; a relative typed DoubleScalar; the resulting value as a relative value
    public static <U extends Unit<U>, R extends DoubleScalarInterface.Rel<U, R>> R minus(final R left, final R right)
        return left.minus(right);

     * Subtract two absolute values. Return a new instance of a relative value of the difference. The unit of the value will be
     * the unit of the first argument.
     * @param left A, an absolute typed DoubleScalar; value 1
     * @param right A, an absolute typed DoubleScalar; value 2
     * @param <AU> Unit; the absolute unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <RU> Unit; the relative unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <R> the relative type
     * @param <A> the corresponding absolute type
     * @return R; a relative typed DoubleScalar; the difference of the two absolute values as a relative value
    public static <AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU, RU>, RU extends Unit<RU>,
            R extends DoubleScalarInterface.RelWithAbs<AU, A, RU, R>,
            A extends DoubleScalarInterface.Abs<AU, A, RU, R>> R minus(final A left, final A right)
        return left.minus(right);

     * Multiply two values; the result is a new instance with a different (existing or generated) SI unit.
     * @param left DoubleScalarInterface.Rel&lt;?, ?&gt;; the left operand
     * @param right DoubleScalarInterface.Rel&lt;?, ?&gt;; the right operand
     * @return DoubleScalar.Rel&lt;SIUnit&gt;; the product of the two values
    public static SIScalar multiply(final DoubleScalarInterface.Rel<?, ?> left, final DoubleScalarInterface.Rel<?, ?> right)
        SIUnit targetUnit = Unit.lookupOrCreateUnitWithSIDimensions(left.getDisplayUnit().getQuantity().getSiDimensions()
        return new SIScalar(left.getSI() * right.getSI(), targetUnit);

     * Divide two values; the result is a new instance with a different (existing or generated) SI unit.
     * @param left DoubleScalarInterface.Rel&lt;?, ?&gt;; the left operand
     * @param right DoubleScalarInterface.Rel&lt;?, ?&gt;; the right operand
     * @return DoubleScalar.Rel&lt;SIUnit&gt;; the ratio of the two values
    public static SIScalar divide(final DoubleScalarInterface.Rel<?, ?> left, final DoubleScalarInterface.Rel<?, ?> right)
        SIUnit targetUnit = Unit.lookupOrCreateUnitWithSIDimensions(left.getDisplayUnit().getQuantity().getSiDimensions()
        return new SIScalar(left.getSI() / right.getSI(), targetUnit);

     * Interpolate between two values. Made to be able to call e.g., Area a = DoubleScalar.interpolate(a1, a2, 0.4);
     * @param zero R; the low value
     * @param one R; the high value
     * @param ratio double; the ratio between 0 and 1, inclusive
     * @param <U> Unit; the unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <R> the relative type
     * @return R; an Absolute Scalar at the <code>ratio</code> between <code>zero</code> and <code>one</code>
    public static <U extends Unit<U>, R extends DoubleScalarInterface.Rel<U, R>> R interpolate(final R zero, final R one,
            final double ratio)
        return zero.instantiateRel(zero.getInUnit() * (1 - ratio) + one.getInUnit(zero.getDisplayUnit()) * ratio,

     * Interpolate between two values. Made to be able to call e.g., Time t = DoubleScalar.interpolate(t1, t2, 0.4);
     * @param zero A; the low value
     * @param one A; the high value
     * @param ratio double; the ratio between 0 and 1, inclusive
     * @param <AU> Unit; the absolute unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <RU> Unit; the relative unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <R> the relative type
     * @param <A> the corresponding absolute type
     * @return R; a Relative Scalar at the <code>ratio</code> between <code>zero</code> and <code>one</code>
    public static <AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU, RU>, RU extends Unit<RU>,
            R extends DoubleScalarInterface.RelWithAbs<AU, A, RU, R>,
            A extends DoubleScalarInterface.Abs<AU, A, RU, R>> A interpolate(final A zero, final A one, final double ratio)
        return zero.instantiateAbs(zero.getInUnit() * (1 - ratio) + one.getInUnit(zero.getDisplayUnit()) * ratio,

     * Return the maximum value of two relative scalars.
     * @param r1 T; the first scalar
     * @param r2 T; the second scalar
     * @param <U> Unit; the unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <T> the argument and result type
     * @return T; the maximum value of two relative scalars
    public static <U extends Unit<U>, T extends DoubleScalarInterface<U, T>> T max(final T r1, final T r2)
        return ( ? r1 : r2;

     * Return the maximum value of more than two relative scalars.
     * @param r1 T; the first scalar
     * @param r2 T; the second scalar
     * @param rn T...; the other scalars
     * @param <U> Unit; the unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <T> the argument and result type
     * @return T; the maximum value of more than two relative scalars
    public static <U extends Unit<U>, T extends DoubleScalarInterface<U, T>> T max(final T r1, final T r2, final T... rn)
        T maxr = ( ? r1 : r2;
        for (T r : rn)
            if (
                maxr = r;
        return maxr;

     * Return the minimum value of two relative scalars.
     * @param r1 T; the first scalar
     * @param r2 T; the second scalar
     * @param <U> Unit; the unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <T> the argument and result type
     * @return T; the minimum value of two relative scalars
    public static <U extends Unit<U>, T extends DoubleScalarInterface<U, T>> T min(final T r1, final T r2)
        return ? r1 : r2;

     * Return the minimum value of more than two relative scalars.
     * @param r1 T; the first scalar
     * @param r2 T; the second scalar
     * @param rn T...; the other scalars
     * @param <U> Unit; the unit of the parameters and the result
     * @param <T> the argument and result type
     * @return T; the minimum value of more than two relative scalars
    public static <U extends Unit<U>, T extends DoubleScalarInterface<U, T>> T min(final T r1, final T r2, final T... rn)
        T minr = ? r1 : r2;
        for (T r : rn)
            if (
                minr = r;
        return minr;
