Class ValueRuntimeException

    • Constructor Detail

      • ValueRuntimeException

        public ValueRuntimeException()
        Construct a new ValueException using default values for all fields.
      • ValueRuntimeException

        public ValueRuntimeException​(String message)
        Construct a new ValueException with specified description.
        message - String; description of the problem
      • ValueRuntimeException

        public ValueRuntimeException​(Throwable cause)
        Construct a new ValueException with specified cause.
        cause - Throwable; the cause of this ValueException
      • ValueRuntimeException

        public ValueRuntimeException​(String message,
                                     Throwable cause)
        Construct a new ValueException with specified description and cause.
        message - String; description of the problem
        cause - Throwable; the cause of this ValueException
      • ValueRuntimeException

        public ValueRuntimeException​(String message,
                                     Throwable cause,
                                     boolean enableSuppression,
                                     boolean writableStackTrace)
        Construct a new ValueException specifying all fields.
        message - String; description of the problem
        cause - Throwable; the cause of this ValueException
        enableSuppression - boolean; whether or not suppression is enabled or disabled
        writableStackTrace - boolean; whether or not the stack trace should be writable