
package org.djunits.unit;

import static org.djunits.unit.unitsystem.UnitSystem.OTHER;

import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

import org.djunits.unit.unitsystem.UnitSystem;

 * Standard absolute time units. Note that when the offset of a stored absolute Time becomes large, precision of a float or
 * double might not be enough for the required resolution of a Time. A float has around 7 significant digits (23 bit mantissa),
 * whereas a double has around 16 significant digits (52 bit mantissa). This means that when we need to have a float time that
 * is precise to microseconds, the Time value should not go above 2^22 = 4.0E6. This is <b>not</b> enough to store Epoch values!
 * So feeding System.TimeInMillis() to a FloatTime with TimeUnit.BASE as its unit is not having the required precision. For a
 * (double) Time with TimeUnit.BASE as its unit, the largest value where the ms precision is reached is 2^51 = 2.3E15, which is
 * around 71000 years. This is sufficient to store a date on an Epoch level precise to a ms.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="http://djunits.org/docs/license.html">DJUNITS License</a>.
 * <p>
 * $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-02 19:06:46 +0100 (Sat, 02 Mar 2019) $, @version $Revision: 342 $, by $Author: averbraeck $,
 * initial version May 15, 2014 <br>
 * @author <a href="http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
public class TimeUnit extends AbsoluteLinearUnit<TimeUnit, DurationUnit>
    /** */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20140607L;

     * The base unit for time with an artifical "zero" point.
    public static final TimeUnit BASE;

     * The base unit for time with an artifical "zero" point with a calculation in seconds. Note that when the offset becomes
     * large, precision of a float or double might not be enough for the required resolution of a Time. A float has around 7
     * significant digits (23 bit mantissa), whereas a double has around 16 significant digits (52 bit mantissa). This means
     * that when we need to have a float time that is precise to microseconds, the Time value should not go above 2^22 = 4.0E6.
     * This is <b>not</b> enough to store Epoch values! So feeding System.TimeInMillis() to a FloatTime with TimeUnit.BASE as
     * its unit is not having the required precision. For a (double) Time with TimeUnit.BASE as its unit, the largest value
     * where the ms precision is reached is 2^51 = 2.3E15, which is around 71000 years. This is sufficient to store a date on an
     * Epoch level precise to a ms.
    public static final TimeUnit BASE_SECOND;

    /** The base unit for time with an artifical "zero" point with a calculation in microseconds. */
    public static final TimeUnit BASE_MICROSECOND;

    /** The base unit for time with an artifical "zero" point with a calculation in milliseconds. */
    public static final TimeUnit BASE_MILLISECOND;

    /** The base unit for time with an artifical "zero" point with a calculation in minutes. */
    public static final TimeUnit BASE_MINUTE;

    /** The base unit for time with an artifical "zero" point with a calculation in hours. */
    public static final TimeUnit BASE_HOUR;

    /** The base unit for time with an artifical "zero" point with a calculation in days. */
    public static final TimeUnit BASE_DAY;

    /** The base unit for time with an artifical "zero" point with a calculation in weeks. */
    public static final TimeUnit BASE_WEEK;

     * The POSIX and Gregorian Epoch: January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC with a calculation in seconds. The base should be taken in
     * such a way that a resolution of a millisecond is still 'visible' on a date in, say, 2020. When 1-1-1970 is used as the
     * origin, 1-1-2020 has a value of 1,577,836,800,000 milliseconds = 1.6E12 ms. If we want to be precise on the ms level, we
     * need 12 significant digits. A float has around 7 significant digits (23 bit mantissa), whereas a double has around 16
     * significant digits (52 bit mantissa). This means that a float time with an offset of 1-1-1970 is at best precise to a
     * minute level. A double time is precise to microseconds. Therefore, avoid using float times that use the EPOCH.
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH;

    /** The POSIX and Gregorian Epoch: January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC with a calculation in seconds. */
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH_SECOND;

    /** The POSIX and Gregorian Epoch: January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC with a calculation in microseconds. */
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH_MICROSECOND;

    /** The POSIX and Gregorian Epoch: January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC with a calculation in milliseconds. */
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH_MILLISECOND;

    /** The POSIX and Gregorian Epoch: January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC with a calculation in minutes. */
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH_MINUTE;

    /** The POSIX and Gregorian Epoch: January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC with a calculation in hours. */
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH_HOUR;

    /** The POSIX and Gregorian Epoch: January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC with a calculation in days. */
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH_DAY;

    /** The POSIX and Gregorian Epoch: January 1, 1970 at 00:00 UTC with a calculation in weeks. */
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH_WEEK;

     * The Epoch with 0001-01-01 AD at 00:00 as the origin with a calculation in seconds. When 1-1-0001 is used as the origin,
     * 1-1-2020 has a value of around 6.4E13 ms. If we want to be precise on the ms level, we need 13 significant digits. A
     * float has around 7 significant digits (23 bit mantissa), whereas a double has around 16 significant digits (52 bit
     * mantissa). This means that a float time with an offset of 1-1-0001 is at best precise to an hour level. A double time is
     * precise to microseconds. Therefore, avoid using float times that use the EPOCH_YEAR_1.
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH_YEAR_1;

     * The Epoch with J2000.0 as the origin, which is The Gregorian date January 1, 2000 at 12:00 GMT (noon) with a calculation
     * in seconds. When 1-1-2000 is used as the origin, 1-1-2020 has a value of around 6.3E11 ms. If we want to be precise on
     * the ms level, we need 11 significant digits. A float has around 7 significant digits (23 bit mantissa), whereas a double
     * has around 16 significant digits (52 bit mantissa). This means that a float time with an offset of 1-1-2000 is at best
     * precise to a minute level. A double time is precise to fractions of microseconds. Therefore, avoid using float times that
     * use the EPOCH_J2000_1.
    public static final TimeUnit EPOCH_J2000_1;

        BASE = new TimeUnit("TimeUnit.epoch.s", OTHER, 1.0, 0.0, DurationUnit.SECOND);
        EPOCH = BASE;
        EPOCH_MICROSECOND = new TimeUnit("TimeUnit.epoch.mus", OTHER, 1E-6, 0.0, DurationUnit.MICROSECOND);
        EPOCH_MILLISECOND = new TimeUnit("TimeUnit.epoch.ms", OTHER, 1E-3, 0.0, DurationUnit.MILLISECOND);
        EPOCH_MINUTE = new TimeUnit("TimeUnit.epoch.m", OTHER, 60.0, 0.0, DurationUnit.MINUTE);
        EPOCH_HOUR = new TimeUnit("TimeUnit.epoch.h", OTHER, 3600.0, 0.0, DurationUnit.HOUR);
        EPOCH_DAY = new TimeUnit("TimeUnit.epoch.d", OTHER, 3600 * 24.0, 0.0, DurationUnit.DAY);
        EPOCH_WEEK = new TimeUnit("TimeUnit.epoch.w", OTHER, 3600 * 24 * 7.0, 0.0, DurationUnit.WEEK);

        double seconds00010101 = new GregorianCalendar(1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0).getTimeInMillis() / 1000.0;
        EPOCH_YEAR_1 = new TimeUnit("TimeUnit.epoch_1", "TimeUnit.epoch_1", OTHER, 1.0, seconds00010101, DurationUnit.SECOND);

        double seconds20000101 = new GregorianCalendar(2000, 0, 1, 12, 0, 0).getTimeInMillis() / 1000.0;
        EPOCH_J2000_1 =
                new TimeUnit("TimeUnit.epoch_j2000", "TimeUnit.epoch_j2000", OTHER, 1.0, seconds20000101, DurationUnit.SECOND);

     * Build a TimeUnit with a scale factor and offset to the base TimeUnit.
     * @param abbreviationKey String; the key to the locale file for the abbreviation of the unit
     * @param unitSystem UnitSystem; the unit system, e.g. SI or Imperial
     * @param scaleFactor double; multiply a value in this unit by the factor to convert to the given reference unit
     * @param offset double; the offset to the reference unit to add to convert to the standard (e.g., BASE) unit
     * @param relativeUnit DurationUnit; the corresponding relative unit belonging to this absolute unit
    private TimeUnit(final String abbreviationKey, final UnitSystem unitSystem, final double scaleFactor, final double offset,
            final DurationUnit relativeUnit)
        super(abbreviationKey, unitSystem, scaleFactor, offset, relativeUnit);

     * Build a user-defined TimeUnit with a scale factor and offset to the base TimeUnit.
     * @param name String; the long name of the unit
     * @param abbreviation String; the abbreviation of the unit
     * @param unitSystem UnitSystem; the unit system, e.g. SI or Imperial
     * @param scaleFactor double; multiply a value in this unit by the factor to convert to the given reference unit
     * @param offset double; the offset to the reference unit to add to convert to the standard (e.g., BASE) unit
     * @param relativeUnit DurationUnit; the corresponding relative unit belonging to this absolute unit
    public TimeUnit(final String name, final String abbreviation, final UnitSystem unitSystem, final double scaleFactor,
            final double offset, final DurationUnit relativeUnit)
        super(name, abbreviation, unitSystem, scaleFactor, offset, relativeUnit);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final TimeUnit getStandardUnit()
        return BASE;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final String getSICoefficientsString()
        return "s";