package org.djunits.value.vdouble.matrix;

import org.djunits.unit.AbsorbedDoseUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.AccelerationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.AmountOfSubstanceUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.AngleUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.AngularAccelerationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.AngularVelocityUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.AreaUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.CatalyticActivityUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.DensityUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.DimensionlessUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.ElectricalCapacitanceUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.ElectricalChargeUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.ElectricalConductanceUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.ElectricalCurrentUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.ElectricalInductanceUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.ElectricalPotentialUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.ElectricalResistanceUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.EnergyUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.EquivalentDoseUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.FlowMassUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.FlowVolumeUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.ForceUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.FrequencyUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.IlluminanceUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LengthUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LinearDensityUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LuminousFluxUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.LuminousIntensityUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.MagneticFluxDensityUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.MagneticFluxUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.MassUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.MomentumUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.PowerUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.PressureUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.RadioActivityUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.SIUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.SolidAngleUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.SpeedUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.TemperatureUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.TorqueUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.Unit;
import org.djunits.unit.VolumeUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.util.UnitRuntimeException;
import org.djunits.value.ValueRuntimeException;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.matrix.base.DoubleMatrixRel;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.SIScalar;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.vector.SIVector;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;

import jakarta.annotation.Generated;

 * Easy access methods for the generic Relative SI DoubleMatrix.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. <br>
 * All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">DJUNITS License</a>.
 * </p>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
@Generated(value = "org.djunits.generator.GenerateDJUNIT", date = "2023-07-23T14:06:38.224104100Z")
public class SIMatrix extends DoubleMatrixRel<SIUnit, SIScalar, SIVector, SIMatrix>
    /** */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20150901L;

     * Construct a new Relative Double SIMatrix on the basis of a data object.
     * @param data DoubleMatrixData; an internal data object
     * @param unit SIUnit; the unit
    public SIMatrix(final DoubleMatrixData data, final SIUnit unit)
        super(data, unit);

     * Construct a new Relative Double SIMatrix with a unit for the float values that will also be used for the displayUnit.
     * @param values double[][]; the values of the entries in the new Relative Double SIMatrix
     * @param unit SIUnit; the unit of the new Relative Double SIMatrix
     * @param storageType StorageType; the data type to use (e.g., DENSE or SPARSE)
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException when values is null
    public SIMatrix(final double[][] values, final SIUnit unit, final StorageType storageType) throws ValueRuntimeException
        this(DoubleMatrixData.instantiate(values, unit.getScale(), storageType), unit);

     * Construct a new Relative Double SIMatrix with a unit for the float values that will also be used for the displayUnit.
     * Assume the StorageType is DENSE since we offer the content as an array.
     * @param values double[][]; the values of the entries in the new Relative Double SIMatrix
     * @param unit SIUnit; the unit of the new Relative Double SIMatrix
     * @throws ValueRuntimeException when values is null
    public SIMatrix(final double[][] values, final SIUnit unit) throws ValueRuntimeException
        this(values, unit, StorageType.DENSE);

    public Class<SIScalar> getScalarClass()
        return SIScalar.class;

    public Class<SIVector> getVectorClass()
        return SIVector.class;

     * Returns an SIMatrix based on an array of values and the textual representation of the unit.
     * @param values double[][]; the values to use
     * @param unitString String; the textual representation of the unit
     * @param storageType StorageType; the storage type to use
     * @return SIMatrix; the matrix representation of the values in their unit
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the unit cannot be parsed or is incorrect
     * @throws NullPointerException when the unitString argument is null
    public static SIMatrix of(final double[][] values, final String unitString, final StorageType storageType)
        Throw.whenNull(values, "Error parsing SIMatrix: value is null");
        Throw.whenNull(unitString, "Error parsing SIMatrix: unitString is null");
        Throw.whenNull(storageType, "Error parsing SIMatrix: storageType is null");
            SIUnit unit = Unit.lookupOrCreateUnitWithSIDimensions(SIDimensions.of(unitString));
            if (unit != null)
                return new SIMatrix(values, unit, storageType);
        catch (Exception exception)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing SIUnit from " + unitString, exception);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing SIMatrix with unit " + unitString);

    public SIMatrix instantiateMatrix(final DoubleMatrixData dmd, final SIUnit unit)
        return new SIMatrix(dmd, unit);

    public SIVector instantiateVector(final DoubleVectorData dvd, final SIUnit unit)
        return new SIVector(dvd, unit);

    public SIScalar instantiateScalarSI(final double valueSI, final SIUnit unit)
        return new SIScalar(valueSI, unit);

    public String toString(final SIUnit displayUnit, final boolean verbose, final boolean withUnit)
        return super.toString(displayUnit, verbose, withUnit).replaceAll("!", "");

    /******************************** 'CAST AS' METHODS *******************************/

     * Return the current matrix as a absorbeddose matrix.
     * @return AbsorbedDoseMatrix; the current matrix as a absorbeddose matrix
    public final AbsorbedDoseMatrix asAbsorbedDose()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AbsorbedDoseMatrix", this.toString());
        return new AbsorbedDoseMatrix(, AbsorbedDoseUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a absorbeddose matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return AbsorbedDoseMatrix; the current matrix as a absorbeddose matrix
    public final AbsorbedDoseMatrix asAbsorbedDose(final AbsorbedDoseUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AbsorbedDoseMatrix", this.toString());
        AbsorbedDoseMatrix result = new AbsorbedDoseMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a acceleration matrix.
     * @return AccelerationMatrix; the current matrix as a acceleration matrix
    public final AccelerationMatrix asAcceleration()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AccelerationMatrix", this.toString());
        return new AccelerationMatrix(, AccelerationUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a acceleration matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return AccelerationMatrix; the current matrix as a acceleration matrix
    public final AccelerationMatrix asAcceleration(final AccelerationUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AccelerationMatrix", this.toString());
        AccelerationMatrix result = new AccelerationMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a amountofsubstance matrix.
     * @return AmountOfSubstanceMatrix; the current matrix as a amountofsubstance matrix
    public final AmountOfSubstanceMatrix asAmountOfSubstance()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AmountOfSubstanceMatrix", this.toString());
        return new AmountOfSubstanceMatrix(, AmountOfSubstanceUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a amountofsubstance matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return AmountOfSubstanceMatrix; the current matrix as a amountofsubstance matrix
    public final AmountOfSubstanceMatrix asAmountOfSubstance(final AmountOfSubstanceUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AmountOfSubstanceMatrix", this.toString());
        AmountOfSubstanceMatrix result = new AmountOfSubstanceMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a angularacceleration matrix.
     * @return AngularAccelerationMatrix; the current matrix as a angularacceleration matrix
    public final AngularAccelerationMatrix asAngularAcceleration()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AngularAccelerationMatrix", this.toString());
        return new AngularAccelerationMatrix(, AngularAccelerationUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a angularacceleration matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return AngularAccelerationMatrix; the current matrix as a angularacceleration matrix
    public final AngularAccelerationMatrix asAngularAcceleration(final AngularAccelerationUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AngularAccelerationMatrix", this.toString());
        AngularAccelerationMatrix result = new AngularAccelerationMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a angularvelocity matrix.
     * @return AngularVelocityMatrix; the current matrix as a angularvelocity matrix
    public final AngularVelocityMatrix asAngularVelocity()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AngularVelocityMatrix", this.toString());
        return new AngularVelocityMatrix(, AngularVelocityUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a angularvelocity matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return AngularVelocityMatrix; the current matrix as a angularvelocity matrix
    public final AngularVelocityMatrix asAngularVelocity(final AngularVelocityUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AngularVelocityMatrix", this.toString());
        AngularVelocityMatrix result = new AngularVelocityMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a area matrix.
     * @return AreaMatrix; the current matrix as a area matrix
    public final AreaMatrix asArea()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AreaMatrix", this.toString());
        return new AreaMatrix(, AreaUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a area matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return AreaMatrix; the current matrix as a area matrix
    public final AreaMatrix asArea(final AreaUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AreaMatrix", this.toString());
        AreaMatrix result = new AreaMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a catalyticactivity matrix.
     * @return CatalyticActivityMatrix; the current matrix as a catalyticactivity matrix
    public final CatalyticActivityMatrix asCatalyticActivity()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to CatalyticActivityMatrix", this.toString());
        return new CatalyticActivityMatrix(, CatalyticActivityUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a catalyticactivity matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return CatalyticActivityMatrix; the current matrix as a catalyticactivity matrix
    public final CatalyticActivityMatrix asCatalyticActivity(final CatalyticActivityUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to CatalyticActivityMatrix", this.toString());
        CatalyticActivityMatrix result = new CatalyticActivityMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a density matrix.
     * @return DensityMatrix; the current matrix as a density matrix
    public final DensityMatrix asDensity()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to DensityMatrix", this.toString());
        return new DensityMatrix(, DensityUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a density matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return DensityMatrix; the current matrix as a density matrix
    public final DensityMatrix asDensity(final DensityUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to DensityMatrix", this.toString());
        DensityMatrix result = new DensityMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a dimensionless matrix.
     * @return DimensionlessMatrix; the current matrix as a dimensionless matrix
    public final DimensionlessMatrix asDimensionless()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to DimensionlessMatrix", this.toString());
        return new DimensionlessMatrix(, DimensionlessUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a dimensionless matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return DimensionlessMatrix; the current matrix as a dimensionless matrix
    public final DimensionlessMatrix asDimensionless(final DimensionlessUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to DimensionlessMatrix", this.toString());
        DimensionlessMatrix result = new DimensionlessMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalcapacitance matrix.
     * @return ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalcapacitance matrix
    public final ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix asElectricalCapacitance()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix", this.toString());
        return new ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix(, ElectricalCapacitanceUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalcapacitance matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalcapacitance matrix
    public final ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix asElectricalCapacitance(final ElectricalCapacitanceUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix", this.toString());
        ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix result = new ElectricalCapacitanceMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalcharge matrix.
     * @return ElectricalChargeMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalcharge matrix
    public final ElectricalChargeMatrix asElectricalCharge()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalChargeMatrix", this.toString());
        return new ElectricalChargeMatrix(, ElectricalChargeUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalcharge matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return ElectricalChargeMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalcharge matrix
    public final ElectricalChargeMatrix asElectricalCharge(final ElectricalChargeUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalChargeMatrix", this.toString());
        ElectricalChargeMatrix result = new ElectricalChargeMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalconductance matrix.
     * @return ElectricalConductanceMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalconductance matrix
    public final ElectricalConductanceMatrix asElectricalConductance()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalConductanceMatrix", this.toString());
        return new ElectricalConductanceMatrix(, ElectricalConductanceUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalconductance matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return ElectricalConductanceMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalconductance matrix
    public final ElectricalConductanceMatrix asElectricalConductance(final ElectricalConductanceUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalConductanceMatrix", this.toString());
        ElectricalConductanceMatrix result = new ElectricalConductanceMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalcurrent matrix.
     * @return ElectricalCurrentMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalcurrent matrix
    public final ElectricalCurrentMatrix asElectricalCurrent()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalCurrentMatrix", this.toString());
        return new ElectricalCurrentMatrix(, ElectricalCurrentUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalcurrent matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return ElectricalCurrentMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalcurrent matrix
    public final ElectricalCurrentMatrix asElectricalCurrent(final ElectricalCurrentUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalCurrentMatrix", this.toString());
        ElectricalCurrentMatrix result = new ElectricalCurrentMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalinductance matrix.
     * @return ElectricalInductanceMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalinductance matrix
    public final ElectricalInductanceMatrix asElectricalInductance()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalInductanceMatrix", this.toString());
        return new ElectricalInductanceMatrix(, ElectricalInductanceUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalinductance matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return ElectricalInductanceMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalinductance matrix
    public final ElectricalInductanceMatrix asElectricalInductance(final ElectricalInductanceUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalInductanceMatrix", this.toString());
        ElectricalInductanceMatrix result = new ElectricalInductanceMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalpotential matrix.
     * @return ElectricalPotentialMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalpotential matrix
    public final ElectricalPotentialMatrix asElectricalPotential()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalPotentialMatrix", this.toString());
        return new ElectricalPotentialMatrix(, ElectricalPotentialUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalpotential matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return ElectricalPotentialMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalpotential matrix
    public final ElectricalPotentialMatrix asElectricalPotential(final ElectricalPotentialUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalPotentialMatrix", this.toString());
        ElectricalPotentialMatrix result = new ElectricalPotentialMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalresistance matrix.
     * @return ElectricalResistanceMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalresistance matrix
    public final ElectricalResistanceMatrix asElectricalResistance()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalResistanceMatrix", this.toString());
        return new ElectricalResistanceMatrix(, ElectricalResistanceUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a electricalresistance matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return ElectricalResistanceMatrix; the current matrix as a electricalresistance matrix
    public final ElectricalResistanceMatrix asElectricalResistance(final ElectricalResistanceUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ElectricalResistanceMatrix", this.toString());
        ElectricalResistanceMatrix result = new ElectricalResistanceMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a energy matrix.
     * @return EnergyMatrix; the current matrix as a energy matrix
    public final EnergyMatrix asEnergy()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to EnergyMatrix", this.toString());
        return new EnergyMatrix(, EnergyUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a energy matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return EnergyMatrix; the current matrix as a energy matrix
    public final EnergyMatrix asEnergy(final EnergyUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to EnergyMatrix", this.toString());
        EnergyMatrix result = new EnergyMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a equivalentdose matrix.
     * @return EquivalentDoseMatrix; the current matrix as a equivalentdose matrix
    public final EquivalentDoseMatrix asEquivalentDose()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to EquivalentDoseMatrix", this.toString());
        return new EquivalentDoseMatrix(, EquivalentDoseUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a equivalentdose matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return EquivalentDoseMatrix; the current matrix as a equivalentdose matrix
    public final EquivalentDoseMatrix asEquivalentDose(final EquivalentDoseUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to EquivalentDoseMatrix", this.toString());
        EquivalentDoseMatrix result = new EquivalentDoseMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a flowmass matrix.
     * @return FlowMassMatrix; the current matrix as a flowmass matrix
    public final FlowMassMatrix asFlowMass()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to FlowMassMatrix", this.toString());
        return new FlowMassMatrix(, FlowMassUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a flowmass matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return FlowMassMatrix; the current matrix as a flowmass matrix
    public final FlowMassMatrix asFlowMass(final FlowMassUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to FlowMassMatrix", this.toString());
        FlowMassMatrix result = new FlowMassMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a flowvolume matrix.
     * @return FlowVolumeMatrix; the current matrix as a flowvolume matrix
    public final FlowVolumeMatrix asFlowVolume()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to FlowVolumeMatrix", this.toString());
        return new FlowVolumeMatrix(, FlowVolumeUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a flowvolume matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return FlowVolumeMatrix; the current matrix as a flowvolume matrix
    public final FlowVolumeMatrix asFlowVolume(final FlowVolumeUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to FlowVolumeMatrix", this.toString());
        FlowVolumeMatrix result = new FlowVolumeMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a force matrix.
     * @return ForceMatrix; the current matrix as a force matrix
    public final ForceMatrix asForce()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ForceMatrix", this.toString());
        return new ForceMatrix(, ForceUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a force matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return ForceMatrix; the current matrix as a force matrix
    public final ForceMatrix asForce(final ForceUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to ForceMatrix", this.toString());
        ForceMatrix result = new ForceMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a frequency matrix.
     * @return FrequencyMatrix; the current matrix as a frequency matrix
    public final FrequencyMatrix asFrequency()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to FrequencyMatrix", this.toString());
        return new FrequencyMatrix(, FrequencyUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a frequency matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return FrequencyMatrix; the current matrix as a frequency matrix
    public final FrequencyMatrix asFrequency(final FrequencyUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to FrequencyMatrix", this.toString());
        FrequencyMatrix result = new FrequencyMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a illuminance matrix.
     * @return IlluminanceMatrix; the current matrix as a illuminance matrix
    public final IlluminanceMatrix asIlluminance()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to IlluminanceMatrix", this.toString());
        return new IlluminanceMatrix(, IlluminanceUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a illuminance matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return IlluminanceMatrix; the current matrix as a illuminance matrix
    public final IlluminanceMatrix asIlluminance(final IlluminanceUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to IlluminanceMatrix", this.toString());
        IlluminanceMatrix result = new IlluminanceMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a lineardensity matrix.
     * @return LinearDensityMatrix; the current matrix as a lineardensity matrix
    public final LinearDensityMatrix asLinearDensity()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to LinearDensityMatrix", this.toString());
        return new LinearDensityMatrix(, LinearDensityUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a lineardensity matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return LinearDensityMatrix; the current matrix as a lineardensity matrix
    public final LinearDensityMatrix asLinearDensity(final LinearDensityUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to LinearDensityMatrix", this.toString());
        LinearDensityMatrix result = new LinearDensityMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a luminousflux matrix.
     * @return LuminousFluxMatrix; the current matrix as a luminousflux matrix
    public final LuminousFluxMatrix asLuminousFlux()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to LuminousFluxMatrix", this.toString());
        return new LuminousFluxMatrix(, LuminousFluxUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a luminousflux matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return LuminousFluxMatrix; the current matrix as a luminousflux matrix
    public final LuminousFluxMatrix asLuminousFlux(final LuminousFluxUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to LuminousFluxMatrix", this.toString());
        LuminousFluxMatrix result = new LuminousFluxMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a luminousintensity matrix.
     * @return LuminousIntensityMatrix; the current matrix as a luminousintensity matrix
    public final LuminousIntensityMatrix asLuminousIntensity()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to LuminousIntensityMatrix", this.toString());
        return new LuminousIntensityMatrix(, LuminousIntensityUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a luminousintensity matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return LuminousIntensityMatrix; the current matrix as a luminousintensity matrix
    public final LuminousIntensityMatrix asLuminousIntensity(final LuminousIntensityUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to LuminousIntensityMatrix", this.toString());
        LuminousIntensityMatrix result = new LuminousIntensityMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a magneticfluxdensity matrix.
     * @return MagneticFluxDensityMatrix; the current matrix as a magneticfluxdensity matrix
    public final MagneticFluxDensityMatrix asMagneticFluxDensity()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to MagneticFluxDensityMatrix", this.toString());
        return new MagneticFluxDensityMatrix(, MagneticFluxDensityUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a magneticfluxdensity matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return MagneticFluxDensityMatrix; the current matrix as a magneticfluxdensity matrix
    public final MagneticFluxDensityMatrix asMagneticFluxDensity(final MagneticFluxDensityUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to MagneticFluxDensityMatrix", this.toString());
        MagneticFluxDensityMatrix result = new MagneticFluxDensityMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a magneticflux matrix.
     * @return MagneticFluxMatrix; the current matrix as a magneticflux matrix
    public final MagneticFluxMatrix asMagneticFlux()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to MagneticFluxMatrix", this.toString());
        return new MagneticFluxMatrix(, MagneticFluxUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a magneticflux matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return MagneticFluxMatrix; the current matrix as a magneticflux matrix
    public final MagneticFluxMatrix asMagneticFlux(final MagneticFluxUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to MagneticFluxMatrix", this.toString());
        MagneticFluxMatrix result = new MagneticFluxMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a mass matrix.
     * @return MassMatrix; the current matrix as a mass matrix
    public final MassMatrix asMass()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to MassMatrix", this.toString());
        return new MassMatrix(, MassUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a mass matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return MassMatrix; the current matrix as a mass matrix
    public final MassMatrix asMass(final MassUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to MassMatrix", this.toString());
        MassMatrix result = new MassMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a momentum matrix.
     * @return MomentumMatrix; the current matrix as a momentum matrix
    public final MomentumMatrix asMomentum()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to MomentumMatrix", this.toString());
        return new MomentumMatrix(, MomentumUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a momentum matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return MomentumMatrix; the current matrix as a momentum matrix
    public final MomentumMatrix asMomentum(final MomentumUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to MomentumMatrix", this.toString());
        MomentumMatrix result = new MomentumMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a power matrix.
     * @return PowerMatrix; the current matrix as a power matrix
    public final PowerMatrix asPower()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to PowerMatrix", this.toString());
        return new PowerMatrix(, PowerUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a power matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return PowerMatrix; the current matrix as a power matrix
    public final PowerMatrix asPower(final PowerUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to PowerMatrix", this.toString());
        PowerMatrix result = new PowerMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a pressure matrix.
     * @return PressureMatrix; the current matrix as a pressure matrix
    public final PressureMatrix asPressure()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to PressureMatrix", this.toString());
        return new PressureMatrix(, PressureUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a pressure matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return PressureMatrix; the current matrix as a pressure matrix
    public final PressureMatrix asPressure(final PressureUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to PressureMatrix", this.toString());
        PressureMatrix result = new PressureMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a radioactivity matrix.
     * @return RadioActivityMatrix; the current matrix as a radioactivity matrix
    public final RadioActivityMatrix asRadioActivity()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to RadioActivityMatrix", this.toString());
        return new RadioActivityMatrix(, RadioActivityUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a radioactivity matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return RadioActivityMatrix; the current matrix as a radioactivity matrix
    public final RadioActivityMatrix asRadioActivity(final RadioActivityUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to RadioActivityMatrix", this.toString());
        RadioActivityMatrix result = new RadioActivityMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a solidangle matrix.
     * @return SolidAngleMatrix; the current matrix as a solidangle matrix
    public final SolidAngleMatrix asSolidAngle()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to SolidAngleMatrix", this.toString());
        return new SolidAngleMatrix(, SolidAngleUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a solidangle matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return SolidAngleMatrix; the current matrix as a solidangle matrix
    public final SolidAngleMatrix asSolidAngle(final SolidAngleUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to SolidAngleMatrix", this.toString());
        SolidAngleMatrix result = new SolidAngleMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a speed matrix.
     * @return SpeedMatrix; the current matrix as a speed matrix
    public final SpeedMatrix asSpeed()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to SpeedMatrix", this.toString());
        return new SpeedMatrix(, SpeedUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a speed matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return SpeedMatrix; the current matrix as a speed matrix
    public final SpeedMatrix asSpeed(final SpeedUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to SpeedMatrix", this.toString());
        SpeedMatrix result = new SpeedMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a torque matrix.
     * @return TorqueMatrix; the current matrix as a torque matrix
    public final TorqueMatrix asTorque()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to TorqueMatrix", this.toString());
        return new TorqueMatrix(, TorqueUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a torque matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return TorqueMatrix; the current matrix as a torque matrix
    public final TorqueMatrix asTorque(final TorqueUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to TorqueMatrix", this.toString());
        TorqueMatrix result = new TorqueMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a volume matrix.
     * @return VolumeMatrix; the current matrix as a volume matrix
    public final VolumeMatrix asVolume()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to VolumeMatrix", this.toString());
        return new VolumeMatrix(, VolumeUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a volume matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return VolumeMatrix; the current matrix as a volume matrix
    public final VolumeMatrix asVolume(final VolumeUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to VolumeMatrix", this.toString());
        VolumeMatrix result = new VolumeMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a angle matrix.
     * @return AngleMatrix; the current matrix as a angle matrix
    public final AngleMatrix asAngle()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AngleMatrix", this.toString());
        return new AngleMatrix(, AngleUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a angle matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return AngleMatrix; the current matrix as a angle matrix
    public final AngleMatrix asAngle(final AngleUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to AngleMatrix", this.toString());
        AngleMatrix result = new AngleMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a length matrix.
     * @return LengthMatrix; the current matrix as a length matrix
    public final LengthMatrix asLength()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to LengthMatrix", this.toString());
        return new LengthMatrix(, LengthUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a length matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return LengthMatrix; the current matrix as a length matrix
    public final LengthMatrix asLength(final LengthUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to LengthMatrix", this.toString());
        LengthMatrix result = new LengthMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a temperature matrix.
     * @return TemperatureMatrix; the current matrix as a temperature matrix
    public final TemperatureMatrix asTemperature()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to TemperatureMatrix", this.toString());
        return new TemperatureMatrix(, TemperatureUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a temperature matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return TemperatureMatrix; the current matrix as a temperature matrix
    public final TemperatureMatrix asTemperature(final TemperatureUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to TemperatureMatrix", this.toString());
        TemperatureMatrix result = new TemperatureMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;

     * Return the current matrix as a duration matrix.
     * @return DurationMatrix; the current matrix as a duration matrix
    public final DurationMatrix asDuration()
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to DurationMatrix", this.toString());
        return new DurationMatrix(, DurationUnit.SI);

     * Return the current matrix as a duration matrix, and provide a display unit.
     * @param displayUnit the unit in which the value will be displayed
     * @return DurationMatrix; the current matrix as a duration matrix
    public final DurationMatrix asDuration(final DurationUnit displayUnit)
                UnitRuntimeException.class, "cannot cast %s to DurationMatrix", this.toString());
        DurationMatrix result = new DurationMatrix(, displayUnit.getStandardUnit());
        return result;
