Class DoubleMatrix

  • public final class DoubleMatrix
    extends Object
    DoubleMatrix utility methods, e.g., for creating DoubleMatrixs from different types of data.

    Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
    BSD-style license. See DJUNITS License.

    Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
    • Method Detail

      • instantiate

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiate​(double[][] valuesInUnit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U unit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   StorageType storageType)
        Instantiate the DoubleMatrix based on its unit. Rigid check on types for the compiler. The double array is of the form d[rows][columns] so each value can be found with d[row][column].
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit type
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the corresponding matrix type
        valuesInUnit - double[][]; the values in the given unit
        unit - U; the unit in which the values are expressed and displayed
        storageType - StorageType; whether the matrix is SPARSE or DENSE
        M; an instantiated DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit
      • instantiate

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiate​(double[][] valuesInUnit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U unit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   StorageType storageType,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Class<M> matrixClass)
        Instantiate the DoubleMatrix based on its unit. Rigid check on types for the compiler. The class for the matrix is explicitly provided, e.g., for user-defined matrix classes. The double array is of the form d[rows][columns] so each value can be found with d[row][column].
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit type
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the corresponding matrix type
        valuesInUnit - double[][]; the values in the given unit
        unit - U; the unit in which the values are expressed and displayed
        storageType - StorageType; whether the matrix is SPARSE or DENSE
        matrixClass - Class<M>; the class of the matrix to instantiate
        M; an instantiated DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit
      • instantiateSI

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiateSI​(double[][] valuesSI,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     U displayUnit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     StorageType storageType)
        Instantiate the DoubleMatrix based on its unit. Rigid check on types for the compiler. The double array is of the form d[rows][columns] so each value can be found with d[row][column].
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit type
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the corresponding matrix type
        valuesSI - double[][]; the values in the SI unit.
        displayUnit - U; the unit in which the values will be displayed
        storageType - StorageType; whether the matrix is SPARSE or DENSE
        M; an instantiated DoubleMatrix with the SI values and display unit
      • instantiateSI

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiateSI​(double[][] valuesSI,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     U displayUnit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     StorageType storageType,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Class<M> matrixClass)
        Instantiate the DoubleMatrix based on its unit. Rigid check on types for the compiler. The class for the matrix is explicitly provided, e.g., for user-defined matrix classes. The double array is of the form d[rows][columns] so each value can be found with d[row][column].
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit type
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the corresponding matrix type
        valuesSI - double[][]; the values in the SI unit
        displayUnit - U; the unit in which the values will be displayed
        storageType - StorageType; whether the matrix is SPARSE or DENSE
        matrixClass - Class<M>; the class of the matrix to instantiate
        M; an instantiated DoubleMatrix with the SI values and display unit
      • instantiate

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiate​(DoubleMatrixData values,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U unit)
        Instantiate the Mutable DoubleMatrix based on its unit. Rigid check on types for the compiler.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit type
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the corresponding matrix type
        values - DoubleMatrixData; the values
        unit - U; the unit in which the values are expressed
        M; an instantiated mutable DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit
      • instantiate

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiate​(DoubleMatrixData values,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U unit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Class<M> matrixClass)
        Instantiate the Mutable DoubleMatrix based on its unit. Rigid check on types for the compiler. The class for the matrix is explicitly provided, e.g., for user-defined matrix classes.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the matrix type
        values - DoubleMatrixData; the values
        unit - U; the unit in which the values are expressed
        matrixClass - Class<M>; the class of the matrix to instantiate
        M; an instantiated mutable DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit
      • instantiate

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiate​(S[][] values,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U displayUnit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   StorageType storageType)
        Construct a new Relative Immutable Double Matrix. Rigid check on types for the compiler. The scalar array is of the form s[rows][columns] so each value can be found with s[row][column].
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the matrix type
        values - S[][]; the values of the entries in the new Relative Immutable Double Matrix
        displayUnit - U; the unit in which the values will be displayed
        storageType - StorageType; the data type to use (e.g., DENSE or SPARSE)
        M; an instantiated mutable DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit
      • instantiate

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiate​(S[][] values,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U displayUnit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   StorageType storageType,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Class<M> matrixClass)
        Construct a new Relative Immutable Double Matrix. Rigid check on types for the compiler. The class for the matrix is explicitly provided, e.g., for user-defined matrix classes. The scalar array is of the form s[rows][columns] so each value can be found with s[row][column].
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the matrix type
        values - S[][]; the values of the entries in the new Relative Immutable Double Matrix
        displayUnit - U; the unit in which the values will be displayed
        storageType - StorageType; the data type to use (e.g., DENSE or SPARSE)
        matrixClass - Class<M>; the class of the matrix to instantiate
        M; an instantiated mutable DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit
      • instantiate

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiate​(Collection<DoubleSparseValue<U,​S>> values,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   int rows,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   int cols,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U displayUnit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   StorageType storageType)
        Construct a new Relative Immutable Double Matrix. Rigid check on types for the compiler.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the matrix type
        values - Collection<DoubleSparseValue<U, S>>; the (sparse [X, Y, SI]) values to store
        rows - int; the number of rows of the matrix
        cols - int; the number of columns of the matrix
        displayUnit - U; the unit in which the values will be displayed
        storageType - StorageType; the data type to use (e.g., DENSE or SPARSE)
        M; an instantiated mutable DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit
      • instantiate

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiate​(Collection<DoubleSparseValue<U,​S>> values,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   int rows,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   int cols,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   U displayUnit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   StorageType storageType,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Class<M> matrixClass)
        Construct a new Relative Immutable Double Matrix. Rigid check on types for the compiler. The class for the matrix is explicitly provided, e.g., for user-defined matrix classes.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit type
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the corresponding matrix type
        values - Collection<DoubleSparseValue<U, S>>; the (sparse [X, Y, SI]) values to store
        rows - int; the number of rows of the matrix
        cols - int; the number of columns of the matrix
        displayUnit - U; the unit in which the values will be displayed
        storageType - StorageType; the data type to use (e.g., DENSE or SPARSE)
        matrixClass - Class<M>; the class of the matrix to instantiate
        M; an instantiated mutable DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit
      • instantiateAnonymous

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiateAnonymous​(DoubleMatrixData values,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit<?> unit)
        Instantiate the Immutable DoubleMatrix based on its unit. Loose check for types on the compiler. This allows the unit to be specified as a Unit<?> type.
        Note that it is possible to make mistakes with anonymous units.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit type
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the corresponding matrix type
        values - DoubleMatrixData; the values
        unit - Unit<?>; the unit in which the values are expressed
        M; an instantiated DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit
      • instantiateAnonymous

        public static <U extends Unit<U>,​S extends DoubleScalarInterface<U,​S>,​V extends DoubleVectorInterface<U,​S,​V>,​M extends DoubleMatrixInterface<U,​S,​V,​M>> M instantiateAnonymous​(DoubleMatrixData values,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit<?> unit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Class<M> matrixClass)
        Instantiate the Immutable DoubleMatrix based on its unit. Loose check for types on the compiler. This allows the unit to be specified as a Unit<?> type. The class for the matrix is explicitly provided, e.g., for user-defined matrix classes.
        Note that it is possible to make mistakes with anonymous units.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit type
        S - the corresponding scalar type
        V - the corresponding vector type
        M - the corresponding matrix type
        values - DoubleMatrixData; the values
        unit - Unit<?>; the unit in which the values are expressed
        matrixClass - Class<M>; the class of the matrix to instantiate
        M; an instantiated DoubleMatrix with the values expressed in their unit