Class AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs<AU extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<AU,​RU>,​A extends AbstractFloatScalarAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>,​RU extends Unit<RU>,​R extends AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs<AU,​A,​RU,​R>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs

        public AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs​(float value,
                                             RU unit)
        Construct a new Relative Immutable FloatScalar.
        value - float; the value of the new Relative Immutable FloatScalar
        unit - RU; the unit of the new Relative Immutable FloatScalar
      • AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs

        public AbstractFloatScalarRelWithAbs​(R value)
        Construct a new Relative Immutable FloatScalar from an existing Relative Immutable FloatScalar.
        value - R, a relative typed FloatScalar; the reference