All Packages

Package Summary
Locale related code for adapting representations and messages to different languages.
Base information about the quantities such as the SI dimensions.
Units for version 4 of DJUNITS.
Unit scales for DJUNITS.
The package contains classes that can work with and manipulate SI units and SI dimensions.
Classes for various unit systems, such as SI, SI-derived, Imperial.
Utility classes for the unit package.
Base classes for unit-based 0-d (Scalar), 1-d (Vector) and 2-d (Matrix) values.
Base value interfaces and classes, e.g.
Format values for display.
Generic interfaces and default implementations for Scalar, Vector and Matrix functions.
Generic definitions for data type storage, such as dense or sparse.
Generic utilities for all values (Scalar, Vector, Matrix).
Functions for double arguments.
Double Matrix storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative, sparse/dense.
Interfaces, abstract classes and utilities for DoubleMatrix.
Internal data storage for the Matrix.
Double Scalar storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative.Note: All code in this package is generated.
Interfaces, abstract classes and utilities for DoubleScalar.
Double Vector storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative, sparse/dense.
Interfaces, abstract classes and utilities for DoubleVector.
Internal data storage for the Vector.
Functions for float arguments.
Float Matrix storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative, sparse/dense.
Interfaces, abstract classes and utilities for FloatMatrix.
Float Scalar storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative.
Utilities, interfaces and abstract classes for FloatScalar.
Float Vector storage and calculations with units, absolute/relative, sparse/dense.
Interfaces, abstract classes and utilities for FloatVector.
Internal storage for the FloatVector.